Monday, November 16, 2009


The wonderful poet Liz Gallagher is visiting the world famous EEjit Castillio here at Peeps Republo D'EEjit on Thursday .She will be here as part of her virtual wordwide tour promoting her recently published first collection, The Wrong Miracle.

It's a great book and Liz has a unique voice that I really like, else she wouldn't be allowed within five miles of the castle.We don't tout rubbish here in the Republo.And to celebrate Liz's visit we are holding a poteen (highly potent illegal liquor made from potato) party and ye are all invited. Yes YOU, especially YOU reading this, it wouldn't be the same without YOU.

We have other special guests/performers including; Dylan Thomas,Ted and Sylvia, Brendan Behan, Shirley Bassey, Amy Winehouse, Einstein, Ghandi, Frank Sinatra, Luke Kelly and The Dubliners,Emily Dickinson, Padre Pio,Marilyn Monroe, Eddie Izzard,Bette Davis, Aretha Franklin, Pat Shortt, Chekhov,Virginia Wolf, Iris Murdoch, Edna O'Brien, Seamus Heaney, Clarke Gable,

Pontius Pilate,Socrates, Salvador Dali, J.F.K, Cleopatra, Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley, Barack OBama, Ernest Hemingway, Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers, Trigger, Skippy the bush kangaroo, Lassie, Scooby Doo,Red Rum, Aristotle, Debbie Harry,Janis Joplin, Kate Bush,John Steinbeck, Mark Twain, John Wayne, Shania Twayne, Ant and Dec, Morecambe but not Wise, Laurel and Hardy, Pele, Jack Kerouac, Grace Kelly,Andy Warhol, Nico,Emily Pankhurst, Countess Markiewiscz, Joan of Ark, Anne Sexton, Alice and The Machine,Hilary Clinton, Jane Austen, Enid Blyton(anyone for tennis ?)Alexander the Great,Jerry Lee Lewis,Gene Kelly,Vivienne Westwood,Richard Pryor,Emily Bronte,Byron,WB Yeats, Carol Ann Duffy, Leonardo Da Vinci,William Shakespeare,Lawrence of Arabia, Dh Lawrence,Elizabeth Bishop,Stevie Smith,Miroslav Holub, Harold Pinter, The Kray twins,Bruce Springsteen, Eva Peron and Jedward.

So be sure and come along , bring a bottle and a stretcher.THERE WILL ALSO BE A FREE PRIZE DRAW TO WIN A COPY OF LIZ'S WONDERFUL BOOK 'THE WRONG MIRACLE. Be there or be square shaped :)


ArtSparker said...

Looking forward to it. Will bring a bag of orange-colored chemically treated snack food.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Oh, I'll be there if Jedward are! Whoopee!

Can I bring the family? I'll bring some of my favourite aniseed liqueur too!

Heather said...

Having read right through this post, I think you've already tried out the poteen TFE! I just hope you've left enough to go round. Have a great time with your special guest(s). Sorry I can't join you - I have a filthy cold and am sure you'd rather I kept my germs to myself.

Titus said...

It was Skippy what did it for me. I'd follow his little broken twig triangle-symbol anywhere.

Looking forward to it.

Niamh B said...

There better be lashings of ginger ale as well ... for enid

Argent said...

Wish I could be there but my unicycle won't get me that far, so I'll have to put up with being the same shape as a cream cracker for the rest of my natchural. Now, if there had been some sort of a handy bus....?

Dominic Rivron said...

I'll be there.

Hope Holub doesn't spend the night under the sofa.

I'll bring my ukulele - we could have a singsong in the kitchen after everyone's got plastered and those without staying power have gone home. I always think the kitchen is the best place at any party.

Hugh McMillan said...

I hope you've made arrangements so that Alexander the great won't be embarassed by his lack of height. Maybe he could sit on a tall chair or come on his horse.

I once drank with the self styled Irish Bard of Poteen at the Cuirt festival and ended up in the canal.

Sheila said...

Thanks for the link to Liz's site, and to through it, to Jim Murdoch's review. I placed my order. Regrets on the party but pass on my congratulations to the guest of honour and say hello to Miss Dickinson and Miss Austen for me.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Two Divas from Detroit?! Aretha AND me?! I'll be the one with the popcorn, buttered of course. Would you like some with cinnamon, too?

Thank you, kindly, for this lovely invitation, TFE! I respectfully respondez vous avec... OUI!

Elisabeth said...

Sounds fantastic. I read some of Liz's poetry on Jim Murdoch's blog. It resonates and all this virtual communication with past voices is also exciting.

I'll be there in spirit from far away Australia, where we don't usually get to sample potato liquor.

Tomás Serrano said...

Thank you for your visit to Salfon and comment. You have wonderful images: the top one is fascinating!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Wild horses will not keep me away. Shall be late arriving as I am out from very early in the morning - shall also be dead beat after walking all day - but make no mistake about it, i wouldn't miss it for the world. Will bring my blackberry whisky and my sloe vodka. Once you have tasted my blackberry whisky you will never want the plain stuff again! (if you believe that you will believe anything). See you Thursday evening. PS Don't eat all the food before I arrive, will you.

