The word on the street is , positron, a particle of the same size as an electron but with a postive charge .Too much, way too much, negativity in my head heart and soul of late.So now I am an EEjit the same size as a very large electron but with a positive charge and a beer belly.Right, Man and Superman(remember them?) are still on their whirlwind , or gentle breeze, of a worldwide tour and have landed up in Albion,Blighty,England.Though it does look like thewild wild west of Amerikay.Superman found himself in a very cosy situation inded and I don't think he'll ever be quite the same.Thanks a million to Jules for hosting.'t forget the Monday poem exercise (see previous post).And finally there has been huge demand to know what I look like, literally one request.So specially for you Weaver is a photo taken only a couple of days ago.Isn't it funny how humans come to resemble their dogs?
A positive charge and a beer belly sounds good - our relative, Girth, has a positive charge and a custard belly. Having lots of neck is fun too!
Good to see superman landed safe and sound, something about him brings out the glamour in his hosts I think!
and that's a very fetching photo of you, (Fetch-ing - geddit?)
I think that's what a mixed media artist would call an altered dog!! At least he's wearing the right team's colours. Keep thinking positron Eej and you'll be OK. I'm hoping Man/Superman will spend a little time with me before moving on to another venue.
Hello, Ralph.A custard belly must indeed be a fine thing and would play second fiddle only to a jelly belly!
Hey Mrs Niamh,thanks for hosting and posting, you saying I look like a fetch? No, I goddit :)
Iam indeed a mixed up media artist, Heather.Hat should have been blue/gold but I'd already spent half my lifetime getting the face done!Such a lot of effort for such a poor joke.Still at least it wasn't the cistine chapel!
Teeth still not looking good in the new photo. Looking forward to the visit from Man and Superman!
Ha, ha, ArtSparker, I do still have more than a passing toothy resemblence to Mr MacGowan don't I.Cool. Ithink man and Superman are really looking forward to going stateside, wish I was with them
Oh TFE - I knew you would relent and post me a photograph sooner or later. I told you I would find out by a process of elimination and I shall definitely eliminate this one - if you are indeed a Blogging Dog then I am sure you will be an Irish Wolf Hound!
Now there was I thinking you'd be some sort of Adonis and ... well ... what can I say? Perhaps it was the swine flu, but I do have to say you look a bit RrrrUFFF!! (Dog ruff, to be absolutely candid). But now that we know what a truly afflicted/gifted (depending upon your tastes) soul you are, I do wish Heather had not just breezed in with her 'altered' dog comment. I mean, that was a bit below the collar and can really make a fella's eyes water.
Don't worry Weaver not quite all will be revealed in due time.I'm not quite sure the world is ready,or , let's be honest here,able for a portrait of me just yet but I will email one, so ong as you accept full responsibility for any consequences ie brakages,nervous hysteria,insomnia, nightmares or hospital bills.
Ha ha Weevo!I am more 'a doner kebab' than an' Adonis' and yes the day of 'altering' was a bit traumatic for sure and thoghts of it do bring a tear to the eye.On the plus side I can now leap thorny hedges with impunity and no longer live in dread of brass monkey weather.
Ps I don't know how to spell everyting but I do know it should be 'breakages' Apologos all round.Mrs EEjit says I need a proof reader.
Is your dog a fisherman, as that seems to be a sou'wester upon his furry head? A salty sea dog? Does that mean then that you have a 'ha har jim lad' eye patch, a wooden leg, and a parrot? I'd love to think so? The dogs eyes are beautifully blue, a reflection from the crystal waters upon which he sails....sorry, I'm having a bobbins day - not that most days aren't!
oohh.. it's so true!... Our dogs are the better versions of!.... it was good to see man and superman (or part of him anyway).. was wondering where he'd got to :-)
'The dogs eyes are beautifully blue, a reflection from the crystal waters upon which he sails....'
Thats mighty poetic Auntie and yes, I have a wooden eye, a dead parrott, (no it's not!It's sleeping!)and a leg patch.I've got to know Auntie what is a 'bobbins day' ? I'm sure I've heard that before or is it one of your mad creations?
Yes, watercats good to see (a bit of) him and seeing where he was I daren't ask where the rest might be ?!Thanks again for hosting. Pip pip!
Oh yes, we do begin to take on the characteristics of our canines. Nothing like getting scratched right behind the ears, eh?
OMG! I've just spat tea all over my keyboard - AGAIN! you feicin fecker you! :))))
& the word thingy is 'immoras' which is what the internet thinks of what you've done to the wooky-dog... :D
Janey Mac ,B, do you never stop suppin tae? Thanks though, for the feedback. :)
heya misterdogfacefromEEjit, looking forward to Monday's poem, and in the meantime here's an award for you at
What does 'Janey Mac' mean?
Had I known you were so handsome, I'd have given you an award long ago - but better late than never. There's an award waiting for you over at The Turtle.
A 'bobbins' day, me old fecker, it pretty much like any other day, except that my thoughts/words become completely silly. More silly than usual. In fact you could say that I'm not just as mad as a bobbin on these days, but more the full box of cotton reels! peep splat zzzziippp!
Nice to see you over at Plumbline. Thanks for following. I've been looking in on your site for quite awhile and really enjoy it. Very, very handsome photo. We're all indebted to Weaver for a glimpse of the man at the helm of the Lost Republic.
Hope you are geared up for the Monday poems tomorrow TFE - have missed your blogs this week.
Yes Jeanne, or being given worming tablets! Janey Mac is like, er, like, it's like,Mmm, like, er, Jeepers creepers perhaps? Jayney Mac! covers everything unless it's really bad and then it's 'Janey Mac tonight' Don't ask me how, it just is! :)
Tanx NanU for the award- Great fun,enjoyed it ,will pass it on to EVERYONE YYYYEEEEHAWWWOOO!!!
Hey Tanks a millo Sandra Leigh, I'lll be over pronto to get me ill gotten gains :)
Tanx fer that explano Auntie you're one needle short of a sewing kit for sure and dats a gud tang!
That's real nice Mairi thanks for droppin by and poppin a few kind woids. Pip Pip!
I've done nuttin weaver, Zip, Zilch,Nil points,empty crisp packet,match postponed,no score draw,a flock of seagulls flown,damp dungeons of despair, moth holes in the curtains of me creativity.I'm off to have a go wish me luck as you wave me goodbye.Pip pip!
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