Monday, March 29, 2010

Stuff and things a more stuff Part UNO!

First up mucho thanksy to Rachel Fox who who drove the Poetry bus with much aplomb.A pure natural she took to bus driving like a duck to water. She has to hand the keys over to Swiss for next week.He'll park the Bus up here.... or possibly here... he may not even turn up at all,which is where the excitement builds n'est ce pas?Put a drop of Diesel in for him Foxo and make sure you leave it in gear, the handbrake isn't what it was.Great to see some new passengers aboard, ye are all very welcome to The People's Poetry Bus,I look forward to more new recruits next week and all the weeks to come. Great too to have the usual gang on the back seat. This journey is gonna be....emotional!

In another part of the Galaxy....

Well done to Bus poets Kate Dempsey (Emerging writer) Niamh Bagnell (Various) Peter Goulding (The stammering Poet) and TotalFeckinEEjit (TotalFeckinEEjit) who are all about to be published in the latest copy of Revival poetry magazine.Revival is always an interesting read, it's one of only two poetry mags that I buy regularly.Why don't you buy it? It's lovely, made of paper and full of poems, what more could anyone want?Don't forget my poem is in there,(as well as 3 other bus poets) and is probably the best poem ever written. People have been known to swoon under the sheer joy of it's spell. It can cure warts, piles, ringworm and certain strains of the common cold. It is also guaranteed to bring you untold wealth. All that for €7 !!! Buy your cure/wealth/ poems here....... Think of it not as a purchase but an investment in your mental, physical and financial well being.

More things.....

Hard to believe people that Christmas is but around the corner again.Where did that year go to?Only 239 shopping days left till the big day.I bet you haven't got a single present bought, but don't worry, panic ye not, for I am here to help with The TotalFeckinEEjit Christmas Present Guide 2010!

All these thingswill make fantasto gifts for all people of all ages , alive or dead.

First from Bus Driver extraordinaire and Poet Rachel Fox , a really lovely poetry collection called 'More about the song' It's eco friendly and beautifully made and a bargain at £7. She also does a fine range of poetry postcards, these make brilliant bookmarks as well as being handy to send to people. Buy her book and cards here.....

Another deadly no prisoners taken (even when prisoners are taken) collection ,this time from Bus Poet Joanne McKay Titus.Hard hitting and moving. At £5 it's worth buying for the wonderful cover alone! Email Joanne to get yerself a


Niamh B said...

I'd better start making pudding, thanks for the reminder mister

Unknown said...

Congrats on the publication! Perhaps I'll be able to get on that bus when I'm recuperated from my road trip!

Titus said...

I always wondered why I was in love with you. Becoming much clearer now.

Yep, I'll be getting my copy of Revival!

And congrats to Rachel on the driving and the book's great too.

Emerging Writer said...

Thanks for the promo. Divas are GO!