Batteson.Ind said...

the last time we went to a poteen party (at our house), the ronald ended up with hooks in his back and the dreams snuck up on us about seven hours later....

*packs bags and makes way over :-)

look forward to meeting all the lads!

Sandra Leigh said...

I do so look forward to the party. I don't see any mention of a dress code, so I assume it's okay to come as I am, which is just as well, because I have a 10 1/2 hour work day tomorrow. I'm a' gonna need that poteen! I look forward to seeing Padre Pio, perhaps in several places at once.

Liz said...

TFE, two last-minuters confirmed, Oscar himself and Susan Boyle who dreamt a dream just like I'm doing when I think of the poteen party...can't wait to see the outcome of all those folk mingling and the poteen a-flowing, this could be historic, TFE, hope you're prepared for going down in history as the host-it with the mosts-it and the bestest guest-list in living memory...
oh and Jimmy must surely be seeing himself in the chandeliers by now, it's been a week of constant chammying...and are rafters de-cobwebed? you know what folk are like for climbing walls when the poteen hits home...
Will bring the Spanish 'agua ardiente' (burning/ardent water)for the morning after and the hair-of-the-dog...
That's about it TFE, just got to keep head on shoulders to answer your questions which, by-the-way, fell down the black hole at back of laptop so got to start afresh...will have them finished by noon though, no messing... ; )
Let me know what wee gift you'd like else you`ll end up with some Lyons Tea Minstrels left over from the Daz and Brylcreem days.... ; )
(word verification: Lambada...a hint if I ever saw one...get tape deck ready!)

Liz said...

P.S. ...looking forward to meeting everyone in the comments-box, they seem like very good fun...oh forgot to say, rumour has it Einstein means to steal some poteen to start up his old, old mini to prove a point about going a step too far...lock and key!

(word verification: mashhup...TFE, what a smart wv you have...; ))

Wigeon said...

How could I refuse that wonderful invitation? Do you think my supervisor would notice if I rolled in pissed to our seminar. One of your guests, maybe more than one, shares a birthday with me and as I rate him then I've got to be there. Thanks TFE.

Karen said...

Can't wait! Being a WV hillbilly, I know all about moonshine, but Poteen is new to me, so be prepared to prop me up. I'll be the one in the corner with the silly grin on my face!

Tess Kincaid said...

Okay, are you serving some of that killer Drambui-mustard stuff?

Barry said...

I will be delayed by a full day of chempotherapy, so I hope you don't mind my being a little late.

Perhaps a little poteen in the chemo bag would help get me in the mood?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Nice one Sparkey!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes Raph,Jedward will be arriving in some hermatically sealed Tupperware.
Bring the whole family, the more the merrier.And the liquer!tangxsz!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Heather, I really hope that feckin nasty cold clears up soon.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Skippy, skippy, skippy the bush kangaroo-oooh!What's that skip? Titus is coming to the party? Yipppeee!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes, Niamh and naked tennis!(new balls please)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Argent, I'll send the bloody bus, just make sure you get here beforeAlexander the Great, he feckin hates the sight of buses and starts storming about on his horse

Totalfeckineejit said...

Great Idea, bring the Uke, Dom for the sing song, Dom.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Shug we have special chairs for Alexander The Great, Napoleon and Ronnie Corbett.Their giong to love his rambling joke ,I'm sure!

Fell in the canal after poteen at Cúirt? I can't describe how jealous I am.I'm not joking!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Mairi! A sale! You are an angel and you'll love this miracle, I promise.Tell me what ye think when you've read it.

Totalfeckineejit said...

YABBADDABBBAADDOO, cinnamon popcorn!
THanks Kindly Jeanne, mucho yummyliciuos!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Elisabeth, I think you are our first antipodean visitor.Extra poteen for you, you are most welcome.

Totalfeckineejit said...

That's nice Tomás, thanks a million.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Kat, what with all this swine flu about old Pontius has gone overdrive on the hand washing.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Hence72,keep diggin' dude!

Totalfeckineejit said...

OOh Blackbery whisey, lovely Weaver, thanks ye.See you tomorrow.Pip pip!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Wear what you like Sandra,just make sure you get here and bring some wellos the moat is flooded. Padre Pio is looking forward to meetingbyou too!

Totalfeckineejit said...

It's okay Watercats my poteen is triple distilled and takes out the impurities that cause hallicinations etc.Not so sure about Weavers whiskey though! Looking forward to seeing ye , bring the geeetars!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Nice one Liz Oscar and Susan will begreat guests as willthat fire wate.Yum.Can't wait to see yourt answers.Pip pip!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Don't worry about your supervisor wigeon,take the week off!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Karen what a 'WV'? Hope you like the poteen.See you anon!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Oh yes, Willow.With afew added ingredients.You'll be talking to the stars after a glass or two-literally (all the famous people,ha!)

Totalfeckineejit said...

That's tough Barry, very best of luck with the chemo,I've heard how unpleasant it is.Drop in to the party after if you feel like it.You would be very welcome.