Put the message in a box ,put the box into the car,drive the car around the world, till you get heard..........
Man and superman (see http://totalfeckineejit.blogspot.com/2009/07/man-and-superman.html )the postmodernist ikeaesque non -iron ironic icons have landed safely under a kitchen table in Waterford.Literally narrowly escaping the jaws of death.They are then booked to fly to Dublin,England,Gran Canaria,California,Connecticut and Canada.If you would like to be part of history in the making and included as a venue for their world tour, please leave a comment in the comments box.Mucho, plentivo Tanxio comrades.
Ps All me bloggy followers have fecked off from me sidebar,I hope they come back.Wot's going on dudes? I blame WB meself.
Hope your bloggy followers feck back onto your sidebar PDQ. These computers have minds of their own - mine often does things all on it's own, quite without my participation or permission.
Followers will come back I thinke - another blogger was panicking yesterday and I believe his have come back.
can't see our mega fans either!.. and t'internet is being a pain in the ass ...we will be making an extra special post involving the assemblage on Sunday :-) I can't wait!
Thanks Heather, I think they have all mutinied or are hiding round the back having a laff.Computers? Yeuch,nasty! :)
Hello ArtSparker,hopefully they will I is feelin lonely :)
Same problem Watercats? Thanks for being the first on the moving statues superman tour, looking forward to the sunday post :)
Hey Kat Definitely invite your friends not watches ;) And you is numero uno in Canadadadadada.Mantelpiece for masterpiece? Perfectio! Thank ye kindly ,Katto. :)
Hi TFE: We're here. & I see other smiling faces on your side panel now, too. Good to know Blogger is up to some tricks. Perhaps Man & Superman could take a swing out Idaho way--they might find a place in the garden, for instints.
Oh, then when sending it across the pondo, please send it here to Connecticut first, so we can get our eyes on the eyeball before it melts in Canada, eh?
wv: supedie: This tour will be a supedie experience for all, I'm sure of it. ; )
You're still on the "reading list" as a blog I follow on my blog's dashboard, so I'd assume all your followers are still following.
(I'd just try going to "edit layout" and re-enstating the widget thingy if it isn't there).
We're HIDING!!
Hey, John, Idaho ? Way to go! Thanks ,delighted :)
A supedei experience for sure.See Man/Superman and die.Don't worry ,eyeball is melt proof, thorn proof, tear proof, bomb proof, 70% proof.The real proof of the pudding is in the detail, not the eating. :)
Thats good to know,Dominic.And I must try that solution.Thanks for all your blog/compu expertise. :)
STOP that Weevil,right now, or ELSE!Ya've been warned.
I had the same problem with my followers widget this past week. I can see yours fine, btw.
I ended up having to take IE8 off my hardward and restoring IE7. That did the trick. My followers have returned!
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