Monday, March 28, 2011


My muse has swung into a deep black well. I can't do a feckin thing. I hope it fecks off this heavy dark cloud. They've changed my medication, could be the prob?.

Yesterday I got so old I felt like I could die...


Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

a work of art!

Words A Day said...

It will, it will, (it might be just afraid of that ass!)
Hang in there, all bad things come to an end.

Louise said...

No worries TFE, I am sure your muse will be back very soon, and all the better for it's holiday!

Helen said...

Can't even fathom what hanging out in that pasture with you would be like! This is beyond ?? ... just beyond.

Marion said...

BUMMER! I have to say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my issue of the poetry bus magazine. It's a keeper.

Feel better soon!!!

Marion (Princess of Poetry)

Titus said...

Superbo! I never knew your arms were so short.

You realise it won't rhyme for the Americans?

MuseSwings said...

A great likeness, I'm sure. But I can't really be sure. Excellent parlay of your darkened muse. The Dr.s know better than to change my meds, but there's not much to be done when I forget them. Hope you are feeling a bit brighter for next week's ride!

Totalfeckineejit said...

It's a bit of craic Jeanne!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks WAD.
When I was little, Uncle Jackie kept his Ass tied up in the haggard,because everyone was afraid of it.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks socks, I wonder will it have a sombrero and novelty ass?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Beyond the beyond, Helen, shall we begin the beguine?

Totalfeckineejit said...

Princess of poetry, has you mag just arrived?!! Glad you likes it anyways!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes Titus, that is a bit of a design fault with rather obvious consequences.On both fronts.

Titus said...

Good Lord, I have just found out you are The Master of the Universe!
Could you deposit £1,000 in my bank account so that I can go to the Olympics please?

Good job I came back. Just noticed it's me driving this week. Ker-yikes!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Could have been worse muse swings, could have been a photo! Butt I can assure you,nay I can asseverate that I didn't want to assail people with my asset so I assiduously decided to assuage the impact with a drawing.Pardon the assibilation.

Totalfeckineejit said...

It's the baked beans.

Argent said...

It's an ASS-ault to the eyeballs! But I love it! Hoep the tablets sort themselves out soon.

Niamh B said...

tis that pesky stolen hour, your muse must've made off with it!!!

at least you're still making great art

Heather said...

So sorry you are feeling so awful Peadar. It's often a problem when medication is changed - is it any good going back to your Dr. or do you just have to wait for things to settle down? Hang on in there and don't be too hard on yourself, better times might be just around the corner.

NanU said...

O master of selfportraity! I do hope you get your pills settled out. That, or a hot wax job and you could turn supermodel.

izzy said...

This too shall pass- (heaven only knows when,) but it will! Horrible waiting
(-we are now, too, with weather to warm.)
Hate trying to be patient and trust-
(once it took 2 1/2 years) I am glad I kept breathing...

Batteson.Ind said...

yeh.. the feckin muse... she can be a right seeyouentee!

love the poem though. and embrace the dark for a bit, then kick it's head in :-)

The Bug said...

My muse is fairly fickle its own self - and that has nothing to do with any meds. I blame hormones. But I love your ode to your ass - I think I may have to borrow it the next time I come up blank. I'll ask permission first.

Mad Aunt Bernard said...

Hello Feck, I'm sending you a huge iron boot on a swing, to kick you firmly up the arse....there's also a boot here for your doctor as well.
There's nothing like a helpful GP to ruin your settled pattern by changing things.....:-I

Pete Goulding said...

Lovely. A thing of beauty

Claudia Emilia Frinculeasa said...

Wishing you a generous, inspiring return of your muse by the next bus!>:D<

Titus said...

Gerroff! My Bus! It's all in hand!

swiss said...

i've been avoiding that muse for ages. get another one!