Reasonable hours, NO pay, but unequalled job satisfacto! I'm delighted with the world trip. I think the diversity of the impetus, the creativity, is totalo refreshing. Poetry is not best left to one person to suggest or , God forbid, dictate, how things should be.
The Poetry Bus has left home, I don't want it to come back, I'd like it to continue on it's journey of discovery around the world. BUT I NEED DIVERS and PASSENGERS. There are no bad prompts, only different ones. Anybody can drive this bus, no MA required, no previous experience needed,no academic advantages, the less qualifications the better, the raw voice, the unheard missive,the misunderstood message, the lost and the lonely, all welcome here.Regardless of age, sex, creed, or colour. All can find sanctuary, and succour, AN OUTLET, on this rambling, ramshackle unshackled, red bus.
SICK OF THIS WORLD? All you who are broken in spirit ,the voiceless, the ignored, the rejected, come unto the bus and have your say.
For this weeks leg of an intergalactic exodus see the howling Uiscekateens ...
"Uiscekateens here... HERE "..nope. Not from my computer, anyway. Would you be so kind as to put up a new link? This one went to an Error 404.
Thanks ye Sandra, despite my massive technical expertise and years of computer programming , I still get the odd thing wrong.It was probably my computers fault, anyones but mine.
Am willing to have a go, but not sure I can do the linky thingy.
Put me down for a spot of bus-driving Halloween-ish time...should have my proper head screwed back on by then ¡hah! As if...what's a proper head when it's at home... : )
I must say, this has been hugely enjoyable and an honour to do the drive! I almost wish I could stay for a bit longer, but at the same time I love travelling.. also.. it's incredible how hard it is to do your own prompts! What's that all about!?... looking forward to hearing the EEjit himself :-D
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