Saturday, November 21, 2009


The sea ,I have to say, was magnificent today.I’ve mainly thought of the Irish Sea as the tame little cousin of The Wild Atlantic.I’ve prodded it with a pointy stick like it’s lazy a sleeping tiger in the zoo.All domesticated and cosy like a pussy cat.

Well that fughin Tiger is awake today it’s taken that pointy stick and shoved it where the sun don’t shine, it’s roared, flicknifed it’s razor claws and ripped incessantly at our bit of coastline like an earthquake. It’s visual display of waves would get a perfect ten for gymnastics at the olympics, its awesome roar(particularly at night) is louder the thud of a thousand canon.
What used to be our beach is awash with debris and trees and a foot deep wobbling brown alien blancmange of froth and sand,it looks like a disaster zone from a distant planet.The anger, the venom, the sheer muscular passion of the sea is awesome, only a fool would feck with it. The raised sandy grassland path I've trod for the past ten years ,10 to 15 feet from the beach, is gone, disappeared overnight and huge chunks of land continue to fall in.

Whatever about global warming,coastal erosion is a witnessable fact.The beach itself is being clawed back into the sea grain by grain,where once was a million stones is now mainly sand. A 20ft wooden skeleton once buried deep and unknown is now plainly visible.

Did I bring a camera to capture the boiling turmoil of water ,the 20 ft cresting waves braved only by crazy gulls like winged surfers tempting the crashing tunnels of water.Waves so huge their height sometimes breaks their broad backs clean in two rising 30 ft into the air as they fall backwards into a churning abyss.Did I stand there framing this virtuoso display of might? Not today.I have in the past and will do again.You are a different person every day of your life. But Sometimes, just sometimes you have to be within something, be a part of the experience and not try to cynically distance yourself, then casting a cold calculated eye, stand back ,capture and tame it, explain it,or even worse shoot it, frame it, put it on your wall like a trophy, like a tigers head.

Truth be told I forgot my camera but still.....

ALSO the poteen party is still going strong here and despite fears that the poteen might be quite toxic only 3 people have actually died so far, so that's a relief. Jimmy The Butler performed autopsies on all three and discovered that one had underlying medical problems-he'd been shot.

Dominic Rivron is still performing 'Nancy Spain ' over 24 hours later and doesn't look like he's going to stop despite Lassie eating his Ukelele. Feel free to 'Do a turn' and provide a link. Amy Winehouse is up next followed by the two tenors Caruso and Pavorotti, so plenty of fun still to be had,all you can eat and drink is here plus plenty of daybeds for a nap ,should you need one.

Hey Dominics got another tune for us

DON'T FORGET to enter the draw to win a FRE signed copy of Liz Gallagher's excellent poetry book 'The Wrong Miracle' Just leave a comment on my blog or Liz's saying you'd like to enter.The winner will be drawn from a hat (quite possibly a Sombrero) on Liz's blog on Nov 25th. Bon chance mes petits amis!

AND FINALLY please buy a copy of the latest SHOp poetry magazine . Buy it , not because it will improve your life (though it undoubtedly will), not because it's the greatest poetry magazine in the world (though it is), not because it's funds have been cut and is in need of support (though they have and it does), forget all these excellent reasons, buy it because I have a poem on page 25. Better still take out a subscription. Pip pip!


ArtSparker said...

Hope it was good kind of scary.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Oh I so enjoyed your description of the sea, TFE! I have such vivid images of it in my mind's eye now. And although you say it's cos you forgot your camera, I agree with what you say about being 'within' something instead of distancing yourself.

Karen said...

Congrats on your publication!

I love the sea but am in awe of its power and am always reminded of how small man is.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Arrrrggghhh, matey! Sounds like ye've been enjoying the wrath of Buzzards Bay. Sorry to hear of the sea's greed in Davey Jonesing part of the Isle there. It does help one to appreciate what's left, though, doesn't it?

The poteen party is still going on? I'll see if I can dig up some Georgia Moonshine for ya then. I've heard that it was Pavarotti's favorite.

