Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Coming soon to a computer screen near you

Doctor Ted.


steven said...

tfe - is that a fanfare in the background of this portentous announcement or something more ominous? steven

Totalfeckineejit said...

Don't worry, Steven,Dr Ted is a rip-off of a TV series comedy here called Father Ted.Dr Ted will be very similar only not half as funny nor even a quarter as good,in fact it wi be appallingly bad, but it will be cathartic for me I'm sure!

Heather said...

I know and love Father Ted and am looking forward to meeting Dr.Ted and hope his healing powers will work for you.
The word verification is 'blessest' and I am sending you many blessests to get back on your feet.

The Weaver of Grass said...

TFE - good to see you have not lost the old sense of humour - keep getting better.

Heather said...

Thanks for visiting my blog - it's good to see that your sense of humour is still strong even if the rest of you isn't at present.

Sandra Leigh said...

Lookee that - you're back, and your spelling has improved markedly. What did they do to you, Eejit?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Heather,Dr Ted has all the healing powers of snake venom only not as funny,I'm already beginning to regret giving my story/play/television series a name reminiscent of something that was actually brilliant.It's a bit like building a shite kit-car and calling it a Pherrari.Many thank ye's for your kind blessests. 0:)
(that's supposed to be a halo over a smiley face)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes,Weaver, I hung on to my appalling sense of humour but I did manage lose a 50 cent coin and half a packet of spearmint polos somewhere in the television room.Ah well!I am trying to keep getting better,thanks for the encouragement! :)

Hello,Kat, that chess /Buckaroo is a great line,ye won't be getting anything like that around hereI can tell you!I'm starting to feel pressure now ,why the feck did I nod towards one of the funniest Tv programme ever made? I should have called it 'Dixon of Doc Green' or 'The bad life' or 'Swine flu over the cuckoos nest' or.......

Heather,i love seeing what creative things ye are up to :)

Sandra Leigh,how are you? Is it possible that antibiotics improve speling? Perhaps not. :)

Dominic Rivron said...

What "Dr Jack" might be like doesn't bear thinking about... :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes, Dominic, I wonder will he take an holistic approach to medicine,or a chainsaw?

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Ah TFE, unfortunately, I never have had the pleasure of viewing 'Father Ed,' so the good thing is that all references will be fresh with me. Looking forward to the prescription segment of the show. ; )

wv: dartat: Don't throw the dartat anything that moves. Okay, unless it has a tail. A tail and whiskers, and maybe if it has more than two legs, or if it bites, hisses or oinks. Okay, you can throw the dartat any thing that flies counterclockwise after 23:56, but not if it reverses direction after 24:07....

Totalfeckineejit said...

Ah, this is good Jeanne, the yardstick has been removed :) All prescriptions are aspirin and rest,for every ailment,unless it's boils or ringworm in which case a red onion bolied in milk and either eaten or applied to the affected area will do the trick.
I've studied your instructions for 'Dartat' and conclude to throw the dart at anything that moves.Period.