Seems summer's lease hath much too short a date over there TFE. Have great difficulty in getting your blog to move - it seems to jam up when I get on it. It has taken me ages (well 5 minutes) to get to the comments page. Perhaps it has gone rusty with all the rain you are having!
Thanks ,Jeanne, sometimes I rock ,sometimes I roll, but mainly I just fall over :)
Apologies for Gremlins, weaver, I fear the dead poets society are upset.Too, too much rain forsooth and yikes alas poor summer he is not well, in fact he's dead as a parott.Face it weaver summer is nowt but a misty eyed reminiscence of days gone by, ah well, tis better to have had a summer and then lost it than to have never have something or other,I can't remember.
Very well put and oh so true TFE. It's hammering down here at present, the only good thing being I won't have to water the plants in pots tonight. Never mind, it's what gives us our lovely green pastures and clear complexions. I have had trouble with your blog too, and so has MAB. Is there a leprechaun gumming up the works?
Ooooooo! You Do know how to make a girl go week at the knees. You smooth talking devil, you. With lines like this, one might be tempted to remark "I don't know what strange substances are available in Ireland, but he sonnet".
I have also had trouble with loading your blog sometimes - particularly those posts with larger photo's. But this one's been fine and, well, it's worth the wait!
Thanks, Heather, the weather(nice rhyme there!) was unreal today like being in a ship on trecherous seas with the rain pounding in bucketfulls on the windows.Hope your plant pots don't drown and apologies for bloggy gremlins/leprechauns, I'm sure WB and Co. are getting revenge.
I keep forgetting to say how much I like the photo you have for your header. I love country roads/lanes with grass growing up the middle. I always want to know where they lead.
More gremlins Weevil,wonder how I can fix them? Sonnet/on it,like it,oh, you clever weevil ye.As for weak at the kness my speciality is a pint of Buckfast and cider, works every time :)
Thanks Heather, glad ye likes it.That particular road leads down to Lough Mask in Co. Mayo.A lough into which I fell and almost drowned days later-I have at least one fall/accident per holiday :)
The fact that it is half-time in the Munster final and my beloved Tipperary hurlers are winning and yet I is blogging is testament to thew seriousness of my blogging addiction. But still I gotta be brief.
Yes , Dave, it all , thank you kind man :)
Watercats I think you've mixed up your toes is ? Thank ye.
Willow ,giggles are given freely and glady ,thank you but the second half is about to begin, please God Tip will doit Up the Premier County Tip Tipp Tipp Tipp Tipp!!!!!
Hi , Jeanne,you are doing great work collating all these word veros,I'm looking forward to the complete computer speak dictionary,then we can see if these machines are talking:) Go Tipp! Go Tipp! Go Tipp! Semi final next, a great team in the making, maybe not quite there yet(Kilkenny level) but still and hey who knows on a good day they are the one team that might just skin those cats.the futures bright the future's blue and gold! Rain, yes Jeanne, better than drought,you are right of course,truly.Not sure that is a deer Jeanne! Jeanne ? Can you hear me ? Jeanne.....?
Hey, Colleen,Bienvenu, wilkommen,failte, welkime,woolaxomz, wiellacromby,vellsabidt,stunkapudzaspilt, biertywasafecker, koweniznabetter,obamaizanicer,danabush,welcome to my humble ablog The original shakespeare? Nah, don't bother, it's nowhere near as good as mine.Thanks for commenting, come back soon now, ya hear?
omg! sooooo funny! As the Weaver stated, "You're on a roll" here.
new wv:
"Kworuce!" Italian know.
Seems summer's lease hath much too short a date over there TFE.
Have great difficulty in getting your blog to move - it seems to jam up when I get on it. It has taken me ages (well 5 minutes) to get to the comments page. Perhaps it has gone rusty with all the rain you are having!