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, please, pick me, pick me!!

You're making me feel incredibly landlocked here in Central Ohio. Sigh.

Rachel Fox said...

Lovely talk of the sea and life and passion. Go on!

Liz said...

TFE, could that storm you describe be a sort of pathetic fallacy, Shakespeare-style, where nature replicas the goings-on, metaphorically-speaking, at the poteen party...Deaths? will have Detective Columbo onto us big-time now, (heck, he'll also be livid he wasn't invited...)and if Inspector Clousseau hears of this, within two shakes of Mollie's tail, he'll be ringing the castle door bell... I'm getting out of here before it becomes a great Whodunnit?... and talking of such, lots of kudos for your poem in The Shop, forgot to say so earlier, blame it on the poteen and the boogie.... hark! is that the sound of a Ryan Air engine, I hear time to gather my belongings will pick them up next time...have grabbed the sombreo outta here, TFE...till next time...had a to Columbo...and best of luck in draw,everyone, thanks for entering! ; )

(P.s. seriously though, storm aftermath sounds devastating, I've heard Cork got hit pretty bad, must ring my folks... are you going to venture out again with camera...?))

Dominic Rivron said...

Thanks for the plug! Lassie did me a favour. They're hard taskmasters up there at Youtube: they just won't let you stop. Anyway, I managed to find a guitar to replace the late uke and I thought I'd do something more topical!

I really like those feelings the earth gives us now and again that its an "alien" place. I think Clouds in the sky sometimes have that effect too.

Liz said...

P.S. TFE, thanks for photos... they give the book that pensive-Sunday-morning-reading-newspapers look/feel...gracias ; )...but who is yer man? He looks pretty pleased with himself...

Batteson.Ind said...

We've had a fair bit of weather all right! I miss being right by the sea... I lived in Ballycotten for a few years when I was a yoof, over a pub (now called the blackbird)... my bedroom looked over the beer garden, which was on a cliff, beneath which was the bay. I walked up the cliffs every evening and watched the ocean roar and roar back with sheer exhilaration. Winter was the best time, I fell asleep in drunken warmness listening to the fog horn and the lunacy of nature... Think I need a trip to the seaside now...
OOh!.. and I just subscribed to THESHOp!... Can't wait! cheers for the link :oD

Heather said...

The first part of your post is poetry itself TFE. The sea can be quite terrifying when it's in a bad mood and I'm amazed at the courage of Lifeboat men and sailors who have to put to sea in stormy weather. That's a wonderful portrait in your header phot. If I did a turn for your poteen party I would have to cough Danny Boy for you - still taking the linctus.

patricia said...

Hi TFE! It´s quite a long time since I don´t comment in your blog, but always peep in. I liked this post of today, specially the thinking derived from having forgotten the camera... the idea of "taming" and distancing opposed to being within. It´s curious but I´m picturing an hypothetic silent and small and alone TFE blown by salty wind defened by the roaring of a sea I might never know.

Niamh B said...

So I guess that bench got swept away in the storm, was wondering where it went to, congrats on the Shop. I will be buying.

The Weaver of Grass said...

After witnessing Dominic's "turn" at the poteen party anything I could do would be an anti-climax. He did once insist on walking through our little town in those glasses. I walked in fron t and tried to pretend we were not together. But it was no use - he just caught me up.
Now I wish to know who's photograph that is on your header???

Argent said...

I have salt water in my eyes, I'm soaking wet and freezing, and my hat has blown clean away... by your sea portait! Twas, as we say, da poodle's doodles.

Contrats on being publified as well. Who died, though? And who was the shooter and the shootee? Is it a murder mystery party now?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Is there any other kind, Sparkey?

Totalfeckineejit said...

You is dtermined Kat sifting through the names.If you went a little further you would find Seamus Heaney.It's not every day of the week we are on the same list,it is truly great honour for him.

