Saturday, March 28, 2009


an be da hokey I was too and I never realised till years later twas Bobo Marley not Jake Burns words we were diggin but there we were me cousin Sean and me in the roundhouse or was it Hammersmith Odeon I can't remember but it was Londinium anyways and our ears bleedin from Stiff little Fingers and our heads buzzin and me feelin good in me new Sham 69 style leather Jacket (40 quid from the Kings Road )then this mighty spikey haired cockney Punk shouts 'One more time' 'one more time what ?' says I quizically but no one can hear me and the giant Cockney has me by the shiny new white lapel(just like Jimmy Pursey had on TOTP the week before) and is draggin me forward in a mass wave of skinny spikey bodies only he's on the stairs and I'm on the balcony overlooking a 20 ft drop to the exit below and before I know it I'm over the balcony's brass railin and headin for a split skulled embrace with the floor when me cousin grabs me by the ankles holdin tight and i puke coz I'm terrified and because I've had a few cans of Skol and a nip O whiskey and sumptin had to give in the tug O war and it turned out to be me loverly new leatherso jacket that was pulled offa me back and oer me head by the fist O the Cockerney into the writhin mass of surgin bodies never to be seen again and me train ticket and a tenner in the pocket.Feck.


Unknown said...

Now that's a story--& a tough night out--

Like the new masthead by the way.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks John.Time is a cruel master hard to believe that I did anything THIRTY YEARS AGO ! Ouch , let alone pukin my ring up in the Hammersmith Odeon.Happy days! Didn't get home that night, not sure I've ever been home since.

Unknown said...

I was in similar straits 30 years ago....

Totalfeckineejit said...

Good man John!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

I agree with Mr. Hayes. Beautiful colors...looks almost like a Rorschach Inkblot test. Let's see...hmm.....I see a blue giraffe taking tea with an orange antelope, while floating on a pink raft at high tide. Whatcha think?

Dominic Rivron said...

From bare-knuckle haiku to bare knuckle autobiography... Good stuff.

Dominic Rivron said...

...And something about it reminded me of Charles Bukowski's posthumous poems (published in the books New Poems 1,2,etc)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Jeanne glad you like it, it's an old Morris Minor car taken in a caravan park with, as you rightly guessed, a giraffe and an antelope.There was also one of my favourite animals -a Tapir riding a unicycle- show off!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey, cool comments Dominic and kind of you to make them.Bukowski? - Well, one can but dream, thanks.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey thanks for that, Kat, you know where it's at, Kat, cool Kat,I'm off to check out the bare knuckle boxin and singin on your blog.Adios.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Kat, I'll check that out-i like a bit o singing!