Saturday, March 20, 2010


I don't believe it! THe dream is at an end after minutes of toil, years of blood , snot,sweat and tears. It's been a rololercoaster (a cross between rolos and rollercoaster) ride of joy and laughter, pleasure and pain, sometimes the pain was the pleasure and other times the pleasure was the pain.

After jumping all the hurdle and with the finish line in sight the TFE blog bus type thing has fallen/run out of diesel at the final fence/bus stop.
Ah feck it/fuck it.
It was the jumbo header that did for me, and the fact that there just wasn't enough swearing and needlework. Being rubbish didn't exactly help either.

It will be hard now ,almost impossible ,to carry on after this devastating blow, but carry on we must, for we are men (and women and goats,) and carrying on is what men (women and goats) do best. Sure we will probably fall again, but we will pick ourselves up and maybe even fall again, (that's whiskey for you ) but we will carry on carrying on till we are carried out.

Let no man (woman, goat) here say 'he blog that is TFE didn't carry on regardless after devastatingly, and without hazzard warning lights, being eliminated in the final get down shakeup of the 2010 Irish blog awards in the best arse, sorry, best Arts and Culture blog category! '

Instead may they declare that 'this blanket is intended to be used as an "underblanket" and therefore shouldalways be placed on a relativey firm and un-adjustable donkey'

Or something equally heroic.

Hopes yous are all getting yer pomes ready for the angry bus. It will be driven by a young John McEnroe being stung by a bumble bees and swatting them with his tennis racket.

Pip pip!

(No,I didn't get them out of a sour grape)

Best of luck to all the finalists. Nuala Ní Chonchúir is in there and Emerging Writer's son, so extra best luck to them!


Rachel Fox said...

You're too edgy for awards, my friend. But the people love you.

Titus said...


Group 8 said...

Tfe - thanks for the congrats. Commisses to your good self. Next year!

Niamh B said...

Ah TFE... so sorry. Least you'll have plenty of bile for Monday...

NanU said...

what eejits! don't know a proper award-winning blog when they sees it. goats, all!

Dominic Rivron said...

Sorry to hear you didn't make it!

Just been exploring your Deezer widget thingy and set one up of my own. Discovered that going through the music there is the time vampire of all time vampires. Argh! I've got an angry poem to think up...

Heather said...

Very sorry to hear about the award - there is no justice in the world. Not sure I like being bracketed in with the goats, though I do like them. Chin up TFE - see you on the bus.

Emerging Writer said...

oh hard luck. You was robbed. Your blog is what blogging is all about - swearing, great writing, goats and humungous amounts of social interaction. Long may you reign o'er us mere longlisters.

And did I mention how proud I was?

Batteson.Ind said...

those are loovly ladies...
and you were robbed!.. are they mental or what!?.. I said To Niamh, I said, you need to get t-shirts with your most memorable phrases on them.. judges love that stuff.... in fact, I would love that stuff! imagine;
"MEN (women and goats)"

"put your blanket on a firm and un-adjustable donkey"...
... your posts are just full of classic lines!

Looking forward to the bus this monday by the way.... ooohhh how I love to protest! *rubs hands together and grins smugly

Karen said...

What? No way! Best fecking blog on the block! Now I'm really pissed. (In America that means angry.) Maybe I can get a poem out of that.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

eanBoo! How could those slugs NOT award you?!

Speaking of slugs, my PROTEST poem is up, dear TFE.

Elisabeth said...

Commiserations on your loss. There's always next year to try again.



I still believe in you, EEjit.

Gwil W said...

TFE and the Irish Bog Award.-

Beckett: "It's a feckin' disaster!"

Totalfeckineejit said...

Edgy ,yes , yes, i likes this train of thought Foxo!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Like totally Titus!

Totalfeckineejit said...

WRW, go you! Poor me!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Gallons of it Nivby!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Goats is too good for them Nanu!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Can't get even half the songs I want on Deezer, Dominic, but tis better than nowt!

Totalfeckineejit said...

I like goats H.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks EW, hope son wins!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Aren't they just, Uiscekateens,and I've been thinking about Tshirts for a while now, thanks for the encourago!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Looking forward to your pissed pome, karen!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Slugs and goats, hats and coats I''ll get mine and get over to yer blog and read yer pome, Jeanne!

Totalfeckineejit said...

If I didn't win this year Elisabeth ,then I'm not what they're looking for, this is the BEST I can do!

Karen said...

I was overcome! Those are two words I never use in real life, she said sheepishly.

Liz said...

Sorry about that TFE but your Blog goes up, up and away beyond awards - same as what Rachel F. and Emerging said...this is the Blog with heart, soul and crack...hard to pin all that down in a blog award.

Pete Goulding said...

A rose is a rose by any other name. Just because you haven't been selected as Best Blog, doesn't mean you're not the Best Blog.
Let those who decide such things quake in fear, the tiny fools...

Argent said...

Irish Blog Awards be damned! A prophet is not without honour save in his own bathroom (or something like that). They are lackwits, one and all. Struggling to get a proper pome together for Monday (which is a great suprise to me as I'm always venting my spleen all over the place) but a silly song is emerging so I might have to go with that instead. Word verification is Shamicks! sounds like a good curse word!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey PIR, I never realised Beckett made sense!

Totalfeckineejit said...

So was I Karen.Baa Humbug!

Totalfeckineejit said...

But I won't bleat on abut it.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Liz, that'll do me as a prize, I'll frame it and put it on the wall! :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

More good sense.Your a stout man Peter and no mistake! Thanks.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Shamicks, Argent? Could that be a pint of Smithwicks with a shamrock garnish? Could be a winner.

More good words! Thankgxs ye.