Her first poem as laureate and I think it's the first poem by any laureate that I've ever thought was any good,I like it.Whhat do yous think?
How it makes of your face a stone
that aches to weep, of your heart a fist,
clenched or thumping, sweating blood, of your tongue
an iron latch with no door. How it makes of your right hand
a gauntlet, a glove-puppet of the left, of your laugh
a dry leaf blowing in the wind, of your desert island discs
hiss hiss hiss, makes of the words on your lips dice
that can throw no six. How it takes the breath
away, the piss, makes of your kiss a dropped pound coin,
makes of your promises latin, gibberish, feedback, static,
of your hair a wig, of your gait a plankwalk. How it says this –
politics – to your education education education; shouts this –
Politics! – to your health and wealth; how it roars, to your
conscience moral compass truth, POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS.
Well it is the best poem by Poet Laureate I have read - usually they are so contrived. I suppose with the political state of our country in such a mess any poet would be moved to write a poem about it - but yes - I like it.
What's the weather doing today in your neck of the woods?
That is a really fantastic poem; I always like the repeated phrase, but she handles it very well. Thanks. Read your fiction yesterday by the way & liked it a lot (did leave a comment!)
I think maybe she's going to enjoy this role!
Yes, Weaver, they were awful contrived,so it isn't hard to do better,but I do think she's getting her teeth into the role here and that's great.as for the weather,weaver,well what a difference a day makes ,24 little hours..... Actually it's not what I'd call a summers day,it's cool enough to need a jumper but it is bright and it is dry and I am grateful for mercies , no matter how small ! (Did you notice that extravaganza of alliteration there? I love saying 'weather weaver' it feels nice.
You are right, John,it is a fantastic poem and would sound even better than it reads. And thanks a million for the excellent and supportive comment you left on Ink Sweat and Tears.
Hi, Rachel, yes, I think she is going to enjoy the ride and if this poem is anything to go by-so are we :)
Bl**dy great...saw her read at Poetry Now in Dun Laoghaoire...she is excellent - lots of great poems to look forward to, I'd say.
I like it. And your moon widget. Who knew (until now) that the moon was waning and gibbous and 71 per cent full? (even if I don't know what exactly gibbous means)
Worthy of the title I'd say. A no nonsense poet and bang up-to-date. She expresses all our feelings with this first poem.
'Blondy great' is right, Liz.I am envious that you witnessed her read at Dun Laoghaire.This poem begs to be read.Many more to come? I'll drink to that!
Glad you like it, PF, and more importantly i'm glad you like my moon widget ,which causes me now end of joy and you are the very first to appreciate it's glory, thank you. Gibbous is to Gibbons as lupine is to wolf, thus when the moon is gibbous it means that the man that usually lives in the moon on the bright side (making the cheese that forms the core of the moon) has gone over to the dark side due to an influx of vexatious Gibbons.Also when the moon is getting bigger it is said to be 'waxing' meaning we need less candles to see by at night.Hope this helps :)
Spot on , Kat, it does get better the more you read it and yes I love the internal rhymes and repetitions too :)
yes, Heather and you've hit the nail on the head, when you say 'she expresses all our feelings' she speaks for the people,sometimes, particularly for a laureate , isn't that exactly what poetry should do? Sometimes I wish we had a national poet here to speak our feelings too.I'd like to nominate Paul Durcan.
A time might well arise time when CAD would get the sack if the powers that be had the faintest idea what she was going on about. Fortunately for her, they won't.
Ooh, I look forward to that time dominic, and as you say will the establishment cop on ? Unlikely :)
It's got to be the best beginning in recent days. I suppose the only one to compare with it would be The Charge of the Light Brigade. That also was a sociological comment and a break from writing purely for royalty. She wouldn't be drawn on what she would write about, but now we know! I agree with Rachel: she's going to enjoy the role!
Hi Dave , long time no (virtual) see !Yes, we'll all enjoy the ride, I'm already looking forward to the next one :)
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