That genius Arty Person Sparkey ArtSparker has set the world another interesting challenge.This time to finish off an old photograph.You might be able to discern the bits I've added in below.Why not have a go yourself or look at all the other efforts. None of them are as good as mine even though some of them are brilliant.I, being genuis at everything I turn my hand to,is always the best at everything innit.
Genius is a hard burden to bear sometimes.Pavarotti once said to me that he didn't own the voice, the voice owned him.I understand only too well what fatty was trying to say.
Love the feet - they're a bit like mine! You think I'm joking don't you? It's a great challenge but I haven't done the other one yet, or the two free online classes from another blog I read, or the new Workshop on the Web projects. So little time and so much to do.
Those shoes, they're just so, so, poignant... is there no end to your talents?
(and yes - the dialogue in that picture, was so fitting, hauntingly apt, made me feel they really were watching my every move.. how do you do it?)
You know, you're right. You are astonishing.
Good one. You've inspired me to have a go myself!
Dude, that is some sensitive existential stuff. I rely on you for poignancy!
Genius - pure genius as you say - Pavarotti eat your heart out.
When I first saw your drawing, Short People by Randy Newman popped into my head.......
It's the truncated torsos that bother me, never mind the feet.
Okay, fair enuf, now you're going to go proff on us and we will have to pay coinage to see your fantastic artwork in the big fancy museums. Just remember that we were there for you when you were naught but a sassy little ejit.
Son of Avacado
Heather, you have great feet? I didn't realise! Keep busy!
Is What you need if you wanna be a record breaker, yeeeeeaaaahhh!
Have you ever eaten a Camel, camel king?
Unbelievably, Mrs Niamh, yes there actually is an end to my talents but you would have to go an awful long way to find it,in fact I haven't yet , but I know it's out there somewhere, I'm sure of it.
Thank you,Titus,astonishing is I.
Good man, Dominic,the creative Spark from ArtSparker is a lit fuse.
Look and learn, Sparkey,look and learn!
Genius I is, Weaver, pure Guinness.
Thanks, Coffee Messiah,I often sing that song to Mrs EEj (5 foot one and a half)
Cutting edge works of art can be provocative to the senses and challenging to sensibilities, Elisabeth.This is a good reaction, thank you.
Dont worry ,Son of Apricot,The Guggenheim have decided to take it on the sole proviso that it be free to view by all.Let the world rejoice!
OMG! The man is a spittin' image of my Grandpa Mihaly! Yellow pants and all...truly amazing! ;)
[Mrs.Eejit here]
5ft *2*" actually.
Napoleon, Hitler, Mrs EEj -all short arses!
Another disturbing yet genius artwork Eej!
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