Saturday, July 4, 2009

I go you go we all go to Sligo

Been away fecked my ankle rubbernecking worse history sandy dunes loose rocks saw this heard that the lack of something was everything Bull in the field rights of way corncraked corn heatwave seashore the land of hearts desire ruins myths legends smoke mirrors and mist long found relatives lost in graveyards the house gone people gone memories whatever you make them the old ways bad memories bad cess nudists iron edged voices monuments art beyond the river WB still does little for me in a book or under bare B. Bulben's head tuna melt chips and latte €7 never made the pint in Lauras traipsed the hobbled cobbles mohican lead us Artrasna bound the last stop before then the bridge before the railway before we left the lodger burnt down that time creaking bones hinges damp walls saw the bullet fly in my minds eye full circle at the beginning was the end St Colmans mullingar ancient boulders lost kings left rings neath Knocknarea homeward battled the ham sandwiches at Curlews pass Boyle limped across taking photo


Totalfeckineejit said...

Sligo Kat, Honey moon ,back pack, donkey jacket ,grand pint, missed U2, all about me, is ok ,feckin ankle ,ban jaxed, mucho hurty,tanx you :)

ArtSparker said...

The world's too full of weeping.

I suppose sometimes ankles get left in the gutters while we are looking at the stars.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Susan,world weeping, more than, we can, under stand,I am, agutter snipe,cur lew , corn crake,in sect, horse fly, pass by. :) Tanx ye.
fell over , saw stars.

The Lesser Weevil said...

Hiya TFE! Good to see you back - we've been worried about you! Hope your ankle's better, if not you can borrow one of mine. I have four, you see - two per leg. The equivalent of a tree trunk each side.

Now we can be perfectly selfish and point out that you have no excuse whatsoever for not sitting down and writing!!

P.S. The word verification for this comment is "asmockl". What a lovely word. I'm going to keep it. Thank you.

Liz said...

Aw, TFE, what a rundown first thing this morn...bloody ankles - odd place to have them anyway, hope you are on the Kat, I felt I was right there too but mounted on your shoulder like Long John Silver's parrot, taking it all in and leaving pretty polly out of it...
Love the pass between Sligo and Donegal - could drive on it forever...and a day! ; )
Welcome back!

Niamh B said...

Sound slike, good holi day, gladyo uen joyed, getwell soon

The Weaver of Grass said...

Wow! Really missed ya.

Unknown said...

Have always loved Sligo. I love your Joycean stream of words here...

Heather said...

We've all missed you Feck - hope your ankle is getting less painful. Try an iced Guinness compress?!! The holiday sounded good though - plenty of inspiration. Mind how you go and be a patient patient!

Heather said...

I forgot to say how wonderful that sculpture of the horse and rider is.

Unknown said...


I was beginning to be worried about you! That's beautiful-- love the conjunction of bare Ben Bulben & a tuna melt! This is one of your best--maybe sometimes it's good to see stars in a way. But sorry about yr ankle.

Mad Aunt Bernard said...

Life has been pants - a dull brown pair of pants with fawn piping. So glad you're back, was about to send out search parties with bells, whistles, compasses and specially trained Feck-dogs to pick up your smell....:-)
Love the photo, and the holiday sounded wonderful!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hi,The mostest Weevil,back stabbed, ankle crook,yow pow, mucho pain, no sock,as mock, yabba dabba, butno doo,tank you, tank you. :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Biz Liz, bloody ankle,bruised ego,
walking stick, feeling sick,pretty polly, trolley dolly,mixtures cures,parrott fashion, pieces of, eight bones, shiver me, timbers splice,me bandages, pub ahoy!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Mrs Niamh, I too, saw dancing,Jayzee bees,flying pigs,singing cows,shebeen poteen,unseen dangers,the rock,upon we, all perish. Tanx ye.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Wow Weaver,to you,too too,mucho misso,tank you.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey B, tank ye, Jimmy Joy, no match,fer me, late- ly. :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey there, Heath er, feck it i can't keep this up.funnily the pain did go away with cold Guinness applied to my mouth- cause and cure all in one -magic! Sculpture of Gaelic chieftan/warrior at Curlews pass ,Boyle, Co. Roscommon is brilliant saw it on the way up and was delighted to get to it on the way back.
Tankx ye :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks, John, that's a cool thing to say.Perhaps the less i think the better things come out.Is it possible to write ithout thinking?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Kat, 'Mr Funky' is my favourite kat poem and everybody should go and have a listen, way cool!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hello Auntie. Specially trained Feck dogs ? Like it :)Tanks ye.

* Search party, a sort of wake for the missing. Bring a bottle.

* source Guineys book of bollix.

Dominic Rivron said...

The nearest I ever got to Sligo was Ballina. (Perhaps I drove through it on my way to the North?). I didn't twist my ankle but I did burn my fingers (and got soaked) crawling under the car trying to fix the exhaust pipe in a thunderstorm...

Batteson.Ind said...

Hello... sorry for shamelessly wandering round to your place... but.. well, ankles.. I have two of them, they've been broken three times... :-( I've never been to Sligo....

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hi Domron,we honeymooned in mayo and drove through Ballina a few times, maybe we even stopped a few times,memory not a strong point.But I do remember changing a wheel on a daihatsu van in six inches of snow with the feckin spare wheel wedged in a cradle underneath the van and getting totally frozen ,drenched, bloodied and abjectly pissed off- no exhaust burns though but i do totally empathise :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Uiscekatz, you is more than totally welcome :)Glad you dropped by but THREE broken ankles? Wow, I'm such a lightweight with my single paltry sprain, must do better! :)

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Am I the last one to post on this one?

Genius! Pure genius this writing is!

Oh, TFE... I sincerely hope your ankle is better by now....butiv (wv) it isn't, then I'll just drink a Guinness and cry some Guinness tears for ya.

Feel better!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hi Jeanne ,feckin ankle is killing me, thanks fer askin.Saw Dr on Monday -nothing broken, might have been fractured.Rest (Ha!), pain killing gel and bandage. Had to help shift a central heating boiler today-ouch!Guinness tears? Cry me a river :) Pip, pip!