Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It was a train then a car, now it's deffo a bus, people can get on and get off when they like,the journey is for fun and for free,come aboard.Tough journey last week poetry hero SuperTed gave us a cerebral workout and with great results all round, songs, multiple poems,creative dismay, horses ,runaway horses,wolves,breakdowns (mechanical and emotional)classroom boredom, pikes, candles,Teddy buoys,badgers,haiku(PAH!) black rabbits,barn owls, stars and Devils eyes,earth rampant on a field of Sky! How d'ya like dem apples poetry people! Thanks a million to everyone who had a go , I tip me hat to each and every one of ye. Now for next Monday, I've left it too late to set my originally intended task but fortunately fellow blogger Niamh had already suggested we write a poem about a photograph, so that is the Poetry Bus journey for next Monday.I didn't have time to find a suitably good photoblog, but fortunately I am also the best photographer in the world so have rustled up 10 images .You can choose one or as many as you like, use them for inspiration,just write whatever comes to you when you look at them.Be interesting to see who chooses what and how poems might differ for the same photo.I can't load all 10 together so 5 are here and 5 in the post below.


Sandra Leigh said...

I was sitting here, developing a forehead butt (ref Tender Graces), trying to figure out what Part Deux was all about without aid of text, when suddenly this post appeared and it all made sense. Phew. It will be hard to choose a photo from the beautiful bounty you have provided, but we will soldier on.

Friko said...

I'll come back when the poetry bus has safely gone, I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.
But I've come across your site in so many sites that I visit and like that I'm just having to pop over and check you out.

See you soon. Is it always poetry or can it be prose?

PS: the verification word is 'oyancity', is that poetry enough for you?

Tess Kincaid said...

Okay, I admit I fell completely off the poetry bus last Monday, but I'm hoppin' on for this coming. Grabbing a picture to take back with me. They're all was hard to decide!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Ahhhh....lovely photos, TFE! You manage to create beauty from even the scruffier subjects.

I have my transfer ticket for this bus ready to go!

A Cuban In London said...

To claim to be the world's greatest blog is a tad bit too arrogant, but if you claimed to be the world's most entertaining, facetious and deliciously decadent (broadly speaking) blog in the universe, I would believe it to the letter.

Greetings from London.

colleen said...

I enjoyed my visit. Great pictures and an overall good ride.

Rachel Fox said...

I'll probably need a lie-down in a dark room before next Monday. I will manage something but it might be a small one this time (and only one!).

Niamh B said...

Heya TFE,
Even though it is a result of my own suggestion this time, your challenge is still having the usual uncomfortable effects, rash, ranting incomprehensively, telling myself I don't have to do it, no one will mind, it's not the taking part that counts. But wow - they are gorgeous pictures, so of course I will be endeavouring to get a ticket. (If I fail to hop on I promise faithfully to wave wildly from the side of the road!!)

Heather said...

More great photos TFE - they are very inspirational and will be most helpful....... I hope!!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Phew ,Sandra, just in time!Had to post the last one first or else the first one would have been last instead of first and the last one wouldn't have been last,it would have been first.And as this isn't a biblical tale where tha last shall be first and the first shall be last, that might have been confusing.Glad you like da photos :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

The poetry bus is like a bus, you wait for one and then a train turns up and into a car and then becomes a bus.Prose is just fine Friko, see you Monday?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Janey Mac,Willow! Hope you didn't get hurt,glad you're hoppin'(limping?) back on, see you Monday!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Ah, I like scruffy Jeanne,glad you see the beauty too! Don't lose that ticket now!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey, Cuban in London ,I was just about to be offended when you pulled it out of the fire.Many thanks! Hope you're Havana nice day in London ;)

deliciously decadent? I like the sound of that!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Tanx ye Colleen!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Rachel, ah gwan ,gwan, gwan, gwan ,just a few poems. Ya will, ya will, ya will!No I mean it, YOU WILL!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey, Niamh.That's not the poetry ,that's the alcohol! Inspiration will strike ,but if not don't wave too much ,Jimmy the Butler is driving this week and has a terrible habit of running over anyone or any thing that distracts him.His tally so far is a badger, two foxes, 3 Gardai, a traffic light and a multi story block of flats which, according to Jimmy, wasn't there the last time he drove a bus, in February. (1953)

Totalfeckineejit said...

I'm sure you will come up with something Heather.See you Monday, you don't need your bus pass. :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Welcome back, Kat.Sounds like you're cooking up a poem! Hidden? Yes. Mysterious? No. :)

Titus said...

That is another tough one TFE, for though there really is a huge variety of image there, not one is shouting to me. So it's gonna be work.
And that is, actually, no bad thing, so count me in.
Thank you for spending your time in motivating us. Dashed decent of you.

Totalfeckineejit said...

I deliberately and scientifically chose visuals that were least conducive to inspiration to encourage cerebral perspiration. Actually, no,that's not true, Titus, but I have to agree I can't think of feck all at the moment either.Doh!

Colm Keegan said...

Man this poetry bus is the best bus ever. But I think it will really take off if you start using paragraphs dude! Am gonna finish off that drawing on your other post now

Totalfeckineejit said...

Looking forward to your drawing Uisce, but paragraphs? Nah! They'll never catch on!

Colm Keegan said...

Aw man come on. Do it for me!! I'll post you a Transylvanian belly dancing bear if ya do. Hurry up while stocks last!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Okay, it's deal.Looking forward to the transylvanian belly dancing polar bear.Now how do paragraphs work again? And what do I feed the bear when it arrives?

Dominic Rivron said...

Contribution complete and ready to post!

Totalfeckineejit said...

WhaAAyy, godo man Dom!