Saturday, December 12, 2009

What's the word on the street EEjit?

The word on the street peeps is SNOW! Yes, it's snowing here at the castle and is likely to continue to do so way into next year or until I tell it to stop.

In other news, Submissions, haven't made any since Jan, how unambitious of me, ah well.

A new year beckons and if I live to see it I think 2010 has a nice sound and shape to it, it might be a good year to do things, have a go at things and stuff.I say this most years, but still.

Apparently it may soon be Christmas once more, which is really good news cos I thought I was getting the DT's again when I saw two elves and a polar bear in the shopping centre.

Talking of shops I've been entering into Niamh Bagel's PIS month (poems in shops) ,a great idea. ( )

My efforts have been brilliant poetically speaking, but rather scruffy aesthetically, so this week (yesterday to be precise) I used one of Rachel Fox's ( )most excellent poetry postcards (still available to purchase, hint -hint) in one of our local coffee shops. Unlike previous times I have mobile phone stylee photographic evidence, probably. I will post it if I can figure it out.

More news is that after the roaring disaster, I mean Success (always getting them two mixed up) of Liz Gallagher's Maximus Miracle blogstop/poteen party at The Castle, I'm pleased to announce that another favourite writer of mine , Nuala Ní Chonchúir , ( ) will be paying a visit some time in Jan to celebrate her just launched poetry pamphlet 'Portrait of the Artist with a Red Car' which I have just read and really enjoyed.

The other news is that blogs are kind of scary.I could type absolutely anything I want now, from a very rude word to a revelation to a lie to really slagging someone off.It's a bit like being on the edge of the platform with the train coming and a feeling that you could just give somebody a leeetle nudge , but something stops you. (probably the fact that you're not a murderer)

But right now the next word I type could be anything, I have one in my head and I'm going to type it,I just don't care anymore , this word won't leave me alone, it can be ignored no longer, it''s good I can't do it.


ArtSparker said...

Beneath the thin, thin veneer of civilization...

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Aw come on, TiFfEe, make a sick girl happy...please....what's the word? And more photos of the Irish snow, please.

wv: supitubs: When one is in the tub, candles glowing, all the bubbles properly placed, one supitubs into liquid bliss.

Dominic Rivron said...

Your blog's got dandruff! :)

Rachel Fox said...

Which postcard did you leave I wonder..? Been working on some new ones this week.
Jealous of your snow.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Are those footprints in the snow wolf, or tiger or something threatening - or are they, more likely, some alley cat on the prowl?
I feel a great urge sometimes (apropos your standing on the edge of the platform story) to sing out loud at some really serious gathering - they do it all the time in films and everybody leaps up, joins in and dances in the aisles. I put this tendency down to a slightly repressive childhood and a Methodist upbringing.
Re Rachel's poetry cards - I have a stash of them and wonder whether to leave one on a shelf in a shop somewhere for someone to pick up and read - must ask Rachel what she thinks to the idea.
You had better get used to Christmas being just round the corner - one swallow may not make a Summer but two elves and a polar bear on the Emerald Isle definitely mean the festive season. Next time you go down there your ears will be bombarded with schmaltzy carols (I made up the spelling of achmaltzy but you know what I mean). Have a good Sunday.

PS Have just thought - polar bear on your patch - could that be global warming?

Elisabeth said...

Oh what a tease. I was waiting for some earth shattering word and it simply did not show.

Liz said...

TFE,shut the castle window,will ya, that falling snow is landing on my steamed fish.

See from the footsteps yourself and Molly out and about...must admit to being a tad envious of yous walking in the snow...we are in 'yellow alert' (as opposed to orange) which means lots of rain but no wind nor snow...but 5 drops of rain here and it is the talk of the town! ; )

Get you on the 'push comes to shove' philosophy..there go us all but for the grace of god and (no train platforms here, thankfully)...

Yay! for more castle shindigs ...looking forward to Nuala's visit.

Titus said...


That's just a guess.

Argent said...

Here's a word: panduriform. I love this word and long to scream it at someone's funeral(my own, would be a real hoot!).

Haven't braved Tescos yet for a PIS (oh, grow up, will ya?). but I'm planning it.


Argent said...

BTW - panduriform means shaped like a fiddle. Not the easiest to stip into conversation, but I rejoice there's ther is such a word.

Heather said...

You're just a cowardy custard! I was hoping for a rude word I haven't discovered yet. Our weather often comes from the west so maybe we will have snow too. I bet it won't last until Christmas. It's not a scrap of use arriving before and not staying for the main event.

Group 8 said...

There is snow in my hair - festive!!
Can't wait to come by in January, TFE. Most people hate January. It's my birth month so I quite like it. We can celebrate my book and my birthday in the castle - YAY!

Niamh B said...

I can recommend opening up the picture on the phone, then take a picture of it with your usual camera - transfer to the computer using your usual technology....
Yes blogging is terrifying, you are quite right. snersoad - word verification, could that have been the word you were thinking of?

English Rider said...

Are we to fill in the blanks? I choose "expectations" of the Great variety.

Karen said...

You've inspired me to try the poetry in shops, and I'd love to see the face of the person who finds it! Maybe that's the fun, though, just imagining the reaction...

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes, Kat, we're alla leetle nudge away frm the leetle nudge.Such a thin line, so easy to snap!Never seen the Vanishing Spoorlos They an endangered mafia family or sumptin?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Ye don't have to scratch far beneath the surface, Sparkey.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Tiffee Jeanne? That's awful close to toffee, or is it taffee in Amerikay? Supitubs does indeed sound bliss.Hope you gets better real soon , Prof.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Electronic 'Head and Shoulders' on it's way Dominic.

Totalfeckineejit said...

It was 'Crowded out' Rachel. I chose it partly coz I liked the poem, partly coz I liked the pic, but mainly coz I had 2 copies of it so I could save one for meself!
New one? OOooh!

Snowin only on me bloggin!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Theyre phooka footprints Weaver.From last year no real snow here yet,just on me blog.Singing out loud in public i a great idea GO FOR IT, someone might join in and if they don't, who cares!
Rachel's cards are ideal for guerilla poetry attacks.

And believe me Weaver, Polar bears are the ONLY sign of global warming here.The weather is FREEZING!! No wonder they're here if the ice caps are melting.

Totalfeckineejit said...

I just couldn't do it Elisabeth, the world isn't ready!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Steamed fish liz? Lovely! Did you catch it yourself?
Oh if only five drops of rain here was newsworthy.It's gills we're growing.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Think you have it in a nutshell, Titus!

Totalfeckineejit said...


Totalfeckineejit said...

And 'SHAPED LIKE A FIDDLE!' OOh that feels good!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Heather, I had a cowardy custard cream once, it wouldn't come out of the packet.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Looking forward to it WRW.My birthday's Jan 15th! (I'll be 109)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Mrs Niamh, the flagon with the dragon has the pellet that is poison the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Great expectations are the only kind worth haing English Rider!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Great stuff Karen ,go for it.And yes it would be cool to see the reaction.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

I'm intriguied as to what the word was!

I sometimes have the urge to make loud mooing noises at serious meetings. (I can do rather a good mooing noise - quite proud of it).

PS: How did you get the electronic snow on your blog - is there somewhere one downloads it from?