Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You're running outa time!

This is Wednesday, but by the time you read this it wil probs be Thursday which means your tomorrow is Friday which is Nooly Hooly day.We gots great pomes but we wants more and we ain't got no single poyson up on da 'You tube' making a jack ass outa demselves.We want YOU to do it! Come on read yer poem or sing a song or if ye canno manage that link yer favourite song/pome by some other feckin EEjit.I'm going to be singing that fave crooner toon 'My Way' made famous by old blue eyes himself Sud Vicious.If I gets time to recordo it.

Two, yes TWO, (this ain't no cheapskate enterprise) copies of Nuala Ní Chonchúirs brillo poetry book Portrait of the Artist with a Red Car (not to be confused with Madonnas Portrait of the Artist with a Red Bra) are up for grabs. (Be the way, Nuala is kindly letting me reproduce one of her poems here on my blog on Friday In the meantime find out more about her here... )

As for the book competition, it's simple to win.Like reals easily peasily.No multiplo choice questos ,no rafflo tickets to buy (dough a brown envelo isn't outa da arena here, don't tell Nuala ) All s ya gotta do is put a comment in da commentario boxo, try and mention RED CAR if you can, but do no worro I'll figures if ye want in.Genius is as genius does. I'll put all the names into a hat and pull out TWO winners.
Also were having a Hooley.Starting with three questions for Nuala to answer. She is great at answering questos and full of life and opinions and ideas, she'd make a great writer.

Turn up in your (imaginary) RED CAR (Don't want any traffic jams at the castillo) or catch the(imaginary but virtual) Poetry Bus leaving Fitzgeralds bar in Avoca (Ballykissangel, remember dat?) 11am. All gather at The Mottee Stone in the worlds biggest heated transparent marquee where we will recite poetry and sing songs after munging through our champagne picnic hampers.There's a free bar (Mars) and further rustic buffet in the hooley tent.Ate and drink as much as you like.The Chinook Hooleycopter will take all safely back to the Castillo for a delicious nights slep.

All rooms are ensuite with mini bar and memory foam carpets.Complimentary slippers, sick bags, bathrobes and condoms will be provided. Breakfast is served from 8 am at the nearest Statyoil petrol station.

'And now the end is near
and so I face the shower curtain,
my friends I'll make it clear
I'm a total nutcase of that I'm certain.
I've lived just like a fool,
I've worked on each and every highway
and more , much more than this
I built a driiiive-way'


Raph G. Neckmann said...

I'm trying to get my neck round this so I get it right - we've got to turn up in a red car, after having posted on You Tube a film of ourselves singing a famous song ... (I'm thinking I wonder if there has ever been a giraffe tribute band?) ... sounds great fun, TFE! (Not sure if I know how to put a film up on You Tube?) Wonder if I should do a ZZ Top number?

Karen said...

Got my motor runnin'...head out on the highway...lookin' for adventure...and whatever comes my way!

Dominic Rivron said...

I would oblige, but unfortunately I have been under the weather all week and not up to energetic youtube shennanegans. It's taken me all my time to keep the fingers typing. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. :)

Rachel Fox said...

Poem is done and up but can't get to a new youtube this week. Some of the old stuff will have to do.

Pure Fiction said...

Have I missed the bus yet?
No chance of me posting anything on you-tube, but I've resurrected Pure Fiction in honour of the big event and posted a poem there.

Rachel Fox said...

Didn't do links, did I? Or did I...anyway:

Red car poem is here.

Some old youtube is here (dancing is a party, right?).


Jim said...

I might come by but I'm having a procedure today, stent in kidney artery.
My Little Red Car ('62 VW Bug) cratered; lost it's engine by careless act of kids driving it and not checking engine oil enough.
Thanks for the invite. I hope you'll accept my two excuses if I miss out on doing a poem.

Heather said...

I'd never take a shower behind a clear shower curtain - I like total privacy. I had visitors yesterday and have been out all day today but I'll try to meet the deadline.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I missed your prompt to write a poem with Red Car in it - fury! So now I am going to close down my computer and try to write one in time for tomorrow, the big day. How can I turn up with Christy Moore without a red car poem/song. See you!

Heather said...

Short poem on my blog TFE, but I can't do clever things like You Tube and never sing in public anyway.

Titus said...

Mine's up. It ain't good, but it's up. Haven't missed a bus yet, and I'm not starting now!