WE have nothing to lose but our chains.
This weeks task is simple, only 10 minutes of your life is required.You must,when in the mood for writing, or as close to it as you'll be, listen to the piece of music below. have a drambuie or seven and a ham sandwich(or goats cheese),relax empty your brain, put on a pair of headphones and while listening to this piece of music write what you see, or at least what you hear in the 10 minutes as it unfolds.
Ps Don't look up or investigate the music prior to listening to it.
This weeks task is simple, only 10 minutes of your life is required.You must,when in the mood for writing, or as close to it as you'll be, listen to the piece of music below. have a drambuie or seven and a ham sandwich(or goats cheese),relax empty your brain, put on a pair of headphones and while listening to this piece of music write what you see, or at least what you hear in the 10 minutes as it unfolds.
Ps Don't look up or investigate the music prior to listening to it.
(And thanks to Dominic Rivron for introducing the piece to me via his blog- go look after the task.)
A last ditch alternative.Go for A if you possibly can.
Relax, blah blah, Ham sandwich, yadda yadda, Drambuie, then take 10 mins to look at yourself in the mirror.The colour of your eyes, the windows of your soul, every tiny blemish,the crows feet, the lines,the wrinkles, the facade, the public face, the private face. Look into yourself what do you see, who do you see, how many different people do you see in the mirror,how well do you know them, do you like any of them.Physician heal thyself, poet know yerself!
May the fluence be with you my friends.
TFE - do we polish once we've written it, or is it a one hit stream-of-consciousness job?
Titus, you can polish the table, you can polish your shoes, you can polish off a bottle of Drambuie, but under no circumstances put a cloth near your rough diamond.
This sounds like one of those tour bus trips up the mountain behind Cartagena -- the ones where you climb and climb and climb and there's only room for one vehicle on the two-way road and you keep passing places where people have planted crosses on what passes for a shoulder, to mark where their loved ones have gone over the side, and the driver seems to be having trouble with the gears.
What the hey? Sounds like fun. I'm in.
very happy to have an excuse to renew my drambuie stock. will be taking plan B, as my computer doesn't do sound. (what?! you say. what sort of lameoid junk keyboard box is that? well, it's the one the computing department deigns to allow me to use and in their infinite wisdom they have come up with a killer plan to get people to Not Goof Off at work: no sound. As if there were not 234,840,332 other ways of goofing off on the job. One of those being bitching about no sound on the computers.)
Ham sandwich is also an excellent idea. Will be having mine with cheese, in a baguette.
Message understood, O My Captain.
I'll be there with my back-of-the-envolope bus-ticket in hand.
Ooh , Sandra that's the journey for sure, hope we don't lose any poets along the way.still no pain no gain , n'est ce pas?
NanU Can't believe your computer has no sound, mine has no memory, ah well!I think you will find there are actually 234,840,333, ways of goofing off the job if you include hang gliding from the office window.Bagutte is delicious, plan B just dandy, good luck!
Captain? I think I like the sound of that Titus, or maybe 'venerable overlord' or 'all omnipotent goose egg' or 'stretchy fooplemeister' or' full wax cotton jacket'?
Jeanne, Meh!
Hey Argent, any folding money in d'envelope?
: (
Yes, yes, it's not Monday yet, but I'm going to be busy tomorrow making sure all the pears in Tescos point the same way in order to avert global catastrophe. My lump of snot-dribble is here.
Hey, the bus said it'd come early for me - you know, it has so far to go and I didn't want to miss it this week. So, I've skipped the booze and sarnies and I'm on board.
See you all tomorrow!
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