Wednesday, October 28, 2009


As the twisted metal of the Big Red Bus was pulled from the ditch TFE glanced a final glance over his shoulder then, his work here done, walked off into the sunset.

Feckin Einsten, couldn't resist a drink , started showing off to Shirley Brassy doing handbrake turns in the bus and fecked it into the ditch. It's a total write off. The anthology though lives on as I think the stuff written on The Poetry Bus merits a proper printed page.I know I'd like one anyways.Hope to see Padhraig Nolan soon and he will advise me how to go about this literary expedition.It will be a long and winding road I'm sure but Confuscius said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
I think he may have been a pilot.

Well BUS POETS in the words of hard man Wimbledon footballer Vinnie Jones...

'It's been emotional.'

Ps The Sunset, it's a grand little bar on Main Street.


ArtSparker said...

Sorry about the ditch...I await instructions on the anthology.

Sandra Leigh said...

It has been emotional, hasn't it? That's good, though. A little catharsis between friends is often just what the doctor ordered. Sorry about the bus. Does that mean I have to change the photo on my Bus posts?

Rachel Fox said...

Yeh but that time we were meant to be having a week off you changed your mind! So I don't completely trust you when you say it's all over...
Plus I'm sure some of us are so in the habit of this that we will just keep writing Monday Poems (whether you set us tasks or not).

Niamh B said...

Tis the end of an era TFE.

NanU said...

wha??? the busride is over?
I was just getting used to the funky suspension, and the way you kinda have to jerk the back door open.
A printed page will be cool, but it's a memory. My favorite place/book/poem/glass of wine is the next one.

Titus said...

Well done TFE, Lord knows I'll miss it but you did a grand job. It was a privilege to be riding with you, and the other passengers, for this long!

Rachel Fox said...

Plus...could we not have ended on a happier challenge?
Now I sound desperate.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Ooh, I knew I shouldn't have tried to prove Einstein wrong about his kiss theory. Mind if I slip into that Sunset, too? I'll be the woman sitting on the bar stool at the far end, going through Monday Poetry withdrawals, trying to explain Guinness Bubble Tea to the bartender.

Thanks for the great Monday adventure...Who knows? Maybe we'll all keep up the tradition anyway. Will be interesting to see. Best of luck on your travels to the Land of Padraig. Keep in touch with us, now....and take some great photos, you, The Wild Irish Guy! ;)

Heather said...

My daughter warned me about voting for Einstein as our driver, but she thought he'd lose his concentration by working out hard sums in his head - we didn't dream he'd drink and drive. Glad you were unhurt and hope the others are all safe too. I'm lucky that I was dropped off before the accident happened. I love that new photo on your header - that's what I call a beach - countryside right down to the sea - wonderful, wild and unspoilt.

Mad Aunt Bernard said...

I'm disgusted at Einstein, I thought the choice was a little unwise as he'd be doing hard sums instead of watching the road...but a drink driver? You can't trust these boffins, can you? And Shirley Bassey should have known better...
Is he going to pay for the damage, I wonder? Or will he retreat into a typical boffin excuse of eccentricity to get him out of the cack? A smack bottom is in order.

NanU said...

I'd be happy to drive the bus a couple of times, say the next two weeks (after that I'll be traveling), if we need a place to post the task and then links to all entries as they come in. It can't be an easy job to do all the time. You've been FABULOUS, TFEej.

With a partner I'd be happy to co-run a, if anyone's interested.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am bereft! My monday poem-brain has just nicely got into gear. Are you sure you can't resurrect that bus - even one of those little home-made trolleys using pram wheels, that we used to play with as kids - that would do.
Or failing that an old broken down pushchair. Oh TFE - you cannot just write off the bus like that'

Argent said...

No more bus? Noooo! Can't we get it fixed up? What about the insurance, those meerkats'll pay up won't they? Einstein would claim that the ditch crashed into the bus as it's all a matter of where the observer is placed. And to think I voted for him. Poetry space-hopper anyone?

Domestic Oub said...

Ah TFE, I feck off to the countryside for a few days and the bus crashes! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


Karen said...

I wish I'd discovered your tour before the last few legs of the journey! Even so, it was a great ride! I'm still trying to bribe Elvis to take me away. Cheeseburger, anyone?

Argent said...

I'll help drive da bus! Ok so -lm nearly blind but sure I cant't bust it any worse than it is right?

