Sunday, October 25, 2009


ANd the winner is....... drum roll.............Protracted, baited breath, more drum roll..... more heightened anticipation, drum roll, cheese roll, arctic roll, we're on a roll, what is poetry's role in society? More even longer build up of excitement...EINSTEIN!!!!!!!!! HUZZAH! We have Uncle Albert as Poetry Bus driver this week.

Perhaps the finest mind and funniest moustache of the last century. Albert(acording to The Guiney's Book of Bollix) was the eldest in a family of five, The Steins, a German family of woodcutters living in The Back forest.Their mother was a fine cook and pastry chef, she invented a chocolatey, creamy concoction of a pudding that gained worldwide acclaim as Black Forest Gateaux.The Stein family nicknamed Albert ' Eine ' Stein due to the fact that he would be roaring drunk after one beer. This nickname stuck till he was simply known as Einstein.His older brother was known as Drei Stein and the youngest, the alcoholic of the family Zwolf Stein. They never mention the black sheep of the family Frank. N. Stein who dabbled with lightning powered experiments and crochet.

Anyway he is a popular choice so I thank you for your votes and feel confident that Albert will be a safe and entertaining driver. All aboard now, Bus Poets , The Poetry Bus is heading out across the horizon blazing the darkness like a shooting star.

Here's mine, show me yours! I didn't know what the music was or it's title so I was surprised when the words matched a bit and gave me the idea for the exercise.Thanks again to Dominic Rivron for posting the music originally.


It’s in the trees
The one note of a million cries
The darkness comes louder drowns them
Panics them a million Beckettt mouths menacing
Heartbeat silence edgy nervous alert waiting
Madame Guillotine at the top of her game
Ready to fall
Then ants crawling a lizard licking cold blood pumping
Storm clouds gather blacken the darkness
It’s a warning drops of rain splat off-key
Here and there random wet foreboding
The voices now almost human cries of NO! NO! NO! NO!

Crescendo bees swarming flies wasps locusts eating all before them
The deafening jaws of all before me
Recede retreat to silence, open
mouthed in terror of more.

First aboard is....





Rachel Fox

Wild Somerset Child


Sandra Leigh

Prof. Jeanne no patience Lakatos :)



Dominic Rivron

P Nolan


Emerging Writer





Heather said...

Wonderful poem - the stuff of nightmares. After reading the first part of your post - are you sure we aren't related? You are every bit as daft as most of my offspring!! Inspite of your dark and heartrending poem, I'm still chuckling about the Stein family. See you on the bus tomorrow.

ArtSparker said...

Thanks for the educational post. Who knew?

Rachel Fox said...

Your 'one note of a million cries' is very good. Good title for something too.

My piece is up just now too.

Wigeon said...

Whooppee - good old Al won then! I knew he was the guy to back.

Very interesting poem from you and I especially like: 'Panics them a million Beckettt mouths menacing'

So now I won't have to investigate to see what it's all about. I assume your title was the subject of the music?
Thanks to Dominic for this one - I found it a really absorbing 10 minute pen-pushing challenge.

Anonymous said...

I am still not properly aboard yet, more like taking a flying leao as the bus pulls away without me. But I have posted my Monday poem ahead of time, for I have been away and have an early start tomorrow but experienced various poetry happenings whilst we were away. Please remind me how I post my Poetry Bus ramblings and then I won't clutter your comments section. Meanwhile, this is where you will find me:

Titus said...

Aargh. This was my bloody nightmare. I can't listen to music that hasn't got any words! I'm plebian! I like heavy metal!

Anyway, I'm done, it's up, although I'm regretting posting it already.

Emerging Writer said...


I'm on board (the driver gave me a funny look)

Tess Kincaid said...

I, too, liked the "a million Beckett mouths" bit. I've visited the Hiroshima Memorial and you've pretty much summed it up. Horrific.

(loved the Steins)

Sandra Leigh said...

Okay, okay! Geez, but I'm anal. I keep stomping my foot and saying dammit it isn't Monday yet Bring That Bus Back! But a lot of good it does me. So I went ahead and posted my entry just now, on Sunday afternoon - though I suppose it's just about Monday now in Ireland, no? I haven't read your poem (or anybody's) yet, because I didn't want to hear any voices in my head except the composer's - so now I'm going to go back and read.

That was hard, TFE. I'm sitting in a coffee house to listen and write, and I'm sure I've been getting some strange looks, what with all the muttering and sighing I've been doing.

Oh, by the way, I went with carrot cake and an Americano.

Sandra Leigh said...

Your 'million Beckett mouths' got to me, too. This whole experience has me wanting to hear more of this composer's work. He writes from the pit of his stomach, and it is impossible not to be moved by his music. Thanks for the assignment, Fearless Leader.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Yay! I'll be sitting at the front of this bus with my Albert in the driver's seat. Which path will we take? It's all relative! Who knows? Maybe we'll even ride the sound waves of those wretched, screeching violins...
Okay, my post is posted....raw, as you requested, Sir.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Oh... TFE, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your poetic response to this noise. Impressive with a capital I.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Yankees won!! Albert Einstein won!! What a night!

