Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Man and Superman

After the great success of my garden sculpture 'Hippo on a Motorcycle' (the hippo now named Marlon , thanks to Artspeaker) , and due to the torrenial rain, I have turned my hands to indoor Desktop sculpture.This proved a lot more challenging as the first one happened more or less by chance, but this one actually took a bit of thought. As part of my CRAP fund raising campaign I am pricing this one at a more realistic (and possibly bargain) price of €49 plus P+P.The eyeball is signed and dated and the whole thing will no doubt become a collectors item.In the meantime it could provide daily joy in your home.As this is a one-off piece, it will be sold on a first come first served basis.This unique assemblage(thanks Susan for that word) comes in 4 easy to assemble parts and can be posted worldwide.


ArtSparker said...

I would have said Id and Superego just looking at it.

"The eye altering alters all" (Blake).

Niamh B said...

Think you need to show us the signature on the eyeball, not that we don't trust you... just as it's such a major selling point.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Sorry TFE - I really can't see that sitting on my desk - but do hope someone buys it - it does look as though it needs a good home. What is that "thing" on the beach on your header, please?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks,funny you should say that, ArtSparker, but I did think of naming it 'The it, the I, and the eyeball.( with spanner)'
Must look up Blakey's quote. :)

Oh! ye of little faith,Mrs Niamh.But before this day do be out ,I vow a photo of said eyeball, with my mark upon it, will be posted upon me blog,or me name isn't Rumpelstiltskin of the haggard.

Weaver,Weaver,Weaver.Oh! Weaver, Weaver,Weaver.The one and only reason you can't see it sitting upon your desk is because you haven't bought it yet.Go on treat yourself.Just imagine the look upon the farmer's face when he's sees the beauty you have brought into your home.

That 'thing' in me poteegraf,is not a 'thing' at all, it is a 'yoke'(A yoke is Irish for every single article in the whole wide world that hasn't,and sometimes even has, a name.)
I don't know if this yoke has a real name but it's function is to mark out the route to Coney Island,passable only when the tide is out.The square is a reflector picking up light from the camera flash.It/they have lights on them too so boats don't hit them when the tide is in. :)

Heather said...

Your desktop sculpture is very .. I find it extremely ... and it sublimates the whatsname of idiosyncratic do-dahs to the nth degree. You are obviously very talented - photography, poetry, sculpture, what will be next? The eye is all seeing and would see straight through me, so I wouldn't dare give it house room - sorry!

Batteson.Ind said...

Could I perhaps a minor adjustment in the assemblage.. perhaps the antleresque objet could perhaps sit underneath the spanner/wrench, thus providing an implimentation of lift when pressure is applied. This would result (I think), in both the eyeball of humanity and the superman figure being catapulted into space... this I think would bring a whole other depth and meaning into your piece which would resonate deeply within every human soul.... (I could be wrong... however... and if thus.. please don't hesitate in telling me to feck orf!)

Batteson.Ind said...

Please excuse my ignorance... on closer inspection it appears I talk complete and utter bollocks!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks, Heather, when you put it like that I understand totally :) (nothing)
Yes, my talents seem to be limtless.My latest venture is physics.Using only a magnifying glass,lightweight chisel,hammer and tesco superglue,I managed to split an atom this morning and put it back together in the afternoon.Marvellous!

Totalfeckineejit said...

No,Watercats,not bollix,you have hit upon the ingeniousness of the piece in that it is,like all art,subject to interpretation.With this piece it is possible to rearrange the components to suit your own vision of my idea.
Will I send it to you now,or wait till the cheque arrives?

Anonymous said...

The wowness of it all. Wow. Holy wow. Not many things render me virtually speechless, but by golly, Mr. TFE, you have managed to do just that! Wow. :)

Pure Fiction said...

Hmmmmmm - I do know someone I think would like it. But I'm afraid I don't have 49 euro. Or even 9 euro.. Also, is it recyclable? And what exactly is the little figure made of? And are there any discounts available for those of us struggling to make ends meet (meat?). I'm thinkinh somewhere along the lines of 90, possibly 95 percent?

Unknown said...

I find myself wondering what the antleresque object is & wondering if the wrench had an accident at some point. Is it a foregone conclusion that the eye is man & the action figure superman?

