Friday, June 19, 2009

Great craft auction website

Well we were down to our last €14 euros the other day,sometimes we are down to less than even a euro, but more euros are always around the corner , we have the ability and the option to accrue them, we are lucky,compared to most, we are filled with hope and laden down with opportunity. How would it feel to have no money at all and no hope of ever having any.We (The EEjits )sometimes consider ourselves poor which on a worldwide scale is a total nonesense. We have plenty of food (I am ridiculously overweight and I am ashamed to admit that I need to eat less to improve my health when people across the globe are hungry or starving, moreover I am sure the millions we spend here in the first world on dietry aids ,gimmicks ,fads and weight loss classes would be a brutally incomprehensible and cruel revelation to the mother of a starving child)) i drink alcohol far more often than I should,and even when down to the last few euros we have every luxury of television , phone , mobile phone, heat , light, a solid roof over our heads, a computer our own personal transport.Beyond that we have neighbours and family who are in a position to always help us in an emergency.In short we live like kings.I am sure the people of Darfur would be sickened to hear the likes of me whingeing about being poor,it is an insult to them. With this in mind I am posting a link to a brilliant website/blog created to help the refugees of Darfur.It auctions brilliant often unusual artwork and crafts.Mrs EEjit says the jewellery and bags are lovely and I have already seen some handmade street art photo cards that I really liked and it's fun to bid by just leaving a comment on the blog with the amount you'd like to pay-a sort of charitable ebay only the stuff isn't crap. Please go along and have a look. Dear fellow bloggers you might consider also adding the link to your sidebar-just visit the website copy the code and paste it into your 'Add a gadget' thingy/yoke.All arty people ye may have something to donate? Anyway, as the people themselves put it.......Made4aid is an online charity auction of high quality, handcrafted items donated by crafters and artists throughout the world.The organisation is run by volunteers and is entirely non-profit-making, with all proceeds being sent for relief work in the refugee camps in Darfur.Visit the official Made4Aid website for more information.


Liz said...

Sounds like a class idea...thanks for pointing the way, TFE.
And yeah, lap-of-luxury all round for us in the developing world - we take it all for granted sometimes.

Colm Keegan said...

We don't know how blessedly ignorant we are of real life and it's challenges. We watch tv for drama while the rest of the world outside our greenzone fight to live day by day. I'm often amazed at the fluke of being born where I was and am grateful for it.

Unknown said...

Right on about made4aid, & right on about the relativity of being "poor" in the first world (spoken as other 1st world "poor" folks!).

Heather said...

I agree with all you have said on this post TFE. Most of us don't know how lucky we are yet still find things to moan about. The craft auction website is a great idea and I am going to take a look right now.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hi ,Liz, and yes ,you are right it is easy to take it all for granted.This auction seems a great idea ,hope it does well :)

Yes, Uiscebot it is pure chance where we are born and what life we will have. I always feel like there's an unwritten code that people would help you ,say if you were getting your head kicked-in outside a bar, that if you were desperate for help somebody would turn up and yet people are dying from lack of food and I (in effect) walk by.If there is a God (and I believe there is) I often wonder what he'll make of that?

John, it is all relative isn't it and being our foirst world poor is Okay perhaps even correct but poverty(and it exists everywhere) is wrong and if that poverty is as extreme as starvation that is unforgiveable.

You're right Heather and thanks for having a look, hope you find something nice!

Good on ya Kat and I'll check out that pome.Gruff exterior?? i thought I was being really nice in my blog at least,coz I'm a total twat in real life , a boring asehole of the highest order with badges and certs to prove it,ask me mother.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Agreed tfe - we have no idea what real poverty is like - our whole existence is cushioned - and still we moan. Good, uplifting post.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited and heading there right now! :)

The Lesser Weevil said...

Some people are living our worst nightmares and yet they still sing, dance and smile. Thanks for the pointer - I've had a mooch around the site and there are some lovely pieces there. Aside from raising all-important funds, this is a fantastic idea for truly unique birthday or Christmas presents, etc. I love to admire other people creativity, as I have inherited absolutely none from my Dear Mama. I don't think she gave me my fair share of brains neether.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks ,Weaver ,yes, cushioned we indeed are in this life but will it be the pitchfork and the flames in the next? Yikes Scoob!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks ,Susan, hope you find something nice :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes Weevil, it's a great site and some of the stuff is cool.Brains and creativity in abundance in your delightfully mad poems:)