Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I is back outta Hoshppidal

and hopefully nearly outa the woods too.Very tired, very weak.Must bed rest for another week then take it easy for another three,then go back for x rays.The roots and branches of infection got a real good grip of me and aren't keen to let go despite almost a gallon of liquid antibiotics and a bucketful of tablet ones.After a day of tests and who wants to be a millionaire type questioning in A+E they put me in a bed on a ward and stuck a four inch nail,er, I mean needle, into my arm with a nozzle on the end.I wondered if they were going to re-inflate my lung with a bicycle pump ,but no, it was for putting huge syringes of antib's into me at regular intervals.It's become a cliche I suppose to say the 'nurses were angels' but this hackneyed phrase is only a cliche because it is so true.I am filled with huge admiration for every single one of them and enormous gratitude.I don't know how they do it, don't know why they do it, but I thank God that they do. I would really love to win the lottery and give each and every one of them a huge wedge of cash and all the catering staff and all the domestics. You hear so many horror stories about hospitals and care and cleanliness that I was very concerned going in. In reality this hospital was everything you would hope it to be and to say I was relieved and highly impressed would be an understatement.They will have forgotten me already as they deal with the next intakes on a never ending conveyor belt, but I will never forget any of them. Thanks to you too ,blog pals ,for all your warm wishes and humour, they are most appreciated and apologies that this blog of photography and writing and idiocy has become a catalogue of illness.Everybody gets ill , everybody has troubles, I'm sure some of yours are worse than mine and you don't bleat on about them.
It's funny I spent a lot of this summer angry at the weather ,raging at it like that fecking other EEjit raging at windmills. I used to walk the dog across this field and a swallow would fly past, up and down , swerving past us at the last secondIt was beautiful and it was amazing ,but inwardly I was still eyeing the grey skies,feeling the cool breeze, and moaning.When I was in hospital and sick I thought of that moment and how I would dearly love to be under those grey skies , feeling the breeze on my face and watching that small bird.So maybe not ALL cliches are true. Maybe, just maybe, one swallow really can make a summer after all.


Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

And thank God you swallowed all those antibiotics, too!

Here's a one-line poem I wrote a week ago on Facebook after walking down a road near my home:

Overhead, young swallows wing their way through flight school, cows low along a country brook, and beyond the trees, echoes of Eric Clapton, “You look wonderful tonight.”

steven said...

well tfe i was beginning to wonder if blogdom was going to have to order in a few barrels of ale and toast your memory. good news that you're on the mend. buddy you took a real deep dive didn't you!! whenever i've had contact with a hospital for whatever reason, i've felt the same gratitude to be alive and the same desire to experience something simple outdoors. it's about life force i guess. hoover back those meds and get well. steven

Rachel Fox said...

Welcome back to life!

Carol Q said...

glad to hear you've survived and ended on an optimistic note. was hoping you were okay.

Colm Keegan said...

Hear hear Man. Shades of Kavanagh's Canal poetry. Illness, and the vulnerability it brings is all mad and transformative. Glad you're back tho homeboy. Keep loving them swallows.

Padhraig Nolan said...

Welcome back, O brave and intrepid voyager of the Trolley Territories. I've actually been keeping said Swallow carefully wrapped in used baling twine (orange - the good stuff) and confined to a slightly battered shoebox (hightop, ancient, aromatic). I will arise and go now and release him, with specific instructions to buzz you bigtime on your next caninophilic meander. Good to have you back!

Niamh B said...

Glad to have you back, blogland wasn't the same without ya

ArtSparker said...

Sweet. Congratulations on your homecoming.

Dominic Rivron said...

Kept checking my bloglist for news the last few days - glad to see they've let you out!

Unknown said...


So glad you're back-- try to take it easy during the convalescent process, ok? & as someone who deals with medical folk regularly, I must say your words on nurses are so very true.

Pure Fiction said...

Great to have you back tfe - was beginning to get alarmed by the silence.

The Lesser Weevil said...

After such a crappy day, I just could not have wished for a nicer surprise when I got home. You have no idea how many little bodies out here in blogland are just chuffed to see you back. I hope that Mrs Eejit is also recovered - she must be shattered too, poor thing!

Pneumonia will scar you for a while, so don't go doing anything dippy like looking for swallows under stormy skies - not for a while, at least. You'll me more susceptible to infection for a bit, so please, please be careful.

When you've got a moment, pop over to mine, as there is a little something there for you. You might also want to have a look at our recent relay poetry blog - it was bloody good fun and we'll definitely do it again soon.

God Bless and Toodle-pip!

