Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Valency of one. This IS a love song.

Okay, we were programmed, installed.
But without hands on the keys
there is only impatience, anxiety,
a lack;
of control,
a lack; of
the new deity.
is the new today-
it never comes.
And also, but if and but,
duality, both poles
under, beside, beneath
the same sun?
Rising, setting sons,
beautiful danger, dreamer.
And if , if; was ,was.
What then? If then was happiness,
is all we knew, what then, of now?

* source - The Guiney's book of Bollix, unavailable at any good bookstore near you now.


Totalfeckineejit said...

I don't know Kat, when I heard that song was titled 'This is not a love song'I immediately thought it would be a love song -but it wasn't and isn't there just this great big black gaping hole that we have to fill? And thanks and how do i get me bloggy awardy yoke ?

Unknown said...

This is almost certainly the greatest poem ever written, especially this:

is the new today-
it never comes.


Totalfeckineejit said...

hello John, glad you liked it, it is without doubt one of the greatest poems (I've written today)

Totalfeckineejit said...

I liked PIL but I used to think JR was old and past it at that stage,but feck me I saw him singing poptones from back then on DVD the other day and he looks like a kid!And don't worry I am indeed totally incapable(not totally proud of it like some inverted techno snob, but certainly aware of it)THanks fer the instructos I was copying and pasting which wouldn't work. DOH!

Mad Aunt Bernard said...

Like this poem - even smelly warty old hags can appreciate some literary finery, now and then.
I also like your music very much, have you heard, by the way, two of the songs on my player? I chose 'Bugger Off' in honour of you, and I especially like 'The Boll Weevil'.
Jolly Days.

Totalfeckineejit said...

tHANKS mab, I knew you had good ear for music as you listed a love of folk,thrash metal,and accordian music on your profile.I have listened to and enjoyed your playlist and I am honoured that 'Bugger off' is in my honour. Such great lyrics ' Bugger off ye Bastards, bugger off (Fuck you! )'Ah, wonderful and yet I've never heard it played on Radio One-how strange.

Dominic Rivron said...


What then, indeed.


Carol Q said...

bloomin eck - I've just discovered you've got John Otway in your playlist. I've still got his album that he made with Wild Willy Barrett - we used to follow them all over the place!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey, Dominic,glad you grasped the answerless question. 'Greatest comment ever made' award, is in the post :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hello Alcoholinky(what a great name, I shall have to investigate your blog to figure out the alcohol to ink ratio)and welcome to my humble ablog.Otway was(is)deadly (that means good here)and isn't wild willy Barrett acool name.Thats totally brilliant that you used follow them around.I saw them first on TOTP's singing 'Really free' and then in much better form on the old grey whistle test when John hilariously fell off the huge speakers.I'm pretty sure (patchy memory) i saw John live once years later wearing a plaster cast cos he'd (unsurprisingly broken his leg) whatever about him ,I was definitely plastered anyway :)

Mad Aunt Bernard said...

I would also like to say that I love the interesting 'hats' on your blog title. Mine is just black, which is a little dull. But someone has left three of the pretty red and white hats near some roadworks outside, so I may have one for myself.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Go for it Aunt B, you know what they say, if ye want to get ahead get a local councillor on yer side.