Friday, April 20, 2012

Miracles do happen

So here it is. Well almost! This is the front cover of the book itself that I will be shamelessly and relentlessly promoting til everybody in the world is beaten into submission and buys it or runs screaming to hide away in a remote cave in the Outer Hebrides.

It can by the magic of the interwebbyweave be pre-ordered

Lord knows what people will make of it. This is all very exciting but nothing will match the sheer almost overwhelming emotionally charged joy I felt when Jessie Lendennie asked if I'd like to publish a book with Salmon. It was like the whole waste of my life suddenly dropped into place and was no longer a waste after all. It had meant something and led to something. In this regard I think Jessie saved my life. In that moment I was no different yet I was changed, changed utterly, there's no doubt of that.
At 49 years of age I had been nowhere and was still heading nowhere slow.Clearly miracles don't always come in a lightning strike, sometimes they take a lifetime!


Pete Goulding said...

Ah, many congrats, Peadar. Must be a great thrill (from someone who will probably always be heading nowhere!)Looking forward to the launch. Cover looks great.

Heather said...

Doesn't it look good Peadar. It's a great achievement - Congratulations.

Rachel Fox said...

Nowhere? You've been more places than you realise. And you've plenty left to see and do.
Good luck with the book.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Peter (much published,prize winning)Goulding! :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

THanks Heather, Siobhán Hutson at Salmon has done a lovely job on the cover.

Totalfeckineejit said...

That's kind Rachel, thank you! I doubt I'll be going any further than the fridge!

Karen said...

I believe that everything that happens to us -- good, bad, and indifferent -- prepares us for the next stage. Without those years you spent feeling unmoored, you would never have written the way you do.

Congratulations on your success! I can't wait to read your work!

Titus said...

I still want a World Tour!

Argent said...

That's great news!

Totalfeckineejit said...

That's the truth of it Karen and better late than never!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Titus, matbe I could do a mini world tour around the front room?!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Argent!

Niamh B said...

Well done Peadar, it looks gorgeous!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Mrs Niamh!

Afric McGlinchey said...

The cover is gorgeous and can't wait to read it. Good luck with your launch Peadar, and hope you make hundreds of sales!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Afric!I might make double figures but I think the little '98 Porsche 911 S I have my eye on might have to wait a little longer! :)

martine said...

OMG Dinner with her ex made me laugh out loud, fantastic. Hope the book does well for you.
thanks for sharing

Totalfeckineejit said...

WAhoo! Thanks for reading and liking and letting me know, Martine. Great to get feedback, specially when it's psitive!