Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Still broked

Hey guess what.MacFuckfee never rang yesterday. Mucho hassle moan at them .Did ring back laterExpert technician one pound per min man .Couldn't fix.Engineer to ring sometime in next 24 hours.Guess what.I was out.Silly fuvkin me for leaving the house in a 24 hour period.wot was i thinkin? Spentanother 20 mins on hold to Englo.Put me through then to wrong number.who Gave me another number.Guess what.Theyve fucked off home for the night. So Dell still broked.I'll feck it out the window soon.
I know why there's no real people in the world and you have to talk to someone, a million different ones, in another country the whole time.It's so you cant hit them ,because believe me i would, many times over,unless they were very small and frail in which case I would poke them hard with my finger, in the eye.

Here's a public service announcement DONT BUY MACFUCKFACFEE!!!!!! Get graham Norton or wotrever the other shite is.

Hope Bus prophets that all is well, apologos to argentino.Watercats is next. I haven't even done the clicky thing but you;ll find them.

I have 5 mins on a friends laptop.Its a dreadful feckin thing.I always wantedone but they is shite.You need the dexterity of a sober neurosurgeon to operate the keyboard.And the mouse! Lord God if that wouldnt drive you beserk. I've got RSI just looking at it.

Keep the faith my friends.GET ON THE BUS. THE MAG is coming soon and by feck its brillo!


Niamh B said...

woo hoo the mag!! boo the mack fleecers... get well soon TFE's computer!

ArtSparker said...

Condolences, it's civilization and its discontents, drives one mad(der). I hope you get a healthy grip on some assistance soon.

Ann said...

And that is why the help people are in countries so far away. So the likes of you and me cannot hit them or inflict any bodily harm. Can you even understand them! Good luck. Hope they catch you in the next time. You gallivanter you!!!

Titus said...

I bleed with you, TFE, and will happily help you punch anybody at management or executive level.

Dominic Rivron said...

We had probs with this Dell laptop when we first got it. Hours on the phone being passed around... Then "have you got a screwdriver?" the bloke said. "Well yes" I said. "Well, turn over your laptop..." He had me pulling circuit boards out of it... It took weeks of beggaring around, but it worked in the end.

May normal service be resumed asap.

Pleased to hear the mag is happening!

Karen said...

Good luck. We miss you.

Christine H. said...

The only thing I hate more than X&%*#@ing PC virus software and how it destroys computer performance is those infernal Mac snobs who pontificate on the superiority of the Mac. Oops, I have become one of them!

Argent said...

Egad! The frustration! Hope it gets sorted soon! The drive went very well and I'm chucking the keys over to Waterkittens now.

Batteson.Ind said...

really miffed for you!.. ohhh how I would love to kill most people on phones... I had norton... then couldn't afford to keep it, so installed the free avast anti virus doovery.. (but you don't need to hear that shite right now!)... even if they were frail I'd still smack em... for all the years they must have spent irritating innocent victims of technology... THE FECKERS!

Heather said...

You sound seriously stressed Peadar, try a cup of camomile tea - maybe you need something a bit stronger?! Do hope someone does something to help soon. We come to rely on these wretched machines and then they do nothing we want them to do. Deep breaths and think beautiful thoughts!

Unknown said...

I hope Mceffoff sort it out for you soon.

In the meantime, I see my date on the side bar there - looking forward to it... Bx

Enchanted Oak said...

It sounds like one of the circles of hell. Sorry.

Mojo said...

Something's tellin' me that it's your template that's wanked, not your computer. Of course, your computer might be wanked too, but yer blog is spread over three counties. I'm talking s.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y widescreen here. I just got fitted up with a spanking new 22" 16:9 monitor at work and it's still too wide.

But if I scroll sidewise, I can still get around. So anyway.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Now Peader - I am talking seriously here - CALM DOWN. In the giant scheme of things, is it really important (the answer is a resounding NO) - sit in the sun, a glass in your hand, and think nice thoughts.

Pete Goulding said...

Just think of it as an opportunity to do a bit of writing.
Having said that, I work for Intel and the computers are crap and you phone a guy in Malaysia and have to ask him to repeat himself a hundred times and after about an hour on the phone he says he's going off shift now and has to hand you over to someone else etc etc

Sandra Leigh said...

I did it! I did it! Only four hours after I started, I managed to write a poem (not a good poem, but a poem) and record it in Audacity, which makes me sound a lot more confident than I am, then save it as a .wav file - then upload it to PodOmatic and embed the thing in my sidebar. I would like a post-graduate degree in Webthingies now, please. I've earned it.

Sandra Leigh said...

Oh, dear. I commented on this post, instead of on the previous one...and it was all about me. So sorry, TFE. I do sympathize with you in your technical SNAFUness, really I do. I hope the cybergods begin showering you with bitblessings and byteblessings soon, very soon.