Looking foward to the hornpipe (you dancing it or playing it or both?)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Raph for that, glad you liked!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Karen and yeh it can be real intimidating sometimes,I often go down to it in the pitch dark,it is quite amazing/scary to hear it but not see it!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Georgia mooonshine , Jeanne? Bring it on Prof!

Totalfeckineejit said...

G'luck in the draw Willow.I must look where Ohio is on the map.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Rachel,I'll try!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey thanks Liz,Clouseau and Colombo would make a mighty team!Safe journey home now,don't squash that sombrero or leave any valuable notebooks on the Plane. See you for the grand prize giving on 25th.Pip pip!
Ps Yes, Cork was hit really bad by flooding.Hope all is okay.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Dom you were the star of the party so far, looking forward to the new clip will post it right now!

Totalfeckineejit said...

That's John Peel (RIP) ,Liz.A radio Dj and his portrait painted by Peter Blake.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hope ye didn't get flooded again Watercats.Ballycotton andit's cliffs sound amazing and what a place to live, overlooking them IN A PUB? Why did you ever leave? Love the description of falling asleep, how amazing I am really jealous.And thanks a million for subscribing to The SHOp,I'm delighted and you will love it.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Poor Heather, still got the feckin cold.I really agree about anyone who earns their living at sea but specially the lifeboat people who are ,I believe, volunteers?



Totalfeckineejit said...

Lovely words Aleph, thank you and good to know you are there even if you don't comment.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Actually Mrs Niamh that bench really did get swept away Feck it!
Delighted that you'll be getting The SHOp ,did you enjoy the last one?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Weaver, are those glasses that Dom is wearing? I thought the brilliance of his act was that they were his real eyeballs!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Da poodles doodles? tankxzs ye Argent!Twas Frank Sinatra was shot, but we haven't figured out by whom yet.We suspect it was someone with a gun.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Sorry Weaver, forgot to say Pic is of late night Radio one DJ (And later radio 4, ithink)John Peel (RIP) painted brilliantly by Peter Blake.

Niamh B said...

I did indeed, you were right, great high quality reading in it.

Niamh Griffin said...

Don't you just love storms? As long as skeleton isn't someone you know that is and the house stays on the cliff. I was amazed to see waves on my bit of the Irish sea yesterday too - there is life in those sluggish depths!
Congrats on getting into The Shop!!

Paul Overton said...

Eejit - Saw your comment over on DudeCraft and wanted you to know that there are ways of doing the portrait work without Photoshop. Go to and upload a photo and then go to the effects tab and click on posterize. Good luck!

Owen said...

The night was dark and stormy...

Bits of blogs were swept out to sea... and some of us were not waving but drowning... or not drowning, but waving, or whatever... Count me in for the drawing ??? (Cor, a greedy git I yam I yam, but probably better chance of winning here than of winning the effing lottery, wot?)

Karen said...

I'm still trying to find your name in that list of authors! I'll have to email Kat to find out.

BT said...

Sea, sea? You should be in County Clare and see our lakes, they're more sea like than sea. Have I said sea too much? Sorry. We have one road open now, otherwise Killanena was an island. Just building my ark in case. If I were to perform at your wonderful party, it would have to be that old tongue twister, 'She sells sea shells by the sea shore', set to music of course. I'm working on it. Must get my teeth fixed.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Maybe were al waving AND drowning Owen.You're in the draw

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Niamh and yes storms are amazing, great to watch, but not out at sea in-proper scary!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Nice one Mrs Niamh (B) you is right that I was right!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey thanks a million Paul for taking the time to let me know, I've no excuses now.Will give it a lash!

Totalfeckineejit said...

That will have to be some piece of workto explain that Kamel King, but then ye are just da poyson ta do it!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Keep looking Karen, I'm in there under P for Peadar, somewhere between Liz G. and Seamus H. Oh! I'm such a name dropper!

Totalfeckineejit said...

I bet the Clare lakes look amazing BT.Good luck with the Ark building, put a bar in it and I'll join you! Pip pip!