Thanks ,Jeanne, sometimes I rock ,sometimes I roll, but mainly I just fall over :)
Apologies for Gremlins, weaver, I fear the dead poets society are upset.Too, too much rain forsooth and yikes alas poor summer he is not well, in fact he's dead as a parott.Face it weaver summer is nowt but a misty eyed reminiscence of days gone by, ah well, tis better to have had a summer and then lost it than to have never have something or other,I can't remember.
Very well put and oh so true TFE. It's hammering down here at present, the only good thing being I won't have to water the plants in pots tonight. Never mind, it's what gives us our lovely green pastures and clear complexions. I have had trouble with your blog too, and so has MAB. Is there a leprechaun gumming up the works?
Ooooooo! You Do know how to make a girl go week at the knees. You smooth talking devil, you. With lines like this, one might be tempted to remark "I don't know what strange substances are available in Ireland, but he sonnet".
I have also had trouble with loading your blog sometimes - particularly those posts with larger photo's. But this one's been fine and, well, it's worth the wait!
Power to you oojamiflipsit.
Thanks, Heather, the weather(nice rhyme there!) was unreal today like being in a ship on trecherous seas with the rain pounding in bucketfulls on the windows.Hope your plant pots don't drown and apologies for bloggy gremlins/leprechauns, I'm sure WB and Co. are getting revenge.
I keep forgetting to say how much I like the photo you have for your header. I love country roads/lanes with grass growing up the middle. I always want to know where they lead.
More gremlins Weevil,wonder how I can fix them? Sonnet/on it,like it,oh, you clever weevil ye.As for weak at the kness my speciality is a pint of Buckfast and cider, works every time :)
Thanks Heather, glad ye likes it.That particular road leads down to Lough Mask in Co. Mayo.A lough into which I fell and almost drowned days later-I have at least one fall/accident per holiday :)
Says it all, though, doesn't it?
ahhh.. and the sweet sweet smell of myximatosis (sp?) rabbits in the ditch........
Hey, this is really a nice photo. Funny take on the Shakespeare. Thanks for the giggles.
The fact that it is half-time in the Munster final and my beloved Tipperary hurlers are winning and yet I is blogging is testament to thew seriousness of my blogging addiction. But still I gotta be brief.
Yes , Dave, it all , thank you kind man :)
Watercats I think you've mixed up your toes is ? Thank ye.
Willow ,giggles are given freely and glady ,thank you but the second half is about to begin, please God Tip will doit Up the Premier County Tip Tipp Tipp Tipp Tipp!!!!!
Tipp won by 4 points!1 Bring on the cats-again,we're feeling HUNGRY!!
Worse summer ever , Kat, and we've had some really bad one's.Oceans of rain fell yesterday and it still managed to rain on and off all day today ;(
WV: rantent: past tense of runtent. How one spent a camping vacation in Ireland. 'They rantent to tent trying to stay out of the rain.'
Yay Tipp! Go Blue and Gold! :-)
This past weekend, here in CT, the daytime weather has been lovely. We still have had barrels of rain, tho. Better than a drought, don't you think?
As I write this, I can hear a deer right outside my window, chewing. How cool is that? least I think it's a deer...
And strewn with cowpats :-)
Hi , Jeanne,you are doing great work collating all these word veros,I'm looking forward to the complete computer speak dictionary,then we can see if these machines are talking:)
Go Tipp! Go Tipp! Go Tipp! Semi final next, a great team in the making, maybe not quite there yet(Kilkenny level) but still and hey who knows on a good day they are the one team that might just skin those cats.the futures bright the future's blue and gold!
Rain, yes Jeanne, better than drought,you are right of course,truly.Not sure
that is a deer Jeanne! Jeanne ? Can you hear me ? Jeanne.....?
Hi auntie, cowpats and bullshit in abundance :)
Poetikatinthehat,glad you likes the cutter I loves the end bit of that song the best.Top 25 songs? Do i feel a kat post coming on? :)
Makes me want to look for the other one.
Hey, Colleen,Bienvenu,
koweniznabetter,obamaizanicer,danabush,welcome to my humble ablog The original shakespeare? Nah, don't bother, it's nowhere near as good as mine.Thanks for commenting, come back soon now, ya hear?
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