Monday, September 14, 2009

International Poetry Monday

Doesn't Monday come round so quick? It only seems a week ago that we were posting poetry like there was no tommorrow.Looking forward to reading this weeks efforts.

Catching the wordy worm are these early birds:

Mr River Run

Jeanne posts below and blogs at

Yearning for serenity
an unsettled mind
drifts gracefully
flowing in paralysis
a paradox offering
spiritual coalescence
sweet malady
sweeter melody
sweetest memory
core surge caresses
in divine rhythm
echoes from arched bones
guard this heart
in solemn surrender to stillness
filling silence with rapture

(Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis, composed by Ralph Vaughan-Williams)

Rachel Fox




Poetikat (doing,ithink,the very first task)

5 Minutes

Tick, tick, tick.
I watch the digits
Flip and flick.
(I have an old clock.)
Tells the time
in my dimension,
It is only my intention,
to be clever,
though I never
really ever
pull it off.
(To my own satisfaction)
So, I'll print my own
On another note,
I'm trying
to decide if you're denying
me the time
to lay it out there.
All about me?
Well, I don't care!
Time is flying--
one more minute.
Is there something really
in it?
Tick, tick, tick,
my old clock's winding

Poet in residence for the first time instead of leaving money behind the bar with nebulous Noreen ,has posted tongue in cheek, should we have taken the money, or opened the (goggle) box? :)


eej's monday challenge

slap on the goggle-box;
the gaping gawping
cornered noise-box,

half turn of my right cauli;
another dolly-bird songlet,
the background noise,
imagine shimmer
on a blonde with lip-gloss

hey eej it's musik,
an airspray advert,

she lwks so good
ah oh
so good

but damn it eej
i can't see her

no i can't see her

no not from ear

Mrs Niamh

Another welcome debutante to the TFE experience, Drama Queen



Mrs Nesbitt



Sandra Leigh

Colin Will

Here's mine TFE I blog right about HERE.

Last resort

Run bleeding over dry sand
black gold, guilt edge, only we can drown.
Come bullets, come bombs,
promenade your picture postcards.

Plough back all the wet words
these strange planes to foreign lands,
show our face, our hands.

Wish you weren’t here,
dying for a seaside town ?
Come poet, leveller, croppy boy,
pre steam-age romantics rise,
blow the ghost train .

Song was 'Every day is like sunday' by Morrissey


The Weaver of Grass said...

Poem posted at 11.31 - love your poem - shall now go and read Dominic's.

Rachel Fox said...

Now I'm wondering how Morrissey and Crystal Gayle would manage a duet?
And I fear I am going to win the cheesiest music choice prize today. Oh well. A prize is a prize.

NanU said...

hey, look: Mondays have become something to look forward to!

Tess Kincaid said...

Plough back all the wet words? Brilliant.

Titus said...

TFE, I didn't think I would be, but I'm in and it's up! Back to read later.

mrsnesbitt said...

Poem posted at 18.19!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Weaver,Dominic's is different and stylish.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Good combo Rachel!The music might be cheesy but the poem isn't ;)

Totalfeckineejit said...

NanU ,it's a miracle ,thank you!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Wilow, you're great at the praise,how about a poem? Come on in ,the water's lovely.And thanks :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Kat hope you're enjoying the rest and relaxation!Like this poem was this for the first task?Great result if so,surprising what can be achieved in 5 little minutes!Hope you enjoyed doing it.Tune in for next weeks task,I won't tell anyone!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Good Dog Titus! Have a Bob Martin's and a bowl of water.Glad you made it.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Mrs Nesbitt ,I was so looking forwardcto your poem but can't find it anywhere on any of your blogs! AAAGGGHHH!

Niamh B said...

poem up now, I like yours, whatever next!?

Heather said...

I wish I hadn't read these entries first - they are so good!! I'm just going to post mine now - it is not.

Drama Queen said...

Poem up too - mind if I join?
Set next task please!

Domestic Oub said...

Complete 'mare. Found the music too wonderful - everything I wrote was too puny. But here you go.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Mrs Niamh, next is definitely going to be the next thing, probably.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Oh, yes it is! Thanks Heather!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Welcome Drama Queen and thanks a million for joining in!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Nice one Doub, glad you joined us again!Thanks mucho.

