Thursday, February 24, 2011


THe Poetry Bus has broken down somewhere on the lines of communication that criss-cross the blogosphere, but fear not stout-hearted travellers of the poetry universe, we have a spare bus in the haggard and it's raring to go.

Choose one of the four photos above and write as much as you can, then whittle it down into a FOURTEEN line poem

Or planB, Van Morrison has a song , 'You Don't Pull No Punches But You Don't Push The River' (below) in it he mentions 'The Veedon Fleece' I don't know what the feck that might be so write about whatever the Veedon Fleece may be to you and then whittle it down to FOURTEEN lines

PS. Goodly news! Horrible Header comes down tomorrow night after the polls close. (Socks got it, BTW) Hopefully a horrible header won't be required again too soon, but I can't promise, so gird up your loins blogpeoples!

PPS When I said 14 lines I wasn't meaning a sonnet ! Do one if you really want to though, it's your poem , not mine!


Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Thank God! I loathe that header! Looking forward to the new one.

Love those photos, so a sonnet it will be, kind sir.

Totalfeckineejit said...

My personal preference (in all poetry ) is for free verse but anything goes on the bus, Jeanne!

NanU said...

off we go on the bus! thank goodness one of the pictures has a cat in it. 14 lines it is, sir!

Enchanted Oak said...

Oh, I got to see the controversial header! Ah, well. Not all of life is lovely, is it?

The photos are a challenge. Hm. I'm interested to know from whence the photos come.

Batteson.Ind said...

for a dreadful moment I thought it was my fault that the bus was in an emergency! Luckily though, after consulting the almost all knowing side-bar, I realise that I have plenty of time to organise myself... I have our poetry bus alll sorted... in my head at least.. and it's going to be excellent.. mwhuhahahahahahahahaahh!

Niamh B said...

Exchellenté emergency driving!

Titus said...

I'm a sonnety-sort. Great photos and boy that fleece is tempting.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Miaow! NanU.

The Bug said...

This might be the second sonnet I ever wrote (the other one was for my high school English teacher):

Totalfeckineejit said...

Not all life Ms Oak, for sure. But for the prompt , the top photo is from one of my favourite spots in the world (not that I've seen much of it!)a place called Sandycove ,just beneath Joyce's Tower (of Ulysses fame) looking towards Dun Laoghaire where the boat leaves for Wales.

The next photo is of my Uncle John/Jackie, the nicest kindest man I've ever met in my life, holding a dog on a cart pulled by a donkey and steered by his cousin Seamus.I rode on that same cart in the 70's.

Next up is my mother's brother Timmy and Mrs EEjit's mother's sister Maura ,who married each other.They were both from Dublin and contemporaries of my (Tipperary)uncle on the cart, so seemed incredibly sophisticated to me!
Maura also introduced me to drink.

Finally the group shot. From left to right is, my Uncle Jimmy (holding a cat)not sure who the woman is, then my Auntie Eilish, then my Uncle John/Jackie, and then my Dad Paddy.All pictured outside the original family home in Co. Offally from where their parents had been forced at gunpoint, first to The North and then to Tipperary,because my Grandfather was dirt poor and had the temerity to fall in love with and wish to marry the neighbouring rich Farmer's Daughter (my grandmother)!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Looking forward to yours Waterkateenz!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Glad you like the photos Kato. Veedon Fleece is one of my favourite albums. I'll send you a copy if you can't find it.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Tanklee Mrs Cushlo!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Sonnety bonnety just get onitty, Titusy!
I could see you doing a fleece poem!

Karen said...

After weeks of being dry, your photo inspired me to this. I'm the sonnety type,, but here's a free verse just for you!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Thanks so very much for changing your header photo. Love that air-filled tie!

Okay, I went ahead with the sonnet as a challenge and chose the Spenserian format here:

P.S. Absolutely LOVE those photographs you've provided us as prompts this week, TFE!

Totalfeckineejit said...

WE aims to pleeze Jeaneze! A Spenserian sonnet? That's why you is The Prof!

Unknown said...

Here's my take...

Totalfeckineejit said...

Missed you there BuG! I have you now!