Too bad I'm so broke after buying a laptop & paying for computer repairs!

Unknown said...

Oh, love the new header whatever the thing on the beach may be.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thans, Susan,so., it's sure got the wow factor,but has it got the I've got to have it factor? Will I check the postage to the US of A? :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Recyclable PF,are ye mad? Would you recycle the Mona Lisa,VG's sunflowers,the venus de Milo?No. This thing is built to last.The little figure is made of high grade Taiwanese plastic which will outlive us all,even if the big one goes off.If someone really wants it but are hard of earning a discount might be available.I would like it to go to a good home where it would be cherished, or I may start an on-loan scheme where you could hire the piece for a few months at a small fee.

ArtSparker said...


It is from "The Mental Traveller"

Totalfeckineejit said...

Nope, Kittykat, all ye get is a work of pure genius signed and authenticated by accompanying photographs proving the piece to be a genuine TFE.In the future You will hear people gasp as they see this numero uno original "Oh my goodness! Is that a genuine TFE" like it is a vase from the Ming dynasty or a faberge egg."And you paid how much for it?" before they faint when you say €49.

Laurie Cannon said...

Yeah, I'm with John...
love that new header photo

did anyone ask if that assemblage
component is a CHICKEN leg?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks John,I'm glad you like the header,I was pleased with it.The antler yoke is in fact a piece of interesting,highly unusual but unidentifiable(by me)wood I found washed up on the beach about 2 years ago.Man/superman? Poets and artists build houses ,it's up to the viewer how they live in them :)
Ps. Easy payments available!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks again Art Sparker , must have a read of that :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey ,Laurie, glad you like the header too.And you are the first to mention chicken leg,and you are right,I've thought so myself ,it does bear a strange resemblence to one.Maybe I should try selling to a restaurant? :)

The Lesser Weevil said...

Did somebody say Chicken Leg? I'm STARVIN! I've lost my Jaffa cakes.

By the way; Can I borrow yer spanner - got a nut loose! Wuz sposed to be in by midnight. Li'l bugger!

P.S. The code word for this comment was "Mullum". I like the sound of it. It could come mixed with essence of Jollop for when yer wentletrap needs oiling. Sorry. This has absolutely nothing to do with sculpture. I'm talking bollocks again.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

“The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Am I dreaming? I see a perfect example of Iconic Realism in this sculpture.

It speaks to the cultural phenomenon of humanity, wrenching from the convergence of visualization and motivation, as it reaches for an answer to the question of super power responsibility.

Liz said...

TFE, Superman only has to do a quick bit of footwork and that eyeball will spring up sky high...just what one needs for the desktop to make sure one is keeping a grip... so will have to pass on it! Neat eyeball though...has the all-staring, sacred heart picture look about it. ; )

word ver. 'shivers'...

Niamh B said...

nice touch taking the photo on the dictionary, very informative, hereupon I must depart...

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Love the new header photo, all the sand, with those whatchamacallits lined up, leading the eye to the distant moon. Very Stanley Kubrick-ish

new wv: pling: What my harp's C string said just before it escaped through breakage.

Group 8 said...

Don't forget a yoke can also mean a woman. As in, 'I'll brain that yoke if she doesnt buy me assemblage.'

The Lesser Weevil said...

Eere! Wotchu dun wiv yer mousey jobbie?! I wuz reedin that! Don't run off wiv it!

Tess Kincaid said...

The eyeball is signed and dated? Well, then. The value has sky rocketed!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Weeeevil ,Jaffa cakes and chicken legs Mmm, lovely wots fer pud?

Poetikat , Kill Bill? Now that could be a film :) sorry not film, movie ,right?

Jeanne I like what you say it is and what you say it is , is what it is, I say.
Nice quote from Leon.Tanx ye

Well Liz they always said before the supyman films you will believe a man can fly, so maybe this time it should be the eye that can fly in the sky :0

Jeanne,Kubrickish -Oooh I likes that.Tanks ye.Can you relly play the harp and have you heard Sinatra sing 'I left my harp in Sam Plank's disco' ?

Au contraire madam WRW I would argue that a woman is the one thing that,actually no you're right. :) Funny line WRW tanx.

Sorry Weevil normal service resumed asap :)

Hey Willow really!! How much you offering then? :)