Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hello, is there anybody there?!

Bloody hell, I came back hoping to find some old photos that got lost when my hard drive failed and be da hokey I saw that the very same thing happened in 2008! Also it was quite sad to read my posts about starting out into the poetry world. God, I was SO enthusiastic, and funny, I used to be funny! I'm just a miserable old bastard now.

And nobody I know is blogging anymore, including me, which is kind of another sadness.
But not as sad as the news that Pat (Weaver of Grass) has finally given up her longstanding and wonderful blog. Of course she has no choice. (I can't say the words) But she will be very much missed and I will revisit her old posts, so in many ways she will live on. I'll never forget her that's for sure.