Monday, May 11, 2009

Ever totally been to Ballincollig?
Live recording of John Spillane's song with Christy Moore, Donal Lunny, Declan Sinnott and John Spillane.Never seen the other lads live but last saw Christy Moore in concert on his 50th birthday in Manchester, I think he's sixty three now-where did all dem years go ta?


Group 8 said...

Ah, they're great. Nothing like a bit of Irish male talent of the 70's/80's vintage.

I awarded you a Kreativ blogger award - go round mine to collect!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Tanx WRW!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Kat, I'm sure he would.Also how do i copy the award yoke to me bloggg ?

Niamh B said...

Did you hear the one on his new album (JS's) about ballincollig castle, another beaut

Totalfeckineejit said...

He's a deadly singer/songer alright,haven't heard any of his latest album though Niamh,I must check it out.How's married life suiting ye?

Niamh B said...

that one I left up on the blog is from the new album,
married life is going grand so far, all eating out and seeing fancy places as far as I can tell, could get used to it in fact!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Oh Yeh,I liked that song. Marriage? It's not all chippers and Trabolgan ye know :) Actually it'd deadly and matures like a fine wine over the years.Good on ya.