Friday, August 7, 2009

Gone to hospital

See you all later.PG.


The Lesser Weevil said...

I hope all's well and I'm sorry you're still so grotty with this. I think we can now see why it's called 'Swine' Flu - they could hardly talk about 'F#@*in' Bastard Flu before the watershed.

If you're feeling up to it at some point, pop over to 'mine' as there's a little something for you.

God Bless and keep mending.

steven said...

cripes!!! i hope you get some good news! see you. steven

Niamh B said...

that's crap, hope they sort you out once and for all Mr, (and in a good way)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh my goodness me - do hope you are alright.

Heather said...

Oh dear Eejit - do hope they'll soon have you back to your usual self. We'll be thinking of you.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Positive thoughts...positive thoughts....positive thoughts.....positive thoughts....positive thoughts...

ArtSparker said...

I hope sooner rather than...

Sorry, dude - this is not good news. Hope the big guns take it out.

Unknown said...

Damn-- really pulling for you--all the best wishes from here.



Sandra Leigh said...

Oh,dear. Been dancing with the Queen of Spain again, I suspect. Get well soon, Eejit.

The Lesser Weevil said...

This is just a quick message to you and Mrs EEjit, just to let you know that we're thinking of you and hope you both recover quickly. It's at times like this that these semi-anonymous postings really piss you off as you feel you can't get close enough (no, that sounds downright creepy, but you know what I mean) to do anything to help - although it's a blessing in this case, as an overdose of nutters in your house would be about as much use as a one legged man in an arse-kicking contest, wouldn't it? God Bless and look over you both and give you strength. Love and best wishes, Debbie. I've just read this through and I do write such total drivel!

Heather said...

So sorry you have been taken into hospital and hope that by now you are beginning to feel at the very least more comfortable. I left a comment a couple of days ago but it hasn't appeared so I'm trying again. Hope the computer hasn't blocked comments from your loyal fans, or you'll think we don't care about you. Get well soon. Hope Mrs. Eejit is recovering too.

The Lesser Weevil said...

Hiya guys! Just to say we're thinking of you - it wouldn't be polite to say what! - and that, now I've got my car fixed-ish (it's completely shagged, but it IS running at least), shall I pop over and put the kettle on for you and iron the toast? ANYTHING - you name it. Get well soon - you're scaring us. If wishes were made of Tamiflu, you'd be limbering up for the pentathlon! God Bless.

Emerging Writer said...

Sorry to read you're poorly. Hope you're on the mend now. Any nice nurses to moan about?scald

Dominic Rivron said...

Hope things are going well for you. Hang in there!

Niamh B said...

I'm guessing that the comments appearing now is a good sign and that you're back outta hospital. Hope you're feeling better

Batteson.Ind said...

Hey EEjit!... Hope recovery is winning the day, can't imagine anything worse than being stuck in hospital for more than an hour! We've been thinking of you the last week, wondering how you're doing and bringing you up in conversation; "you know the blog bloke who sent us the assemblage.. he has swine flu!".. that sort of thing! Seriously though, hope you're on the mend!

Mad Aunt Bernard said...

Dearest Eejit nephew, everything living in my hedge is thinking of you, and I hope you all make a speedy recovery. Allow yourself tea and toast and a nest in a duvet on the sofa - and in the meantime, don't let anyone poke anything where they shouldn't....hugs and woodlice x