Dominic Rivron said...

Don't know the Morrissey song, but I like the poem a lot.

For some random reason I can't pin down (the croppy boy reference?) it reminded me of my late ex-father-in-law's stack of old LPs (Wolfe Tones, et al). I wonder what became of it...

Titus said...

Just got back for yours TFE.
Pretty blown away actually, very good. Compact language, complex thoughts, superb images conjured.
Really liked it.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Dom, it's one of my favourite morrissey songs.The croppy boys (rebels from Co.Wexford)got their names from their short haircuts.There's a very sad song called The Croppy Boy sung by many people but probably best by The Clancy Brothers.It was one of my party pieces (when i used to go to parties!) The poem is an anti war poem.

The Lesser Weevil said...

Well, here I am ... true to form ... 5 hours later than any bugger else and I've just got in and missed it again! So sorry, TFE! I am determined to be 'available' next Monday at 7' on the dot. I've read some of your other entries though, and I'm fair dreading it now. Still, I can't do much worse than I did on Professor Yaffle's Devonshire Speech competition! Or can I?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks for popping back Titus,cool feedback too.Mucho tanxes! Pip pip!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Weevo! Did the pubs close at eleven? :)
You are forgiven,try for next monday,I'll be setting the assignment tomorrow and youll have all week to work on it.Post it anytime Monday,it doesn't have to be 7.Some of the stuff was really good for ure , but that's not the whole point,it's having a go,besides you might surprise yourself.(Specially if you creep up on the mirror and go " Well fancy meeting you here" then poke yourself in the eye)

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

What a wonderful assembly of poets you have here, TFE! Lovely read! Really needed it today...Thank you so much for this exercise!

Sandra Leigh said...

When all else fails, read the instructions. Right? I read them at 6:55 this evening, as I was getting ready to write my 5-minute poem.

Thus, my poem is late. I had to listen to music first. It is, however, there at The Turtle. I'm glad I had to sit and listen to music. I feel much better now.

mrsnesbitt said...

I have had such problems with my blog, now I have sorted stuff out! Hope you find it easily! Just visit my original blog! Ta Dx

Dave King said...

Loved yours, loved all of them. Must have a think about this Poetry Monday lark, myself - though probably not immediately. Bit booked up! Damn good way to get the week off to a flying start, though. Full marks.

(I typed a flying tart - was tempted to leave it.)

swiss said...

a day late but done and a great way to waste the morning!

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

How does one climb aboard the Eekit train and take part?

Top marks for Morrissey duties:

Miserable mancunian left his clothes behind
on a seaside bench, in the rain at summertime
Wrote a little ditty about the dismal sound of rain
counted all the money falling in like endless rain

Sorry - that was really bad

Batteson.Ind said...

uuuurrrrgghhh!!... sooo many excellent thingies!.... why didn't we join in this Monday?... well, the sun was shining and we did jobs, plus the computer was being a complete w%*"ker again! Anyway, will endeavor to go by and read everyone's things, if eircom decide to load a page at a rate that doesn't involve death.
Love the morrisey inspired poem... also love the "croppy boys" ref ;-)
Have a good-un :-D

Colin Will said...

I've posted my poem, about Beethoven's Ninth, at

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Jeanne and thanks for joining in!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks for joining in Sandra Leigh and well done!And thanks too for my award!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Mrs Nesbitt! Found you at last! Thanks for perservering and joining in. :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hi Dave, flying tart? That's a good one :)Glad you enjoyed the poems, thanks. It is good fun and it would be great to have you aboard, there's 3 weeks still to go, so......

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey DFTP , i thought that was the actual Morrissey lyric! Just throw your luggage away and jump aboard, we leave from platform 9 every Monday.Instructions posted on my blog every Tues.Can we feed the pixies now please?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Kat,the self portrait, to be honest, is very flattering, I don't look quite that good in real life. ;)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Uiscekatz glad you liked da pomes and glad mine isn't the only slower than slow computer in da woild .Join in next weeek?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Nice one, Colin. Welcome and thanks for joining in!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks for posting Kat enjoy the Merlot!