Dear people of Bloggsville.Monday is not always a great day.But It is a day that I think ,for no particular reason , should be marked by a weekly poem.Thus I say to you, dear bretheren, indeed verilly I say unto thee ,why not join me in writing a poem at 7pm every Monday.Just whatever comes into your head.No forward thinking plotting or planning, keep thy minds as blank as they can be till the clock strike seven ,then write whatever in your head there may be.Unleash it, let it free. Don't guide it or question it, set it free for better or for worse and dare ye not under any circumstances rewrite it. Be sure and be finished by five past of the seven at the very latest.Here is mine to get the ball rolling.I hate rhyme, yet when push comes to shove see how the words rhymeth? Spooky.See you next week at 7pm, be there, or don't be there ,but if ye do be there then post your ponderings upon yer blog.Then let me know and I'll try and post a link to yer blog. I want to see if there is a Zeitgeist.Most of us don't like Mondays for most of us it's the first day back at work after the weekend.Will there be a common feeling around the world? Should a few people actually respond to this I will change the time to 7pm on a FRi or SAt night and see if there is any perceptible shift in mood.Thank you comrades.
So to recap, next Monday Aug 31 at 7 pm your time(or as near as possible) write or draw whatever comes into your head.You must spend only 5 minutes writing. Post the result on your blog, let me know you've had a go and I will post links to all the contributors on my blog. Thank you comrades, live long and prosper (but at nobody else's expense) :)
I should say it all
chinese whispers of truth
the version of the vision
I held so aloof
and would you call me friend
if you called me at all
in our virtual world
the king still conquers all
Passages of time lessen passages of remark
the scars are deeper down than the
flatness of the dark.
This is shite but yours may be good ,or not ,what have ye to lose?And it doesn't have to be a poem, just express how you feel
I'd call it gothically playful.
That's coz you is kind AS :) Will you join in, in words, or pictures, next week?
Passages of time lessen passages of
Not shite at all - if it is then I like shite! Can I post my poem at 7.30 please? (There's always one, isn't there!) We eat at 7 so I'll be a bit late.
Aaaagh! Commitment?
Are prose poems allowed?
Wow Willow is Wonderfull , you joining in next week ?? go on go on go on ya will ya will ya will,you'd be good at this!
Heather,dear Heather, I knew I could rely on you.7.30 will be fine and if words dry up make something wonderful out of felt!
And I know wonderful has one l but my spelling gets worse when I'm excitededed!
See for Heather I put one l but for Willow I put two l's, so that half proves that I did know or half proves that I didn't.
It's still only 5:46 here on the East coast of the U.S. I'll be back at 7:00 for a posting. Is that okay, Teach...or should I post it when it's 2:00 here. Let me know please. As a good student, I want to be sure my work is in on time... but which time? aarrrrggghhh!
Prose,prose poems,poems,rants, rambles, pictures,whatever you feel in the five minutes.I'll even give special dispensation for haiku (yeuuuchh!)if necessary.Don't worry commitment is only scary if you commit to it.In fact think of this exercise as a temorary involvement.
Well,Prof Jeanne, don't worry you have a whole week as it's not till next Monday.You must start(unprepared) at 7pm Connecticut time and finish by 7.05 Connecticut time. Thank you for joining in comrade ,this will help make it a global communal exercise.Out of the many billions of the world population we have an amazing 3 people so far.This thing is gathering pace like a snowball in hell.But still nil desperandum time is on our side, a week is a long time in blogsville :)
Got to clarify the rules here for me. The poem is to be written at 7pm on the Monday?
Yes, thanks Titus, 7 pm next Monday.You joining in? I hope so.I must redo the post because I think most of it is incomprehensible.Correct spelling punctuation grammar etc slow me down sooooo much I leave them out and then tis just gobbledygook. Woof, woof!
Well, I'm so excited about this assignment that I thought I'd give it a try. Yes, that's a pic of my harp, named Cecilia Rose, and me. Anyway, here's one just for practice:
I gather the strings
in a glorious cavalcade
a sweep of sweetness
filling the airspace
around me with
in chorus with
the tree toads
and crickets,
gentlemen of the night.
Ha! I thought we had to start tonight, so I gave it a try, even though I wasn't home at 7 pm. My attempt at 5 minute poetry is over at my blog.
I think this proves that you work very well under pressure... I'll be endeavouring to join you next week
I'm interested! ...haven't written a poem since I was a post-angsty college student...
Monday is the best day. 7 pm a perfect time (just before I pack up my computer to leave for home). Friday and Saturday evenings there's just too much going on.
Hey Jeanne, thats a cool pic,ye looks like an Irish collen in it.Lovely harp is it old? How did you learn? Beautiful name,I had a tin whistle called Timmy.Great pome,serene and dreamy.More please next Monday, prof.
Thanks ,Sandra Leigh,two great pomes in already! Don't forget to join in next Monday!
Thanks Mrs Niamh, you'll be relaxed and full of ideas after your award winning radio show.
Great to have you aboard NanU.feel free to write it when you get home ,if you like. Looking frward to reading it.
I remember when Fri an Sat nights were busy-Happy daze!
no, I'll write it on time. I think the 5-minute window is part of the charm of the exercise.
I feel poetry,I see poetry & I hear poetry in my life every day. But can I write poetry?? How do I capture that poetry? I don't want to make it any less beautiful by wrapping it my clumsy words! See - I'm already scared. Hold my hand?
Whats' happening in Consternation Street , Kat? Is Hilda Ogden dead yet? I met Anne Enright and asked if I could take her picture and she said yes and the computer lost it AAARRGGHH!You done the do or going to do the do? Do one next week too!
Sara, don't think, just do!There is a safety net, if you really don't like what you've written you don't have to post it.Have a go ,you might surprise yourself! :)There's nothing to lose.If you can feel it, see it hear it,then you're already half way to writing it.Don't even try to write 'poetry'I sometimes hate that word.Just write how you feel.
With the safety net there's no pressure. :)
stopping by from "turtle's" place to look about....
I'll try and remember to join in with this! Although 7pm GWT in Camelopardalis will probably be different from your time Zone.
I've got a poem moving around my neck at the moment - I've sneaked away to type it out, and then I might rap it!!! :) But I have had a little too much aniseed liqueur on my waffles.
Well I like your heap o' shite!! I'll have a go but it'll be worser than yours. I'll probably forget anyway. Head like a sieve! Glad you like the giraffe bench. Feel free to take a copy!
Hey, Kathryn M, welcome to me humble ablog, stay as long as you like. Love your e-zine by the way :)
Hey Ralph, there are not enough giraffes in poetry,it's time for change, welcome aboard!Camelopardalis time will be just fine. :)
Hello, BT, looking forward to your poem, sieve permitting!
Might try it.
You can't hate rhyme. You just can't! And anyway likes you.
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