Sunday, July 19, 2009

Latest Revival out now

Revival is a great poetry journal from the whitehouse poets down in Limerick hold a poetry reading every wednesday bringing the best of Irish and international poets into the Whitehouse bar, not only that but everyone and anyone can perform on the night They bring enthusiasm and accessibility to poetry. Listen to the wonderful introduction to the launch of Revival 12 by poet Richard Halperin who flew in from Paris specially for the night
I'm delighted to have a poem in this latest Revival,I haven't got me sweaty mitts on it yet but I love the front cover and I'm watching the post everyday with bated breath. One of my favourite poets Liz Gallagher is also in it and that's one of the many reasons I love magzines like this that have a level playing field and give you the chance to appear alongside great poets. They chose the poem ,not the poet. I'm delighted also that Liz will be dropping by Castle EEjit in Octoberish to answer a few questions about her writing and her about to be launched first volume 'The wrong miracle' published by Salt.I buy very , very few books, I get most from the re-cycling centre but this is one book I will definitely be buying.
Here's the first 'Revival' poem I had published (About a painting in The National Gallery) in issue no 3,back in April 2007.
Johannes Greenberg’s Nude with masks (1931)

Even as I waited for the light in her eyes,
my stare was drawn, weak to
the bronze of her flesh-
another mask.
I had seen her nude before, but never naked,
and as she pulled away,
I took my only chance,
traded truth for lies,
and cloths for heaven.


Unknown said...

Hey, congrats on the publication. That is a cool cover. Really liked the poem you posted a lot.

ArtSparker said...

One never knows where an obsession will lead.

Heather said...

Congrats on having another piece of work published in Revival - that must be a great feeling. Enjoy your meeting with Liz Gallagher when the time comes. Your first Revival poem is beautiful.

Liz said...

Hi TFE, thanks for the nice wee mention there, much appreciated...your superman got in touch with me when the eyeball was looking elsewhere and we've made a wee deal, he spends a week taking his heavy kit off and getting his shoulderblades burnt in the Canaries and I send him packing with a copy of miracle under his unburnt oxter! We were going to surprise you but neither of us can hold our tongues when it comes to secrets... ; )

I searched high and low for a copy of the cover of Revival and couldn't find one...ta for that. Can't wait to read it - it'll be a week before it gets here anyway providing postie lady hasn't gone on her holliers!

And that poem is lovely - clever play on nude and naked...and the cloths of heaven fit just the tailing-away feel!

Dominic Rivron said...

Enjoyed the poem! (You got me searching the net for the picture but I couldn't find it).

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

An exquisite cover photo of a piano man. There's just something about a man tickling the ivories or strumming his 6

Now, this is an instance where one really can judge a book by its cover, for your poem is equally exquisite, and as they say in Brooklyn, "I'm feeling a bit faclempt, so tawk amongst yahselves."

Group 8 said...

Loving that nude poem - sexy!

Yr poem in Revival 12 is biblical, intriguing. My copy arrived today.

Happy to be between the covers with you. Ooo-arr.

Batteson.Ind said...

Well, there's no wonder that poem got published, it's another beautiful little thing;
"traded truth for lies and cloths for heaven"... perfect.....

The Lesser Weevil said...

Wotcha Feck! Many, many combobulations for getting your work published. You must be thrilled. As you know, I'm not a fan of 'serious' poetry (I'm far too much of a pillock to take anything seriously for too long), but I really liked your first piece that was published. Who knows, I may become converted (it'll make a changed from being perverted at least). Well done!

PS: Curiously enough, the code word for this comment was "shmenl" - d'you think Blogspot are trying to tell me something?

Tess Kincaid said...

It's a fabulous poem. Love it. Read it three times.

Batteson.Ind said...

helloo.. just letting you know, man and superman has landed!.. impressed by the box... :-) It only just escaped the jaws of the dogs, postman lobbed it in the kitchen while we were out.. found it under the kitchen table! The dogs knew it was special, they ate the phonebill instead, lol! Will be posting about it in the next couple of days, our e-mail ad can be found on our profile page, you can mail the next persons adress on if you like, or get them to, or we can post assemblage back to you... have a good-un, cheers!

Unknown said...

Oh well done that man! :))))

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks,John, glad you liked it :)

ArtSparker, the pub or the madhouse or both :)

Thanks, Heather, it is a pleasure being in Revival and I'm looking forward to my bloggy vitual meeting with Liz:)

Thanks ,Kat. Must look up Duffy's nude (if you know what I mean) :)

Thanks ,Liz. And delighted that Man and Superman will be winging their way to Gran Canaria and ooh mucho lookin forward to your wunnerful book! :)

Hey , Domron, you're a great man for the google!I think he was Polish, it was a temporary exhibition at the national gallery (Dublin) a few years back.Can vaguely remember the pic, but would like to see it again. :)

Hey,Jeanne, faclempt? Now that's a good word and that is a good cover too, strum me ivories if it isn't. :)

Glad you liked my nude, WRW, and intriguing is good.Love your Durcan ,of course,and Janey Mac there's a heap of us between the covers, OOer! :)

Thanks ,Watercats ,glad you liked that poem and that line.Delighted too that superman escaped the jaws of death under your kitchen table.clever dog eating the bills, was he trained? Thanks and congratulation on being the first to host 'Man and Superman,the world tour!'No better place to start! :)

Hey LesserWeevil thank you and , yes, blogspot are definitely telling you something, I just don't know what it is, is it Eat Pizza? Don't listen to them,pizza could be woeful for a Weevil. As the world's most serious, serious poet, I would like to say " Ungulated unicorns" and "Zoomorphic Zebras"

Hello Willow, you are very brave, thank you.Poetry reading under fire and above and beyond the call of duty, a medal is on it's way.(glad you liked it though :) )

Thanks, B. :)))))

Escapist said...

Filling in blog.