Your new photo finally appeared on my screen...beautiful!!! TFE's artistic prowess wins!!!!!

wv: faimmose: It's an honor to know the faimmose TFE!

Niamh B said...

That last stanza of yours is a powerful image.

Mine's done now - think I saw too many Catherine Deneuve films...

The Weaver of Grass said...

Posted mine at 9.42 - shall come back later and read your poem.

NanU said...

That's some powerful stuff there. You're shaking me, drawing me into your chaos. Definitely more scary than looking in the mirror. In a way I'm glad to have taken the easy route, avoiding the nightmares.

Padhraig Nolan said...

cough.splutter.hack. here's mine;

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

And I have another blog, Sir. (with a beautiful, deleted clip, Clair de Lune, posted from Disney's Fantasia that you may enjoy!)
You may copy and paste this:

You're lucky you've earned extra credit by placing my candidate as the busdriver. Otherwise, I would have had you stay after school and write 100 times:

As long as there is breath in my damaged lungs, a pulse coursing through my veins and a smile upon my face, I will remember to post the blogs entitled, "Theory of Iconic Realism" and "Revolutionary Revelry"

Thank you, kindly! : ) xoxo

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes TFE - wonderful stuff your poem - it tells the music so well.

Please, please, please can we have something really, really jolly for next week - all this deep dark stuff is beginning to get me down.

swiss said...

i had so many plans for the second bit but after the music task it was all i could do not to jump off a building!

something cheerier next week i think....?

swiss said...

i like the beckett mouths, no idea what you're on about but i keep mulling them over in head

Karen said...

Oh, EEj! I have a problem. I can't post a new poem until I have at least 20 comments on the current one. It's a weird superstition thing I've got going. So unless Elvis and Albert get busy in the next few hours, I'm going to miss the bus! I do have my poem ready, such as it is...and it's still Monday here for another 6 and 1/2 hours, so if my blogging friends get busy, I'll be a late arrival! Meanwhile, I can visit the other riders.

Heather said...

I couldn't cope with plan A so opted for your alternative, and have just posted it. I'm probably the only one who chickened out.

Argent said...

I'm in there with the "Beckett mouths" crowd. You definitely nailed that wayward music down with your words.

Karen said...

Thanks to the TFE (am I seeing double?), I'm on the bus. Elvis took me on a detour to Graceland, but we're both back to see Uncle Al and the rest of my blogging friends!

Karen said...

TFE - Your poem is so appropriate for this most disturbing music! These lines, especially strike me as apt:

"Panics them a million Beckettt mouths menacing
Heartbeat silence edgy nervous alert waiting
Madame Guillotine at the top of her game
Ready to fall" and

"The deafening jaws of all before me
Recede retreat to silence, open
mouthed in terror of more."

Isn't it interesting that without knowing even the title you sensed the terror and horror of the deed? That's what art can do.

Karen said...

Can you link me still? Oh, please, oh, please?

Titus said...

TFE: loved yours. First six lines astonishing; truly, a nightmarish vision.
Thanks for the Challenge and the work, striking differences this week from what emerged (or crawled) from the prompt, but some striking similarities too.
Art for Art's sake, can we have the money now, for God's sake?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Heather, yes we are related, I forgot to tell you.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Nobody knew ,Sparkey,it's a world exclusive.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Tancxzs Rachel

Totalfeckineejit said...

TankxzWigeon, clearly I need to keep this line at least.

Totalfeckineejit said...

We have you aboard Wild child, there's no fear of ye!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Has heavy metalgot words ,Titus! ;)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Don't mind Albert, he looks like that at everyone EW.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Another vote for Beckett,tankjxz Willow.Interesting visit you made there.

Totalfeckineejit said...

TangxzSandra(more Becko)I'd love a coffee and a carrot cake.Delishiuouse!

Totalfeckineejit said...

It's all relative! Boom boom! Nice one Prof!(Jeanne)

Totalfeckineejit said...


Totalfeckineejit said...

You can never see too many Catherine Deneuve films ,Mrs N.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Make sure you do Weaver-I'll be waiting!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Depends what's in the mirror Nanu.I avoid them like a vampire these days!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Phew, will do prof.Glad I missed those hundred lines.

Totalfeckineejit said...

I hope that's not contagious there Padhraig, sounds nasty.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Karen, have no fear the EEjit that is total is here.I will fix this dilema for you in the twinkle of a bloodshot eye.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Tankjxs Weaver. Light upbeat jolly,what is the meaning of these things?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Don't do it Swiss!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Au contraire my dear Heather , tis you who is the one that is the brave one that is not the chicken one isn't it is, yes!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Argent you is in with the 'in' crowd.Like Bryan fast ferry

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Kat sounds like you need a Katnap!!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Elvis and Al, what a team! And tanks fer your good words, Karen.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Cloudbusting? I think you are right Kat, I always found that scary.Isn't it from the Quartermass experiment or sumptin?
Glad you found the missing link

Batteson.Ind said...

"The deafening jaws of all before me
Recede retreat to silence, open
mouthed in terror of more"

That's my fave!... really like how this is quite an ominous thing, it reminded me of the Kate bush song, the one about the machine that kills people with sound.. I think..