Just got issue numero uno of 'popshot' poetry + illustration magazine-'the wonder of the ordinary' And I have to say I think it's great and different and stylish and new.The pages are black and the ink is white and each poem gets a full page illustration all of which are totally superb and worth buying the magazine (£6 inc p+p) for on their own..and there's a two page centrefold illustration too.Some of the poems are better than others but our own Nuala Ni Chonchuir is in there (and everywhere at the moment) and that's always a good thing.It's a great little magazine where perhaps the poetry accompanies the pictures and not the other way round.They'll be looking for (poetry) submissions from 1st May but no details of how the illustrators get in.It's a mag I'd like to be in so I'll give it a lash and if you are an illustrator I would definitely recommend getting in touch, it's a real showcase for your work. Buy it if you can comrades and wish it every success.
Click on the collage above to make it bigger and if you'd like to know more then check out their website http://www.popshotpopshot.com/popshot.html
Cool looking mag--best of luck with placing your work there.
Hey-- another great masthead shot.
Yes John it is cool ,thanks for the good wishes and glad you like the new photo
That's a good looking wee mag, I had to google it as the address you gave didn't work, but I found it. Where are they based?
I'm neither a poet or an illustrator but I can see that this is a great magazine - definitely something out of the ordinary and a bit special. Good luck with your submission(s).
I'm neither a poet or an illustrator but I can see that this is a great magazine - definitely something out of the ordinary and a bit special. Good luck with your submission(s).
As always, TFE, you are a wealth of knowledge and on the cutting edge of poetics and visual stimuli. Here in the Word Verification world, we call your genre of artistic rendering 'dureti.'
Rock that 'dureti-enne' foray! :-)
Thanks for the nod - I'll be checking that out!
TFE, ta for the info. looks cool...bet you get in there no bother...looking forward to it.
Hello B,I don't really know where they're based but I'm pretty sure it's England in fact I'm sure it is didn't I pay sterling fer it-doh!Always getting web addresses wrong and still havent a clue how to make them clickable.
Hi Heather tis not perfecto but tis good alright,thanks for the good luck , luckily I have just written the best poem ever written so I should be in like Flint- or Heaney :)
Hi Jeanne, did you notice that if you added on an 'h' to the end of your name it would be Jeanne Irish?
Spooky!Follow the Duretti column.
Good man PJ/RHA Could see yeer work in that mag.
Hi Liz ,yes it is quite cool and as I said to Heath' I has just ritten the best poim in the world ever , so I should be in with bells on ;)
Yes, TFE, isn't that somethin' tho?
Ya know, sometimes, when I've had a bit too much of the bubbly, I actually add the 'h' on my own and there 'tis...Jeanne Irish!
Okay now...popcorn's ready for that best poem ever written!
(There's a real 'Duretti' column?! The word,
'dureti' was the verification that day...hmm... a truly 'jagsmso' experience.) :-)
It's a deadly looking mag - I'm thrilled to be in it and I love the pic they put with my poem.
The illustrations are brilliant. Some of the poems are a bit...not-up-to-scratchy though, I think. Still, it's only issue 1 so they'll get there.
Hey J. Irish, popcorn at the ready to check out COW CAT
(A.K.A as the greatest poem ever written) and there was/is a pop group from Manchester(england)called 'The Durutti Column' -close enough fer me :) Jagsmso!!!!
Hey WRW ,Yip they did a grand job with your cool words, i likes the cut o their jib.
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