What gets your goat, up yer nose, sticks in your craw?
Do idiots irk you, are you browned off by bores, piqued by politicians, angered by arseholes?
Do you take umbrage at eye level umbrellas wielded willy nilly, are you peeved by people with no sense of personal space,do you hate it when someone get's a cheque out at the checkout, do you bristle at people who whistle, does another meaningless statistic drive you ballistic, do jeeps give you the creeps, , does tobacco drive you wacko, an opportunity missed make you pissed , do only twats have tattoos, is it cruel to have zoos are you sick of bad news, tell me your views.
Do The Bee Gees give you the hebeegeebies, Johnny Cash give you a rash,would you choke if a bloke preached another smidgen of religion, would you ask an atheist to desist, can you handle another scandal, would a Duke make you Puke, a King soil your ring, is a president the wrong kind of resident,is beer too dear, are drugs the dregs?
So have a wail about war, a pop at the pope, bellyache about Berlusconi talking baloni, frown at Brown, be dow-n about Cowen, barrack Barack,and just for the craic if you think poets are pests or you hate string vests,if you're a victim of crime , or unjustly doing time, then put it in rhyme.
I want anger!I want bile! I want venom! I want vitriol! I want fury!I want passion! I want wrath! I want rage! I want a lie down!
Be as serious or as flippant as ye like, but pretend you've just stubbed both your big toes on an iron bed leg, that's the level of fucking anger, pain, and annoyance I want!
THis is THE PROTEST BUS! Bring your own banners and loudhalers, we're going out across the world!
Altogether now,
" Whada we want?"
"Protest poems!"
"When do we want 'em?"
" By next Monday at the latest!" Etc etc etc.
Stick two fingers up to the world, it won't make any difference, but you'll feel a lot better, I promise.
Do idiots irk you, are you browned off by bores, piqued by politicians, angered by arseholes?
Do you take umbrage at eye level umbrellas wielded willy nilly, are you peeved by people with no sense of personal space,do you hate it when someone get's a cheque out at the checkout, do you bristle at people who whistle, does another meaningless statistic drive you ballistic, do jeeps give you the creeps, , does tobacco drive you wacko, an opportunity missed make you pissed , do only twats have tattoos, is it cruel to have zoos are you sick of bad news, tell me your views.
Do The Bee Gees give you the hebeegeebies, Johnny Cash give you a rash,would you choke if a bloke preached another smidgen of religion, would you ask an atheist to desist, can you handle another scandal, would a Duke make you Puke, a King soil your ring, is a president the wrong kind of resident,is beer too dear, are drugs the dregs?
So have a wail about war, a pop at the pope, bellyache about Berlusconi talking baloni, frown at Brown, be dow-n about Cowen, barrack Barack,and just for the craic if you think poets are pests or you hate string vests,if you're a victim of crime , or unjustly doing time, then put it in rhyme.
I want anger!I want bile! I want venom! I want vitriol! I want fury!I want passion! I want wrath! I want rage! I want a lie down!
Be as serious or as flippant as ye like, but pretend you've just stubbed both your big toes on an iron bed leg, that's the level of fucking anger, pain, and annoyance I want!
THis is THE PROTEST BUS! Bring your own banners and loudhalers, we're going out across the world!
Altogether now,
" Whada we want?"
"Protest poems!"
"When do we want 'em?"
" By next Monday at the latest!" Etc etc etc.
Stick two fingers up to the world, it won't make any difference, but you'll feel a lot better, I promise.
Ps.For inspiration. A protest poem.(found this on Rachel Fox's blog)
Sounds right up my alley, O'Malley! I'm getting a bit puked out by all of the beauty and love that has been spewing from my pen of late.
Whoah, Dude, this should be pretty popular. I think I will find an excuse to link to you on Monday.
I am just wondering how to aggregate all my things into a unified, concrete whole. Preferably a deep one.
Nothing sets me off like Facebook born again Christians ! Proclaiming in all caps their bible verses . Methinks they are trying too hard. Give me a neuotic any day.
Perfect timing, TFE!... although, I can't imagine anyone getting the creeps from Jeeps. They're the coolest vehicles on the road.
Anyway, right now, I'm so fired up about something that my veins are pulsating the cry of Attila!!! (or as I call him, Great, great, great, etc. Grandpa!)
Hmmm... better cool down before I write this one....
Aha aha! and I happen to be going to just the right place this weekend to get in the mood: Paris! Nothing worse than parisians, _and_ it's the Capitol city of
Protest. (and I hate Paris. dull grey city full of stuck up stickybits)
heh heh heh...
TFE, you surpassed yourself with your blurb this week, it was like reading Dr. Seuss on a high,
Every think of doing childrens stuff, umbrage with an umbrella etc be perfect, will try and rise to the challenge this week, theres so much possibility I dont know where to start and agree jeeps give me the creeps.
Will be there, with my protest banner held high!
This'll be controversial. I predict a riot...
That's a knock your socks off video. He was a super poet. He changed the words to this poem as the years went on, gave out to Blair and Brown.
Powerful poem about war and Vietnam.
This topic inspires me, but I'm not a poet. I shall sleep on it.
Thanks TFE and Rachel. Brilliant stuff.
Blow me down, TFE, the wind is squarely and fairly put up...hope to god I get a bit of time to let spew...wild-horses may not stop me...(by the way, great delivery...hope those Blog award folk take note of the force that is in you... ; )!)
Ban beauty! Get pukey! Susan.
Thanks Sparko!
A bottle of whiskey always help Titus.
Put it in a pome Nedine, get on the bus!
Jeepers creepers, Jeanne!
And I always wanted to go to Paris, NanU, thank you, you've saved me the air fare.
C'mon in Brigid the wathers lufflee!
Be looking for ya, Weaver!
No Kaiser Chiefs allowed Nivby.
La plus ca change, EW. How depressing, cearly poetry changes nothing. Same shite different location.
C'mon Elisabeth, now's the time, get on board!!!
You gotta get the time Liz, c'mon you can do it ,you need to do it! Ya willl ya willl ya will.YA WILL!!
Here's a really good protext poem by Dave Lordan http://www.facebook.com/emergingwriter?v=feed&story_fbid=101978589840031#!/notes/vade-nadrol/site-specific/404268156114
Bus Poem duly posted!
I see you've posted yours, too. I'll give it my full attention next time I'm on! It's gone 3am here and I'm off to bed (yawn)...
This side of the pond when someone says "got yer goat" they mean "got you by the short and curlies". Is that what you mean?TFIJ? There's only one thing that really gets my dander, well maybe too and it has nothing to do with choking avarians What derails my rails? What yanks my crank? What flushes my blushes? What terminates my termites? What angsts my , pulls my chain, rubs my rhubarb the wrong way? What puts the poop in poopdeckpappy? Who walks the light fantastic witout a hangover? Who makes this ride look like a kitty glide? Who's cracked on crack and aint comin' back? I dont know if anything gets to me much anymore. I've learned to take it all in stride. Unless...hmmm, got to get Guinnessed before I can rant, you know that..so send some over here and you'll hear ranting like n'er before! I got a lot built up, ya know, just need to find that "release" button, then the s*it will hit the fan" is that what you really want. Be prepared for "fall out". I am so hung up on being nice in my alter ego!:) all in jest, right?
I'm on board the bus, although I had to buy a second ticket as the condictor said my guitar took up an extra seat, the bollix! You can find out why by going <a href="http://argent-delusionsofadequacy.blogspot.com/2010/03/poetry-busprotest-bandwagon.html>here</a>.
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