Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What are we gonna do now?

As a blogger I'm dead in the water, an empty sack, an I can't even be bothered to find any more metaphors.My ink has run dry I'm a blogging (not so Supa) Nova that has burned a trail of blindingly brilliant mediocrity across the sky then gone PHUT! Like a damp firework. So I'm shutting up shop till the will to go on resurges.Could be minutes or years.

But before the blinds are pulled I have a special visitor to The Castle, writer Nuala Ní Chonchúir, will be coming over to answer 3 questions in honour of her poetry collection 'Portrait of the Artist with a Red Car' on Jan 29th.

It's a great book , searingly honest, jolting and beautiful and funny and sensual. Some people have a way with words, Nuala has -it-away with words !? A great writer of short stories she was an Irish Times Person To Watch in 2009, so we watched and she didn't disappoint with(among many things) these poems and her fabulous short story collection 'nude'

Her latest success is having her first novel published.It's called 'You' and is set in 1980's Dublin.I'm really looking forward to reading it.

Despite being a successfull writer Nuala took time to be the first to follow my blog and to offer advice and encouragement, so she's a nice person too, which is cool.

Check her blog out here...

and her website here........


Anonymous said...

The poet and writer is most important. Take good care of it. Him. Them.

(But I hope it's minutes.)

Niamh Griffin said...

Oh no! I love reading your poems - I hope you'll still be writing just not sharing for a while?! Good luck!!

Rachel Fox said...

She is a brilliant writer, isn't she? The real deal (to use an overused phrase).


ArtSparker said...

Well, I guess these things happen, but I'm having some separation anxiety here. Will certainly miss you, hope you get back into a writing (and visiting) groove, but in any case, that the time off works for you in some way that gives you some satisfaction.

Argent said...

Oh no! Hope your moxie comes back and your mojo, along with many other things beginning with M - your blog is one of the things that keeps me logging in!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I thought you had gone a bit quiet TFE - you CANT desert us - I shall miss your fantastic sense of humour too much. Close your eyes, have a little rest, a little drink or two and then wake up revived and ready to spread the blarney again. Your particular kind of Irish charm is impossible to replace.

Susan at Stony River said...

Well, I hope you don't go far -- I know I'm not the only one hoping to see you back soon. Thanks for the link to Nuala meanwhile.

Unknown said...

Hang in there, TFE--your voice will be missed, so here's hoping it's a short time to get back on your writing feet.

Karen said...

Say it ain't so, Eejit!!!

Heather said...

I'm with Weaver and the others on this TFE. Hopefully it's just down to seasonal artist's block - I feel a bit the same myself and since we all became snowbound have felt very sluggish. Please let it be minutes that you are away and come back refreshed. Your header is very poignant but we all know it must happen with such widespread snow and such low temperatures.

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Sparrow Expired. A moving photo of the immovable, TFE.

I understand your need for a respite from blogging. You will be reading my interview with the great Liz Gallagher, though, correct? I'm the last on her list, and she will be answering some intriguing questions on my blog on January 19...That's this next Tuesday. Please don't miss it. And I'll be sure to watch for Nuala's visit right here, too.

Now that you'll have all this time on your hands, surely you will be productive in other areas, like say, photography! Just think, Peadar... You can go outside and breathe that fresh Irish air, fill your senses with the respiration of nature, and click-click-click to your beautiful heart's content.

Then, I predict, fresh poetry will 'spring' forth from deep within you. Go on now...Be you! xoxo

Domestic Oub said...


English Rider said...

I am confident in your blogging future, even if you are not. We the faithful will be here when you return. An absence can only stoke the fires of the EEjit Legend, or Legend, the Eejit. As you wish.

Tess Kincaid said...

Try some drambuie and a ham sandwich, Eej! Gosh, I sure hope it's minutes, too. What'll I do without my poet mentor?!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday, TFE!!!

Okay, you can remove the dead bird now. The stench is coming through my screen. ; )

Liz said...

TFE, hope it's only bowing out for a quick breather and a re-charge... but can understand the need for space and time, blogging does consume, energy and other bits and bobs too, and there is only so much to go round at times...

oh and yes! that header photo is brill but heart-breaking...

Looking forward to another Castle 'do' (Nuala's) - nobody does it like it's done in the Castle! Simply ze Bhest...; )

Rachel Fenton said...

