Ok. Slippers lit, pipe on, wife out (mousing), cat cooking (dinner).
Don't feed the Pixies has left the building.We know not why.Maybe he fed the Pixies. But we wish you well DFTP, hope that all is ok and that you will be back to us soon in some form or other. You will be missed and thanks not only for driving the bus this week but for the previous time and for all your journey and songs as passenger. Good luck comrade, a bientot!
Here is DFTP's message and this weeks poetry bus challenge in full.
'Hi there regular readers
I’m really sorry to have to tell you that due to circumstances beyond my control Don’t Feed The Pixies has had to be deleted and will probably be gone by the time you read this.
I had gone to pains to keep my name off the web and had changed the names and places of those involved where speaking about someone or something – but it seems that I have not been careful enough and so to protect myself from any future problems I have had to quit the site.
Thank you for providing light in a tunnel of dullness. I came to the blog world in hope of finding others out there who I might have something in common with, or were just other lost souls looking for new ideas and new thoughts – I have enjoyed meeting you all.
I am not sure whether this blog will continue in any other form. Thank you for visiting
n addition to the above - my challenge for the poetry bus is to ask everyone to write a pome that can be read at a wedding - it mustn't mention god or be religious at all because that's not allowed unless you have a church wedding
Up to you if you host this yourself or ask argent on my behalf xx'
Elsewhere in the madtroplolis the REAL POETRY BUS MAG is
almost upon us.I'm saying no more as I keep saying 'it's nearly here'I'm just getting on with it.
And then also another thing is THE GREAT PRIZE DRAW for The Shed Poets book.Phil Mitchell came round and was filmed doing the draw but then he turned nasty when we explained that we had plenty of craic here but no crack.So he grabbed a bottle of poteen and drank it while setting fire to cooks eyebrows (they are incredibly bushy, the gardener maintains them with the hedge shears)and destroying the tape. So no video evidence but the winner was Uiscebot. So well done to him, the book will wing it's way to him when I get a few euro out of rain abandoned trolleys in the Tesco car park.
So there you have it world. Get writing poems and stay on the rght side of the road unless you're supposed to be on the left side of the road which really is the right side not the wrong side which is whatever side you're not supposed to be depending on which side is the legal side for driving on your planet.Remember folks, the right side is the bright side unless it's raining in which case none of the caterpillars will be butterflies , elephants or Harley Davidson Electra Glide transmission sprockets..
Go now, flitter hither thither and yon, hence ye fecked off out of it, verilly merrily through valley,glade and glen, with gossamer nets in hand, galoshes on foot and (goody! goody!) gumdrops in gob, searching for the last poems of summer.Search buddleia, buttercup and building site, under leaf , rock,arse crack, stone and JCB.For the darkness is but an indifferent mile away, yet I prithee, do not fear for the dark,nope, I beseech you, Nay, nay, and thrice neigh!Rage , rage, ye not against the misunderstood black of night,forsooth indeed,no my friends, tis not the dark that destroyeth the soul, but the dying of the light.
So come on ,let's fughin SHINE!!
Don't Feed the Pixies has asked me to be his substitute driver this week and I'll post his challenge and the linkies on my blog. as per.
Chaps, Don't Feed the Pixies has sent his challenge for me to post.
It is now up on my bloggo here.
Eej, can you put the link to it in your sidebar, por favor?
Right - shall now get thinking weddings.
Ohh. A dangerous biz. Feeding the pixies does have consequences. I hope the dear DFTP will be back with his excellent pomes soon.
As for me, I see the driver list is getting short, and will be glad to hop on for a second tour.
The only bit that hurt more than DFTP's departure was the fact I didn't win.
Best wishes, Pixies!
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