Heather said...

It's good to know you are home again, safe and almost sound. All you have to do now is be a patient patient for the next few weeks. You weren't the only one moaning about the weather - hope you have some sunny days to enjoy while you are convalescing. Glad you had such good care in hospital. I share your views, and it makes me mad when people complain about nurses, doctors and hospitals in general.

Sandra Leigh said...

Welcome home, Eejit, and have a happy, restful convalescence. (That's my way of saying You Take It Easy, Young Man, and Don't You Dare Try to Do Too Much Too Soon! without actually saying that and sounding like somebody's mother, which I am, of course.


I'm so very glad that you are back home and recuperating!

Your last line was beautiful.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I was seriously worried eejit - even rang Dominic to see if he knew. Well you are home again -now take it easy, rest, read a good book and get well soon. Love

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks, Jeanne, and a great poem methinks.Similar thoughts, there must be something in the air- it may be swallows :)

Thnks, Steven.Do you know I haven't had ale for about a month! Apart from one Lenten abstinance that is the longest time I've gone without a drink for many, many years.Man I dived so deep I saw the bottom of the world.The simple things are best, hold them tight. :)

Tanx Rachel, life is GOOD! :)

Tanx Alcoholinky(still love that name)the cup of life is half full :)

Good man, whiskeybottle ' Illness, and the vulnerability it brings is all mad and transformative.' Just about hits the nail on the head
.I'm sure them swallows are some sort of talisman.Kavanagh ? Cool! :)

Lovely poetic short story P.N. You are the ultimate lexicographer.Caninophilic? Love it! It's not even in my(admittedly cheap) dictionary let alone my vocabulary,but will google it later.looking outn too for that wnged messenger of hope :)

Not sure about this one, Mrs Niamh,could be good, could be bad, the world wasn't the same without Hitler either.I'm presuming good so mucho tanxye :)

Hey Tanx, ArtSparker,you should have seen the marching bands and the tickertape,TV crews the lot! :)

Thanks, Dominic,it's good to be out and yet hospital was such a relief,you are suddenly so free from all responsibilities so dependant on those around you that if i felt better I might even have stayed longer! :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Wrecked now back later.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks, John.i hope your dealing with medical folk is not due to ill health.also you mentioned a baseball bat earlier, to borrow, and I was curious to know if it was used solely for sport in the past? :0

Thanks, PF, alarm bells were ringing all over the place here too,specially in me head! :)

Hello, Weavil,sorry you had a crappy day but thank you for your kind words and your wacky witty ones too.Thanks too for the advice,I'll admit to being a little worried about the damage done as this is the second pneumonia since Oct last.And this one was let go way too long before hospital.Relay poetry sounds like a good fun idea.I'll pop over soon.Pip,Pip! :)

Thank you, Heather,you're right about hospitals/nurses and I really hope to one day repay them in some way.If someone says anything bad about nurses I will box them in the snot! :)

Thanks, Sandra Leigh.And like nurses all mammies are great too! I will take your good advice and thank you for it. :)

Thank you, Susan S.And glad you liked the last line. :)

Thanks ,Kat, for all your words and prayers, they sure do work.When concerned for someone Mammy EEjit (82)stays up till almost mdnight saying the rosary.She stayed up till two am praying for me,so I knew things must be bad! My first name is Peadar (Peter) Dominic so you are well tuned in with your PD, Kat,-spooky! :0

Well, Weaver,what can I say?(alliteration) That is some serious worrying you have been doing on my behalf,I'm flattered and grateful,thank you for this and all your good wishes,they are most appreciated. :)
Ps. Rest, take it easy, read a good book? Should be able to take that medicine!

Unknown said...


I'm an odd mix of sickeningly healthy & not--but I try to dwell on the positive. The baseball bat was strictly sport in the past!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey ,John, i was wondering/hoping the bat was another insight into your wild past!! Sorry to hear you too have some health concerns but I must try follow your example and stay positive-not something I excel at ! ;)

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, EEjit, this is all too scary! So glad to hear you are home safe and sound. Rest up and be well soon, dear bloggy friend. Sending lots of good thoughts and wishes from the manor. ~x

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hello, Willow,all your good thoughts and well wishes are more than welcome and most appreciated, thank you. :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Total and feckin?

Sara said...

So glad you're back! Was feeling real mean for teasing about man 'flu when you've clearly been REALLY poorly man. It's funny what dark moments it takes for us to appreciate the light in the littlest things isn't it? Hope you hold that beauty in your heart & continue to get your strength back.x

Group 8 said...

Get well soon!