Long live da bus!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

A cheeseburger! Hows about a 'Cheeseburger in Paradise'? Jimmy Buffet style. Hey! He'd be a great pilot for Monday Poetry...albeit, one with sails would be more his style. We could all go sailing, couldn't we?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Instructos will be winging their way to you asap ,sparkey!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Catharsis is a great word, I likes it Sandra.Cathartic is even better.Rumplestiltskin is a cool one and I love saying Rimskykorsikov.Ok they're names, but still.Change ye nothing.

Totalfeckineejit said...

As bad habits go that's a good one Rachel!

Totalfeckineejit said...

And the end of a Bus,Niamh.

Totalfeckineejit said...

That is actually a really good point NanU, i likes to think that way,ya know that the best thing is still out there.Cool.

Totalfeckineejit said...
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Totalfeckineejit said...

The privilege was all mine Titus-and the bill for the diesel!

Totalfeckineejit said...

'Dan I'm desperate'
'I'm desperate Dan'

Whatever happened to Yosser Hughes?

Totalfeckineejit said...

So i was you, not Shirley Brassy! I shoulda known Jeanne.Judging by the state of the bus twas a proper kiss anyways!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Glad younlike the Header Heather (nice alliteration there)it is a beautiful beach and I canno remember where the feck it is!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey d'ya se that Auntie? Mother and daughter thinking alike about the sums.Also if you is my Aunty and Heather is your mother, what relationship is she to me?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Don't worry NanU Einstein and Jimmy The Butler have a hammer and a tin of red paint.It will be rebuilt like the six million dollar man.It will be The Poetry Bus-but not as we know it!?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Watch this space Weaver.One of the many TV programmes that you are fortunate enough not to have seen(probably)is Bob The Builder whose catch phrase/song is 'Can we fix it? Yes we can'
He was a great influence on Obama, he may yet be a great influence on the twisted remains of the bus known as Poetry.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Argent, that's exactly what the moustachioed brain box claimed,the bollix! Keep that space hopper parked up for now.

Totalfeckineejit said...

See D'oub ,turn yer back for five minutes....

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yeh Karen, and a deep fried Mars Bar! ( or Hershey bar stateside)

Wigeon said...

Oh Eeej - this is a disaster. Is it in the headlines cos it ought to be? It was my weekly distraction from the madness of my uni work. You've been great and here I was looking for the destructions for next Monday and .......HE's CRASHED. HE'S CRASHED. NO, NO, NO, or as my pals wee girl says noo noo. Its that Brassy woman - her voice is strong enough to blast anybodies attention away from what they're doing. I'm gutted and the repair bill .....or have the insurers declared it a write off?
I'm off for a reet auld greet into ma hankie.
Thank you so much Eej. It's been great to be on the last legs of the journey.

Batteson.Ind said...

I'm sorry we missed this weeks tour... things have been mad, it doesn't take much in the way of change to upset our artistic temperaments.. (snigger)
anyway, I'm not surprised Einstein crashed the bus. That's the thing with clever people, he might know what makes the universe eliptical, but has he the common sense to brake at a bend.. I think not!

Padhraig Nolan said...

Way to go out on top, TFE! No wasting away on substitute school runs down the rutted backroads for this aul' bus. That's the trouble with those genius drivers - so.... distracted! Now we can start tap, tap, tappin' away with the panel beaters - knock some new shape from the thing. Its been moving.

Dominic Rivron said...

Is this the end
Beautiful friend
Is this the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end?

Surely not.

(apologies to jim morrison)

Incidentally, I read today that Einstein said he thought of his theory of general relativity while riding his bike. I presume he was a better cyclist than he was a bus driver.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Katipoet, that's the second time catharsis has been mentioned.The Charabang will return but as bones or spock might say 'It's a Poetry Bus , Jim , bit not asw we know it.'

Live long and prosper Katikus.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Made front page news Wigeon.Next weeks destructions funny , ilikesit apposite too! Does that wee girly say 'Och Aye the Noo?'

Totalfeckineejit said...

I'd say things is always a leetle bit mad down your way Uiscekateens :) Proper order! says I.And Yes ye have the egghead in a nutshell.Boom Boom!

Totalfeckineejit said...

'It's been moving' Ha ha likes it Padhraig.And yes the poor auld bus is spared all ignominy, an honourable demise in the ditch wheels spinning 'neath the stars.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Great song, Dom.I had it on my dearly missed mucho lamented ex playlist.
Bathtubs (Eureka!)apple trees (Newton) Bicycles (Einstein)Clever Bastards never stop thinking, do they?