Hello comrades I have a very short story (Flash fiction) published on the Ink Sweat and Tears website http://www.ink-sweat-and-tears.com/ It's called 'Her sister's wedding' If you get a chance please go and have a read and if possible please leave a comment in the Ink Sweat and Tears comments box thing. (click on' leave comment' bottom left at the end of story and brief biog then 'post a comment' appears, click on this and leave message in the box.) Thanks Amigos.
Ps. If you could ask/persuade/threaten, any, or all,of your friends to do the same my large cup of (albeit temporary) happiness would runneth over. Remember this tiny story is guaranteed to cure all minor ailments (including warts ,diarrhoea, nervous twitches, piles, hay fever and curly teeth) or your money back.
Pps. As a notoriously bad speller it speaks volumes that one of the few words (over 4 letters) that I can write without the aid of a dictionary is diarrhoea.
I am impressed by your spelling skill! Just going to read your story. Well done and Congrats.
Thank you Heather, I knew I could rely on you!
Am just off to read the story too - diarrhoea is a word we all learn to spell sooner or later.
Read the story. Can't see how to leave a comment so am saying it here - I think it tells such a lot in so few words - that is something I find difficult to do.
Thats funny Weaver:) and thanks for your supportive comments.To leave them on the I,S and T site, just click on 'leave comment'which appears to the left at the end of the story and biog.
Oh yes and when you click on 'leave comment' a couple o seconds later 'post comment' appears, clik on this a put glowing full of praise comment in box. Tanx.
Hi TFE: I'll head over to read it ASAP-- thanks for posting the link. I'll also be sure to praise you to high heavens, esp. yr spelling skills & yr eye for left-out words!
Thanks Kat for that and even more thanks for taking the time to post the kind and really generous enthusiastic words over on Ink, Sweat and Tears. :)
A good one! The only short I've tried in a while is in a glass by my elbow as I write. You've inspired me to have a go.
Just back from a gander to Ink sweat and tears. I liked your story - very seedy and dark (in a good way). How about a longer piece now? I want to find out more about that lady and her skirt
Damn, I posted two comments, but I'm not having any luck getting them to stick. Probably my stupid brain!
congrats TFE, it's a sound snapshot, nicely done.
You had me confused for a moment. In the good ole US of A, we spell it diarrhea. Interesting, eh? No. Fine.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...I read and truly enjoyed your flash fiction! So many layers compacted into one small story!
Great flash, TFE, you got what it takes...much manic clapping from this end.: )
Thanks to you too john for the support :)
Thank you PF I'm glad you liked it.I would LOVE to write something longer ,but fear I have reached my limit.Having said that I like your Idea of continuing (about the lady and her skirt) on with this story-thanks, watch this space, but not too closely and don't hold your breath ,or tread on the cracks in the pavement, or wear brown with black....sorry ,got carried away there!
Thanks Dominic for this and the kind comments on I,S and T.Don't mention whiskey,i get twiitchy at the mere thought of it.And I really do hope you have (another) go and if you do I would highly recommend I ,S and T.The editor charles christian is very friendly/helpful and also you will usually get a reply really quickly-like within a week!
Thanks for that ,B, and thanks for valliantly trying to post comments on I S and T :)
Diarhhea is always interesting Susan and my dictionary has both spellings(why would that be,why can't everything be spelled 2 ways, or even better whatever way you like so long as it iz stil rekognizable?) I notice also it rather quaintly describes the condition as 'excessive looseness of the bowels'Oh and thanks glad you liked the story :)
Thanks, Liz, for your kind woids :) -and clapping!
I left a comment over there too. Flash fiction is cool, quick and easy to do but easy to screw up as well. Fair play TFE
Thanks Uiscebot and thanks also for leaving a good comment on Ink Sweat and Tears. Mucho appreciated
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