Friday, July 31, 2009

Shoulda waited for the fat lady to sing

One step forward, two steps back ,keep moving. Medical blog ,stardate mono-time , cusp of August, twenty -ten. Feelin worse, chest infection,anti biotics, but not a sniff of in demand country and western star Tammy Flew. Black market supplies anybody???
Watch this space, Mr Spock, and tell bones to get his arse into gear, pronto!


Unknown said...

Geez, best wishes to you. Wouldn't you rather have Dr Beverly Crusher than Bones, tho?

Dominic Rivron said...

Keep warm and take it easy. Hope you get on top of it soon!

(I'm no expert and there's all sorts of info flying about, but I read you need to take tamiflu with 48 hours of the symptoms starting).

Heather said...

Keep taking the tablets and keep out of the wet. Hope you feel better soon.

ArtSparker said...

Rats. Just try to keep cocooned, then?

steven said...

it ain't done 'till it's done i guess. hang in their boyo. steven

Niamh B said...

Lotsa Hot Whiskey

Tess Kincaid said...

Yep, it's not over 'til the fat lady sings. Sorry to hear you're still feeling bad. Take it easy and be well soon!

Sara said...

You sure it ain't just man flu?! Only joking, had it myself so you have my sympathies. Get well soon.