POETRY IS...........
A misheard word
A broken promise
A burnt letter
A lie
The juice of a clockwork orange
The secret code
A cry for help
A set of keys
An un-pickable lock
Lost in France
The gap between beating hearts
The grit in the sandal
The Oysters pearl
The ribbon of truth
The piss on the pedestal.
I love that line: 'The juice of a clockwork orange.'
Lots of class stuff about on the blogs today. Spring must be here :)
Hello B,thanks for the feedback, might keep that line for further use then.Don't mention Spring to me, the one thing that can always buck you up and it's fecked off somewhere far away from here.Jayney Mac B apart froim the cold it's done niothin but feckin rain here -a week solid.Bah Humbug or whatever the springtime misery alternative curmugeonly expression may be, B. :)
Plenty of food there for thought. If it's a misheard word, how might that not be applied to any of the others?
Thanks Dave, you've added another course, a veritable feast of food for thought.And when you think about it aren't we constantlytcontinuouslyincessantly thinking, thinking, thinking wehave no control over it, no off switch- now there's a thought.
Hey Kat glad you made it back.scary mask gone now.You're not the first to not like it -thought I cut rather a dash myself!
The EEjit clan's aritoscratic good looks are like caviar- ambrosia to some and smelly fish eggs to others.Thanks for the comments and yeah, the sand in the sandal and doesn't the pearl start off as a bit of grit?
I really liked the (both liquid) lines:
The juice of a clockwork orange
and the bluntness of
The piss on the pedestal
poetry in everything!
Thanks for the feedback Mr Riverun,might use that clockworky orange juice in a poem if i can find a space for it :)
Hi Susan, I like that.Poetry is in everything isn't ,good and bad , whether we like it or not. :)
that should read- isn't it
And it should be CURMUDGEONLY
mistakes mishtakes mishmash mush
My favorite line: "ribbon of truth." A fascinating image of the winding, flowing, sometimes beautiful, sometimes horrendous notion we call 'truth,' wrapping itself in, around and through our lives.
Thanks for the feedback Jeanne, I was torn between a 'ribbon of truth' and a 'tissue of lies' but the glass is looking half full so......
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