Well done Kato on driveling the bus onthe rocky global road of poetry whisterings.Ands much thanklies to all wot parriclipated in producing what was firecracker of a response to the prompt.
This (next) weeks driver is Don't Feed The Pixies, muso and wordsmith.
But more drivelees are needed.Anyone can havea go, no previous experience necessary. Having said that anyone who has had a go and wants another is more welcome than a decent match at the world cup.
The weekly poetry bus is for everyone regardless of age, colour, gender,race, orientation,religious/political beliefs or lack of them. All are equal on the bus and none are more equal than others.
So come Quakers,christians, Capitalist,Communists, come catholics, come creationists,come white people, come black people, come white with black stripes,Black with white stripes, chequered, come little green people from Mars, come atheists, come humanists,come Hindu, come mormon,Mami Wata, muslim, mystic and jew, come Liverpool fan, come Haikuists I don't give a damn, come North ,come South,East or West, come Gnostic, Taoist,sikh, come lutherean, Protestant,Palestinian,Parisian,Brunettes, blondes, Redsers,Rastafarians,Buddhists,Baptists, baldies, boldies, goodies,drunks, come woman, come man, transexual, transvestite, transit van driver, gay or straight or in between,come celibate, come randy, come Goddess, Diva,Devil may care, come beauty queen or, like mine, a face best unseen, come short come tall, come built like a shithouse wall,
come little, come large,come Homer Simpson and Marge, come clever come thick come healthy come sick, come wounded , broken and lost, come found, come lonely happy sad, come weak come strong, come pauper, king or porn star, come poet, come pagan, come smart, come scruffy,
come piebald one-eye-balled and fluffy, JUST GET ON THE BUS!! Or even better drive it!
ok i'll do it again, if ye'll let me
You have such a persuasive turn of phrase eej - bet you can charm the birds off the trees.
Are you sure the bus is big enough for all those people TFE. What about Health and Safety, and overloading?
Put me down for July 16. I'll drive the damn bus on my birthday. Blessings!
Awight, awight awready! I'll dwive! I'll take August 30!
That's about everybody! I really like all inclusive clubs that are not too exclusive!
If no one else volunteers, I can do August 16th, and I PROMISE to make it real simple! : )
My sis is Mormon. She's might be up to the gig to drive the bus. i'll give her a holler & see what she says. :)
Sorry I didn't make it last week. Will hope to ride it this.
Can do the one in September, if that suits?
Put me down to drive the freakin' bus on September 13 since I can't drive on my birthday. Bollocks!
You never mentioned Essex girls. No one ever mentions Essex girls and poetry at the same time.
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