Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Well Bus Poets, what a trip! What, a trip?Mucho more exchellente and poetic poetry upstairs downstairs, all around town and beyond , far beyond the mysterious beyond.Twas dark, twas shiny, twas death in a bauble, everything you would expect it to be ,only less and much, much more.Music and song and dance and this and that and a bit of the other.Twas square rounded in a peg hole for sure.Jelly ice cream and worcestershire sauce and firelighters.Mamma! It was mia. Thank you all for everything you wrote.

We got a gud thang going, a real good thing going, where are we going? I don't know.Isn't that wonderful? I'm making it up as I go along.The plan is, there's no plan.Actually there really is , but I could be lying.

Thomas Hardy,what a good driver! Didn't crash, gave consideration to poet passengers and fellow internet highway travellers alike.Kept swearing and aggresive gesturing to a minimum, used his mirrors for shaving and before signalling, gave way to the right at roundabouts, braked smoothly, thought things while he was driving and wore a lovely top hat.He was delighted with the whip round you all had for him and is going to buy some venetian blinds in Ikea and a low mileage crash damaged(NSF wing-easy repair) 6 owner Ferrari Testarossa with the money.

I've been interviewing for next weeks driver and have a shortlist of five. Elvis Presley, Ian Paisley, Shirley Bassey, (Smokin') Joe Frazier and Brendan Behan. I'm holding holding a democratic election of Bus Driver here in THe People's Republic of EEjit on Thursday and the winner will be Brendan Behan.

As for the task,it's almost three am so I'll post it anon.


NanU said...

three am is the very bestest time of day for deciding on bus drivers. Just don't get the guy who does route 3 from Aubière at 8:17. That guy does NOT know how to brake without throwing people into each other. Or maybe that is his plan. Perhaps, but it doesn't work for me to get tossed into the lap of a frazzled woman with really nasty breath before I've even had my second coffee of the day. Thank goodness the french do not take their coffee to go, or there would be hell to pay on that bus.

Get us a good driver!
Who's this Behan guy?

Heather said...

I think we'd all be safer with Shirley Bassey!

Dominic Rivron said...

Why not Elvis Paisley?! The thought!!!... :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Glad it is going to be Behan - my goodness me, it is going to be quite a trip next week - hold on to your hat if you usually wear one.

Titus said...

Good on you TFE.
Though I'd have preferred Bassey as driver. Something in the way she moves.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Three am is magical NanU, a great time to look at the skies as well as deciding bus drivers.The 8.17 from Aubiere sounds very pleasant, precise and efficient, till the bus driver tries to kill his passengers with his over enthusiastic use of the brakes.

Brendan Behan was a full time drunk and part time writer, mainly famous for being Brendan behan.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Shirley Brassy will have to have a go , H.Could she drive in them stilettos though?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Dom ,or Elvis Paisley would make a great musical.I can hear him singing 'Orange suede shoes'

Totalfeckineejit said...

Behan does sing Kat, maybe they should be a double act, Bassey and Behan?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes Titus, could tell the minute she walked in the joint.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Everyone should wear a hat Weaver on this trip just so they could lose them