Where do you write,what time suits best, do you have a special pen/paper, do you have to eat smarties, or drink whiskey while you write? Do you write alone at an elegant Georgian desk with leather inlay or surrounded by kids and dogs at the kitchen table? Can you write on a keyboard or do you have to do it longhand and then transfer it? I love seeing writers dens and finding out how they write.The photographer John Minihan did a great book of portraits of Irish writers called 'An unweaving of rainbows'and the few that gave a glimpse of writers lairs were my favourites.Of them Michael Mannion's(more shabby than chic) looked particularly intriguing with bed/sofa (and what looks like a potty underneath)a massive ancient typewriter on tiny coffeee table,huge sheepskin rug,kettle on top of small fridge and a tailcoat hanging on the back of the door- eclectic!Tell me how you write and why, not so that I might know why I do , but maybe just to remind me.
On the hoof, TFE; I write in a journal that I keep near me, in the handbag, or in a few A4 journals upstairs. Then if it's working I go to the lappie and type it in... In my house it's a anywhere, anytime, any place scenario as there's no room for me to call mine. So it could be in the dining room, the bedroom, the sitting room... or even on the beach, if I'm out... this is writing we're talking about, right?
I have a desk in my study, but like Babs, I can write anywhere.
I work in the morning when my 2 kids are at school, so I'm at the desk by 9am and have until 1pm, uninterrupted.
I can also work in the avo when the TV occupies the youngest. Or his friend.
I keep a tiny notebook with me at all times and I jot down anything of interest in that (a name I like, a possible story title, a sentence that occurs to me, interesting words, various observations etc etc).
I make a list of these snippets on my lapper, and consult it when stuck, or alternatively the snippet becomes a poem or story beginning straight away.
As for why I write, because I'm compelled to, I love it, and it keeps me semi-sane.
OH you tempt me! Should I or shouldn't I? hmmmm... Okay, why not...
I do my best writing with an organic pencil, lying in bed, sans apparel, with books, journals and other research nearby. However, presently, I am wrapped in a woolen coat like a bear in hibernation, at the computer in my freezing office. ;-)
Now, why do I write? Well... I write because something burns inside, and I simply must release it or else my contribution to global warming would fill me with much guilt, which would then lead to more combustion, leading to an even greater threat to this planet for which our purpose as the human species is to provide sound stewardship. Okay, now I return to my cave. zzzzzz....
Really enjoyed reading everyone's writing routine...
TFE, confessing here to being a laptop on lap and me-on-futon-bed writer (not under covers!) - no bedstead head, just lean against a cave wall with propped up pillows...looking out
at the unused writing desk...(not counting the fact that the cat sits on said-desk...)and I sip tea...lots of it...morning is my best time, preferably between maybe 6 am and 10 am with dawn chorus...I am also a note-book keeper, loads of notebooks...have left a few in plane seat pockets much to my consternation at the time...
And why write? Just love doing it, I really amuses me and long may that last. : )
Oh and that photo is hilarious - what was it before the graffiti struck?
Thanks Barbara, Nuala, Jeanne, Liz a fascinating insight into the world of writers, well done.Yes B, it's definitely writin we're talkin bout, but no special nest fer your writin? I'd find that hard but ye obviuosly manage brilliantly. Nuala, it's great how you fit in de writn around the family,I agree wit da keepin almost sane effect.Jeanne glad to see that you iz writin to save da planet-keep it up! Liz, it's interestinthat we all scribble in little notebooks, but to lose them on planes-ouch! That said imagine the lucky person that finds your treasure-I'd love that!(ps. the yoke is a kind of parking bollard)Keep writn everyone, the world neds us- well yez anyway :)
I guess I write to find out what I think.
Hey Dave,thanks fer that,it's a good point ,I know what ye mean.
Anywhere - though people complain when I use the bathroom. I tend to write on paper, preferably with a black bic biro, then go to the computer.
I also use a dictaphone, when I can remember where I last put it down - an old thing with a tiny cassette in.
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