I think I'll put my feet up for a bit, too....when in Rome and all...

Moira said...

Well now, I can see by your sad picture that the poet in you is not dead, just expressing himself differently. Seems like you're having a shite day, week, month? Luckily for us all, change is something we can count on, so this feeling won't last forever but while it does the best thing to do is not fight it. Just be flexible and go with the flow till it runs out of steam. Until then, I will light a candle for you every day so that you can find your way out of the dark hole you're in. I'll be here waiting for you to come back, take as long as you need...

Niamh B said...

TFE - you can't close up... You're far too important... Has no one told you that? ya big eejit!! We'd be lost without you...

Titus said...

A man's gotta do and all that, but I'll miss you whilst you're away.

Karen said...

I vote Mrs. Eej brain you with another iron and knock some sense into you!!

Oh, my...that certainly sounded violent. Well, maybe just try the drahbuie and ham.

Dominic Rivron said...

Take a few minutes (half an hour even) off but I'm sure I speak for many when I say!

OK, it's a cheesy video, and we all have to do what we've got to do but...

This is a great blog.

ps Keep the home baking coming on facebook!

Pete Goulding said...

"Let fury have the hour
Anger can be power,
D'you know that you can use it?"


Mad Aunt Bernard said...

Sometimes when I'm like feeling like that I go into 'whelk' mode for a bit. It helps, as life can be tough on molluscs. Don't be gone long, you never know - we might send Aunt Vom to find you....

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Jen, the three of us are going for a pint.

Totalfeckineejit said...

I know Niamh, my poems are the best, but there are others out there in the world, not half as good but half a loaf is better than no bread.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Mince pies, you got mince pies Kat? Anybody? please!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Realo dealo she is Foxo.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Sparkey!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey Argent, Moxie and Mojo are coming down the pub with the other three.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Weaver!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Susan,Did you know that the initials of your bog is SSR so if you are there then it's USSR!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Writing feet, John, that's what I need, feck them and their dancing!

Totalfeckineejit said...

"It ain't so" Karen.

Totalfeckineejit said...

January is a bad month Heather, and I is a year older in every feckin one of them!

Totalfeckineejit said...

I think Jeanne, being me might be half the problo!But yes of course I'm looking forward to your inerview with Liz.'Twill be a cracker methinks!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey D'oub! I love the GAA too.Roll on 20th Feb.

Totalfeckineejit said...

I am a leg end, English rider, thank you!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Willow, you need a poetry mentor like I need another hole im me arse :) Drambuie and ham sangers though,heavenly !

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Jeanne, I had a good day you and Marilyn singing was a great surprise! I likes da boidy dough, in da snowio.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes liz I think there's only a finite amount of stuff in us.I need a literary transfusion.Maybe it's blog block.(better than bog block I suppose?)

Totalfeckineejit said...

That's the style Rachel F!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Great advice Moira , thank you.Nothing lasts is so true!

Totalfeckineejit said...

And thanks for the candles , I'm a great one for lighting candles. I like that 'light up, light up' bit from Snow Patrols 'Run'

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yes Niamh B I am far too important to the universe and you will all be lost, but we must bear these almost intolerably heavy burdens that life throws at us as best we can.My own burden is my rare genius and that is perhaps the heaviest of all.

Totalfeckineejit said...

The Donkey is saddled, Titus, I'm just waiting for the sunset and the tumbleweed.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Karen, FFS don't be encouraging Mrs EEj, not that she needs any.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Dominic, I don't mind cheese, I'll put it in the ham sanger! Ah yes Facebook, the last bastion of failed bloggers!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Peter, The Clash are one of my all time favourite bands.

Batteson.Ind said...

aaawww... you'll be missed here! but completely understand the difficulty... that piture of the dead thrush is fairly beautiful in a grim way.. all the best from our neck of the woods, will be keeping a weather eye open! :-D

Heather said...

You'll need dozens more birthdays to catch up with me Eej - it's not nearly as bad as you think, and I'm fast approaching another one myself.

Phoenix C. said...

Hope you're soon blogging again, TFE! You brighten up the winter days with your wit, and your poems are brill!

BTW: your lighting a candle blog-day for which I wrote about my boxer was unexpectedly cathartic, and brought back lots of happy memories of her, which I'd been too sad to think about since losing her.