Thursday, April 28, 2011

TFE is dead.

NO flowers no cards no tears.
Hello my name is Saran (aka Kosmo Vinyl) brother of TFE. It is with sadness my duty to report that TFE is no more.Though not actually dead in the real world sense, he is in the blog sense no more, a dead parrot, virtual brown bread, jossed it, defunct, redundant,shot off his perch.

If you try to fly there is always someone to shoot you down, stick your neck above the barricade and someone will squeeze it. It's amazing it didn't happen sooner. It is beautiful that it didn't happen sooner. You can be a nobody all your life and through the power of the written word reach out and touch people and be touched in return.

TFE was able to fight when he was young, but he could not fly. Now he can fly he is unable to fight. It's the drunk and the lampost in his previous post brought to life.

The weekly task of The Poetry Bus produced some amazing work, so much so that a magazine was born from it. That magazine, born of the blogs, lives and breathes to this day with the promise of PB2. There would be no Poetry Bus Magazine without TFE, but equally there would be no PB2 or 3 or 4 or 5 without each and every person who took the time to get aboard and fuel the catalyst of creation.I hope some of you will wish the magazine well and follow it's progress HERE

He would love it , I'm sure, if the weekly task could continue under a different guise, a different name. And a big posthumous thank you, from him, to all that drove the bus through thick and thin.

Best wishes to all,


Heather said...

You're a bad lad Peadar, and shouldn't joke like this. Sit in the corner and write out 100 times: I must not scare old ladies!! And no beer for a week!!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Ha! He'd love that Heather,though no beer for a week might really kill him! :)


AquaMarina said...

omg girlfriend, what a shocker!!! so glad you aren't - in the real world sense - but in the blog world sense are you going to regenerate like Doctor Who - or what???

Niamh B said...

Tis the end of an era - thanks for all the joy... on to the next big thing for you sir!!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Am I your girlfriend Aqua?!But you might be right 'The artist formerly known as TFE'?!!


Totalfeckineejit said...

Oh, and Heather you may be a lady , but you're definitely not old!

That's what TFE said.


Totalfeckineejit said...

That's the spirit Nibby!


Argent said...

What now? I turn my back for five minutes and people are after upping and dying! Will there be a resurrection miracle? This can't be it, surrey!

The Bug said...


Totalfeckineejit said...

I know your Bugness, but it's been really :)

Karen said...

Say it ain't so, TFE!

Karen said...

Truly, I have been inspired and encouraged by the Poetry Bus prompts and other passengers. I hope TFE will rise again and keep on driving.

ArtSparker said...

Best wishes to you - well, you will soon have four little assistants in the afterlife.

Dominic Rivron said...

A post title impossible not to click on, unless you're dead yourself.

Trying hard to avoid the telly all day here (Friday). Currently listening to German equivalent of World Service on shortwave.

NanU said...

Aww :(
Poor TFE. We loved him so well. Like in the Busworld will never be the same. is a group blog with rotating contributors and a weekly theme with links. Might be a good model for the P-Bus's future, and I'm willing to help administrate.

Niamh B said...

I was just putting on a brave face...

You'll let us know where you are and how we can follow it when the next big thing is happening won't you?

Batteson.Ind said...

the blog will call to you you know... it may take a few months, but it will whisper to you in the dark... "post.. post.. post" it whispers, it sends you ideas for witty and interesting posts.. you can resist for a while, but in the end.... it will beat you... you will lose against it's powers... the blog entity will invade your dreams... I know!
*eye twitches and shoulders hunch up and maniacle chuckles escape..

Pete Goulding said...

Ah, he was always a bit of a bollix but he had decent taste in music. Kosmo, can I have his CD collection?

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think the news of your death has been greatly exaggerated.

Enchanted Oak said...

I had a blog crush on him. This broke my heart.

MuseSwings said...

Blimey! Tis with a heavy heart I see you drive off out of the PB parking lot. It's been a fun ride, and I hope to see you on board again. Soon. Or perhaps in another blog, or in another musey spot where we can find you and revel in your rite of writing what is right or wrong or somewhere in between. I wish you well..were well..glad yer not dead. Cynthia

Totalfeckineejit said...

All kind words thanks everyone ! It's been... something!